List how Trump will improve your life?

It is not so much that Trump will do anything of substance to improve my life (except maybe lower taxes) but if that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary would have won my life would be worse. It would be worse because I would have to pay higher taxes, have my Constitutional rights eroded and the place would be flooded even more goddamn Illegals and Muslims. Good chance the Muslims would be killing people and the Illegals on welfare that I would have to pay for.
No, it would not have been anything of the sort, you little loon.

The filthy bitch ran on a platform to raise taxes, attack the right to keep and bear arm, not seal the border and allow a million fucking Muslims to come into this country. You must not have been paying attention. Typical for a Moon Bat.
You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.
OK, if you want to comment, then fine, comment. But those are just outright lies and you know it.

If you can't provide links then you will forever be branded as a lying sack of shit. Do you want to be known as a lying sack of shit?
Politifact says Hillary wants 500% increase immigration. You gonna argue with that?

You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?


The Democrats always tell us that they will raise taxes on other people but not us but they lie and we always wind up paying higher taxes. That bitch was lying to us just like Obama lied to us when he said he wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year. You are a gullible dumbass, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

You must have missed the part where the filthy ass bitch said that the Second Amendment was not an individual right and that the Amendment should be repealed. I guess that comes from being an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

The asshole ran on a platform of open borders and allowing a million fucking Syrian refugees come into this country. Who in their right mind would vote for a dumbass piece of shit like that?

You are delusional and confused and gullible as hell believing the lies of the Democrats. It is no wonder that you are a stupid Democrat. You never get it right.
Let's also not forget she would've kept Obama's agenda to put men in women's bathrooms.
I would feel uncomfortable walking into a men's room and finding men who looked like this:



And I certainly wouldn't want my daughter to go into a Ladies Room and find these people:



And you wonder why so many think right wingers are crazy.
No, it would not have been anything of the sort, you little loon.

The filthy bitch ran on a platform to raise taxes, attack the right to keep and bear arm, not seal the border and allow a million fucking Muslims to come into this country. You must not have been paying attention. Typical for a Moon Bat.
You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.
OK, if you want to comment, then fine, comment. But those are just outright lies and you know it.

If you can't provide links then you will forever be branded as a lying sack of shit. Do you want to be known as a lying sack of shit?
Politifact says Hillary wants 500% increase immigration. You gonna argue with that?
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?


The Democrats always tell us that they will raise taxes on other people but not us but they lie and we always wind up paying higher taxes. That bitch was lying to us just like Obama lied to us when he said he wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year. You are a gullible dumbass, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

You must have missed the part where the filthy ass bitch said that the Second Amendment was not an individual right and that the Amendment should be repealed. I guess that comes from being an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

The asshole ran on a platform of open borders and allowing a million fucking Syrian refugees come into this country. Who in their right mind would vote for a dumbass piece of shit like that?

You are delusional and confused and gullible as hell believing the lies of the Democrats. It is no wonder that you are a stupid Democrat. You never get it right.
Let's also not forget she would've kept Obama's agenda to put men in women's bathrooms.
I would feel uncomfortable walking into a men's room and finding men who looked like this:



And I certainly wouldn't want my daughter to go into a Ladies Room and find these people:



And you wonder why so many think right wingers are crazy.
If you have a penis, you use the men's bathroom. If you have a vagina you use the women's bathroom. Common sense, I see why you don't get it.
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

I wonder if the Pope at the time begged Slick Willy not to bomb Christians in order to protect the friggin Muslims. Do you know?
The filthy bitch ran on a platform to raise taxes, attack the right to keep and bear arm, not seal the border and allow a million fucking Muslims to come into this country. You must not have been paying attention. Typical for a Moon Bat.
You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.
OK, if you want to comment, then fine, comment. But those are just outright lies and you know it.

If you can't provide links then you will forever be branded as a lying sack of shit. Do you want to be known as a lying sack of shit?
Politifact says Hillary wants 500% increase immigration. You gonna argue with that?
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?
I kicked your ass, and you bring Bush into it. Lol, you're an idiot.
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

I wonder if the Pope at the time begged Slick Willy not to bomb Christians in order to protect the friggin Muslims. Do you know?
Or not to bomb an aspirin factory, to take attention off his blow job.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

Since he hasn't done anything yet...we still have to see...but...

--lowering corporate tax rate will increase job creation......more people will be actually working....

--getting rid of obamacare and fixing the healthcare system....more people will actually have health insurance they can afford and will actually have medical care too...

Supreme Court Justices...will hopefully protect the Bill of Rights...

For me personally...increasing energy production will lower my energy bills.....
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

I wonder if the Pope at the time begged Slick Willy not to bomb Christians in order to protect the friggin Muslims. Do you know?
Or not to bomb an aspirin factory, to take attention off his blow job.

Didn't Slick Willy also bomb a car dealership in Bosnia, or something?
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

I wonder if the Pope at the time begged Slick Willy not to bomb Christians in order to protect the friggin Muslims. Do you know?
Or not to bomb an aspirin factory, to take attention off his blow job.

Didn't Slick Willy also bomb a car dealership in Bosnia, or something?
I don't remember that one, I just remember not hearing liberal outrage over it.

I don't remember that one, I just remember not hearing liberal outrage over it.

I am not going to bother to look it up because it is not that important but I vaguely remember something about Slick Willy bombing a car factory or import center or something.

Why in the hell that asshole sent Americans to bomb Christians in order to protect Muslims I have no idea. These stupid Libtards don't like to talk about those war crimes very much, do they?
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

He has already improved my life and he's not even in the office yet. SJWs have made asses out of themselves and their anti freedom of speech rhetoric is dwindling.
And how has he done that?

The meltdown of the left has been hysterically entertaining

You've be enertained to the point of hysteria?
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Lower taxes
economic growth, which means more jobs and more jobs means higher wages
You have absolutely no evidence to document your silly statement.

That never worked under Reagan and since then.

Uh fake republican, it did work. I grew up o the 80s, it was much much better than under carter, and just learn economics...its a pretty easy concept.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Lower taxes
economic growth, which means more jobs and more jobs means higher wages
You have absolutely no evidence to document your silly statement.

That never worked under Reagan and since then.

Uh fake republican, it did work. I grew up o the 80s, it was much much better than under carter, and just learn economics...its a pretty easy concept.
You are simply blabbing. But if we go with that line, then you loved the Clinton years.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Lower taxes
economic growth, which means more jobs and more jobs means higher wages
Where are the offsetting spending cuts? Cutting aid to Kenya ain't getting that done. I know, the YUUUUGE growth will pay for the tax cuts.

Well cutting taxes is not a spending program.

Growth will, but im all for gutting welfare, foregin aid and restructuring entitlements, but when did you give a fuck about the debt? After Obama its so obscene, noone cares anymore, its like monoploy money.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
The airport I have to fly out of is run by our incompetent and corrupt city govt, and the gop promised a takeover by the suburban white cities, but the dems were blocking it. Hooray.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Lower taxes
economic growth, which means more jobs and more jobs means higher wages
You have absolutely no evidence to document your silly statement.

That never worked under Reagan and since then.

Uh fake republican, it did work. I grew up o the 80s, it was much much better than under carter, and just learn economics...its a pretty easy concept.
You are simply blabbing. But if we go with that line, then you loved the Clinton years.
Republicans in congress helped, but im still waiting for.that middle cut, he promised
Link to it. Put it in context.

When Bush became president, the Pope begged him not to invade Iraq. Because that would put 1.2 million Christians into danger. So what happened to them? Murdered, beheaded, crucified, and driven from the homeland they lived in before there even were Muslims. Why didn't Bush and the Republicans bring them here?

Now that's context. So why did Bush and the GOP let all those people die? Turn their backs on Christians? Did they laugh knowing what was happening. And they knew what was happening. It was no secret. Did you laugh? Did you defend it?

I wonder if the Pope at the time begged Slick Willy not to bomb Christians in order to protect the friggin Muslims. Do you know?
I was talking about Bush. I don't know what you are talking about.

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