List how Trump will improve your life?

List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

He has already improved my life and he's not even in the office yet. SJWs have made asses out of themselves and their anti freedom of speech rhetoric is dwindling.
It is not his responsibility to do anything for us is it?! As someone who knows the Constitution you should know this. Unless you being a manipulative liar.
You seriously believe Trump knows the constitution? What makes you think that? Just curious.
Last year I watched a tv show here on Vietnamese television. They talked about politics. A Ministry was asked about the Constitution and he didn't know it. He did mention the wrong articles :biggrin:
I said this just to say 99% politicians all over the world don't know the Constitution of their country ;)
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Get rid of Roe, so poor women can repent in sorrow .... as GOD Commanded in the STRICT Consitution.
And that will improve YOUR life?
Oh, it has absolutely no effect on my life, or the lives of my wife and daughter. Of course, I voted libertarian.
So you want to force people to do what you want them to do and it has no effect on your life. What effect will it have on their lives? Or don't you care?
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?
Generally speaking politicians are unable to improve anyone else life.
They can make their own lives better I guess and nothing more.
But who knows? Maybe this time President Trump could be different and make something good for the USA and the rest of the world :)
Like what? What is it you think he will do? Give some examples. You much have something in mind. Throw it out there.
Well for example he could put into effect new regulations useful to create new jobs in America or maybe he could build up better relations with Russia and China (maybe Iran too)
Who knows? Before Jan 21 nobody can't say anything accurate.
Even if I'm not American I hope he can do something good firstly for his country and then for the rest of the planet :)
He does not have a degree in law or economics from Harvard. He isn't qualified to be an authoritarian.
Sure, he is, and remember, percee, that Mussolini and Stalin and Huey Long and etc did not go to Harvard, either. Irony and or sarcasm have to have some real grounding in false equivalencies to have impact. Yours did not.
Mussolini's economic policy was to seperate risk and profit. The private corporations took the profit, and the public sector took the risk. Does that sound familiar? It should, but it probably does not.
You are moving the goal posts? But, yes, Mussolini was authoritarian. You watch this government socialize the risk and let the corporations privatize the profit.

That has been happening for the past eight years. Obamas economic policy has dictated it. Hillary's economic policy would have set it in stone.

A bit slow on the uptake jake?
Which one of Obama's economic policies are you talking about?

Like, most of them?

Obamacare is the perfect example. It is an economic policy because you can't spend a trillion dollars without it being an economic policy. The profits are designed to go to private corporations, insurance companies and big hospitals... and big pharma. The IRS collects the funding from a specific targetted tax, and a device tax. The Supreme Court already passed judgement on that.

I didn't claim the policies would work as designed.
Trump will only nominate Constitionists to the Supreme Court. I don't want activists on the Supreme Court which will give me indigestion.
Define their philosophy, please.

What I find funny about such people is they're only looking at part of the constittuion. They'll over look the Supremacy Clause and Commerce Clause! supremacy clause

Commerce Clause

These give the federal government the power to regulate our air, water and food to make sure they're safe. These are why we're a first world country and not some third world shit hole.

The amendments of our constitution is a list of NO's...These two clauses and judicial review are the real power within our executive and congressional bodies at the federal level. Of course, I don't expect a retard that never studied political science and just listens to rush every day to understand this.

The truth is you couldn't run a modern country without these powers.

Actually the commerce clause only gives the feds power to regulate interstate trade. Funny how to quoted it but didn't read it. Also, the power was intended to give the Feds the power to expand trade (e.g., stop States enacting tariffs between each other), it was not meant to give the Feds power to restrict trade.

And the Supremacy clause wasn't a new Federal power for anything. All it said was the Feds laws that were based on Constitutional powers superseded State laws for those things, it didn't grant any new power at all.

For a guy lecturing on the Constitution, you sure don't know much about it
Trump will only nominate Constitionists to the Supreme Court. I don't want activists on the Supreme Court which will give me indigestion.
Define their philosophy, please.

What I find funny about such people is they're only looking at part of the constittuion. They'll over look the Supremacy Clause and Commerce Clause! supremacy clause

Commerce Clause

These give the federal government the power to regulate our air, water and food to make sure they're safe. These are why we're a first world country and not some third world shit hole.

The amendments of our constitution is a list of NO's...These two clauses and judicial review are the real power within our executive and congressional bodies at the federal level. Of course, I don't expect a retard that never studied political science and just listens to rush every day to understand this.

The truth is you couldn't run a modern country without these powers.

Actually the commerce clause only gives the feds power to regulate interstate trade. Funny how to quoted it but didn't read it. Also, the power was intended to give the Feds the power to expand trade (e.g., stop States enacting tariffs between each other), it was not meant to give the Feds power to restrict trade.

And the Supremacy clause wasn't a new Federal power for anything. All it said was the Feds laws that were based on Constitutional powers superseded State laws for those things, it didn't grant any new power at all.

For a guy lecturing on the Constitution, you sure don't know much about it
kaz, the commerce clause gives the feds the power the Congress and SCOTUS what it says it does. That you don't like it is immaterial.
Trump will only nominate Constitionists to the Supreme Court. I don't want activists on the Supreme Court which will give me indigestion.
Define their philosophy, please.

What I find funny about such people is they're only looking at part of the constittuion. They'll over look the Supremacy Clause and Commerce Clause! supremacy clause

Commerce Clause

These give the federal government the power to regulate our air, water and food to make sure they're safe. These are why we're a first world country and not some third world shit hole.

The amendments of our constitution is a list of NO's...These two clauses and judicial review are the real power within our executive and congressional bodies at the federal level. Of course, I don't expect a retard that never studied political science and just listens to rush every day to understand this.

The truth is you couldn't run a modern country without these powers.

Actually the commerce clause only gives the feds power to regulate interstate trade. Funny how to quoted it but didn't read it. Also, the power was intended to give the Feds the power to expand trade (e.g., stop States enacting tariffs between each other), it was not meant to give the Feds power to restrict trade.

And the Supremacy clause wasn't a new Federal power for anything. All it said was the Feds laws that were based on Constitutional powers superseded State laws for those things, it didn't grant any new power at all.

For a guy lecturing on the Constitution, you sure don't know much about it
kaz, the commerce clause gives the feds the power the Congress and SCOTUS what it says it does. That you don't like it is immaterial.

So if the Constitution says the government can do whatever it wants, why did they bother writing a Constitution in the first place?
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

List all the things how Obama improved your life.

Once you listed them, there would be no need to ask how Hillary would have improved your life, since you have already reached ultimate happiness and nirvana with Obama.

Trump won fair and square, according to law.

Suck it up, live with it stop your whining and stop looking for your present day version of John Hinckley. Jr.

Obama is gone and so is Hillary let it go ................ We are now talking about our future. What, why and how Trump economic policy will improve your life?
My case. Trump will screw me big time with his trade/tariffs policies.

He is our president now. Wish him the best of luck with his NEW career. But I would like to see all his promises fulfilled........................ then will see the results. Brace yourself.
It is not so much that Trump will do anything of substance to improve my life (except maybe lower taxes) but if that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary would have won my life would be worse. It would be worse because I would have to pay higher taxes, have my Constitutional rights eroded and the place would be flooded even more goddamn Illegals and Muslims. Good chance the Muslims would be killing people and the Illegals on welfare that I would have to pay for.
No, it would not have been anything of the sort, you little loon.

The filthy bitch ran on a platform to raise taxes, attack the right to keep and bear arm, not seal the border and allow a million fucking Muslims to come into this country. You must not have been paying attention. Typical for a Moon Bat.
You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

He has already improved my life and he's not even in the office yet. SJWs have made asses out of themselves and their anti freedom of speech rhetoric is dwindling.
And how has he done that?

The meltdown of the left has been hysterically entertaining
I bet you said the same thing when Bush was elected. How did that work out for you?

You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?


The Democrats always tell us that they will raise taxes on other people but not us but they lie and we always wind up paying higher taxes. That bitch was lying to us just like Obama lied to us when he said he wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year. You are a gullible dumbass, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

You must have missed the part where the filthy ass bitch said that the Second Amendment was not an individual right and that the Amendment should be repealed. I guess that comes from being an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

The asshole ran on a platform of open borders and allowing a million fucking Syrian refugees come into this country. Who in their right mind would vote for a dumbass piece of shit like that?

You are delusional and confused and gullible as hell believing the lies of the Democrats. It is no wonder that you are a stupid Democrat. You never get it right.
Let's also not forget she would've kept Obama's agenda to put men in women's bathrooms.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

Since he has yet to do anything, and since we do not yet know which of his policies he will be able to get enacted, this is a list impossible to make.

If you would like, I will give you my list of how my life was improved under President Obama...

Here we go...

There. Finished.
It is not so much that Trump will do anything of substance to improve my life (except maybe lower taxes) but if that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary would have won my life would be worse. It would be worse because I would have to pay higher taxes, have my Constitutional rights eroded and the place would be flooded even more goddamn Illegals and Muslims. Good chance the Muslims would be killing people and the Illegals on welfare that I would have to pay for.
No, it would not have been anything of the sort, you little loon.

The filthy bitch ran on a platform to raise taxes, attack the right to keep and bear arm, not seal the border and allow a million fucking Muslims to come into this country. You must not have been paying attention. Typical for a Moon Bat.
You lie, like the klucker you are. She would lowered taxes on a hundred million working class taxpayers, raised taxes on less than two million, would have supported the 2d Amendment, would have secured the borders and passed an immigrant reform bill, and would have allowed maybe 25 thousand ME immigrants.

Why do you lie?
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.
OK, if you want to comment, then fine, comment. But those are just outright lies and you know it.

If you can't provide links then you will forever be branded as a lying sack of shit. Do you want to be known as a lying sack of shit?
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

He has already improved my life and he's not even in the office yet. SJWs have made asses out of themselves and their anti freedom of speech rhetoric is dwindling.
And how has he done that?

The meltdown of the left has been hysterically entertaining
I bet you said the same thing when Bush was elected. How did that work out for you?
It worked, I was on another forum then, and you Looney liberals were looking constantly for things to bash Bush with. Crazy.
Oh my, she said she would raise taxes, she wanted to increase immigration by 500% of what Obama was doing. She has been quoted that she would use executive order to get rid of guns. I don't know what Hillary you were listening to.

This is a summary of her position on the Second Amendment to the Bill of Right. Despicable, isn't it?

[Clinton supports] more comprehensive background checks, repealing the gun industry’s immunity from lawsuits for negligence, revoking the licenses of gun dealers that knowingly supply weapons to straw purchasers and gun traffickers, and toughening laws and regulations to prevent domestic abusers and the mentally ill from obtaining guns. She also calls for a renewal of the assault-weapons ban.

In addition to these things, Clinton was open about her plans to use Supreme Court vacancies to nominate justices who would reverse–or at least tweak–the District of Columbia v Heller (2008) decision. That decision reaffirmed that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right.
List how Trump will improve your life? Policy wise how will he make things better for you?

He has already improved my life and he's not even in the office yet. SJWs have made asses out of themselves and their anti freedom of speech rhetoric is dwindling.
And how has he done that?

The meltdown of the left has been hysterically entertaining
I bet you said the same thing when Bush was elected. How did that work out for you?

Yes, I did. Your meltdown at not being able to steal the election was hysterical.

And how it worked out for me is it sucked, W was a horrible President. That wasn't a surprise though, I expected that. The guy was a government loving wench. Which is why I didn't vote for him either time

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