List of cities in Iraq appreciating and celebrating 10 years of liberation by USA

We were told the war would be a quick one.

The initial phase of the war was quick. But no one said that all the work the US had to do in the country was DONE on May 1, 2003. Bush's speech in 2003 from the Aircraft Carrier actually list the fact that there was more work to do in Iraq and NO withdrawal of any troops was announced.

We were told we would be welcomed as liberators.

Some Iraqi's did, others did not.

We were told that the cost of the war would be financed through Iraqi oil receipts.

Some mentioned that as a possibility, but President Bush did not.

We were told that Iraq would be an incubator for Middle Eastern democracy.

It could be, its still being built at the moment. Better a semi-democracy than Saddam's continued reign in power and all the threats and dangers that would go with that.

We were told that the Iraqi military posed an imminent threat to our security.

The United States was already boming Iraq, before the start of the invasion. In fact, the United States had bombed Iraq every single year since the 1991 Gulf War. The reason, they were an immediate threat that had to be prevented from gaining the capabilities it once had prior to the 1991 Gulf War.

We were told that the Iraqis had massive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

At one time they did have such massive stockpiles. Now, the means from preventing them from obtaining such stockpiles again had been damaged or destroyed, the sanctions and weapons embargo. With those containment measures damaged or destroyed, invasion and regime removal became a necessity in order to prevent Saddam from rebuilding is stockpiles.

Ten years later, how did it all work out? Were we told anything that actually turned out to be true?

Yes it did. Saddam's regime and the threat it posed to the region and the world is gone. A democratic government has replaced Saddam. It is a government that is peaceful towards its neighbors unlike Saddam. Oil supply vital to the global economy in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia is now much safer than it was ten years ago.

Was it all worth it? 4,500+ American dead, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, trillions of dollars spent. Was it worth it? Were we told the truth?

The United States spent more bailing out car companies in Detroit than it did on the War in Iraq. Total spending on the war was a fraction of the overall defense budget. Invading in 2003 prevented a far worse war in the future from happening. One that would have killed far more lives and put in jeopardy energy supplies vital to the global economy.
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Then I will post it here without someone else's video. We expected better from Bush. Doesn't wash, Stephoney.
We were told the war would be a quick one. We were told we would be welcomed as liberators. We were told that the cost of the war would be financed through Iraqi oil receipts. We were told that Iraq would be an incubator for Middle Eastern democracy. We were told that the Iraqi military posed an imminent threat to our security. We were told that the Iraqis had massive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

Ten years later, how did it all work out? Were we told anything that actually turned out to be true? Was it all worth it? 4,500+ American dead, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, trillions of dollars spent. Was it worth it? Were we told the truth?

Amen! Iraq was a "Bush Administration" war. They wanted play with their toys, and couldn't do it in Afghanistan because all the Taliban and Al-Qaeda had done was run. So Bush and his peeps said, "Hmmmmm. Who can we hit from Afghanistan that we could get support for?" "Iraq!!!" And then began the propaganda machine. Wasn't long before ol Bushy had everyone convinced Saddam was linked to Al-Qaeda (playing on the American public's emotions after 9/11), and had WMD's and we needed to take him out. Come to find out not long into the war that, "Ooops. We made a mistake." Fucking idiot. Bush should have got hanged for that.

Bush= worst American EVER (disgrace for a human being)!!
Neo-cons like Crusader Frank care nothing about the freedoms lost by Iraqi women, particularly the further south in the country. Neo-cons simply don't worry about women's rights.

They don't want women to have rights here in America much less in Iraq.
We were told the war would be a quick one.

The initial phase of the war was quick. But no one said that all the work the US had to do in the country was DONE on May 1, 2003. Bush's speech in 2003 from the Aircraft Carrier actually list the fact that there was more work to do in Iraq and NO withdrawal of any troops was announced.

We were told we would be welcomed as liberators.

Some Iraqi's did, others did not.

Some mentioned that as a possibility, but President Bush did not.

It could be, its still being built at the moment. Better a semi-democracy than Saddam's continued reign in power and all the threats and dangers that would go with that.

The United States was already boming Iraq, before the start of the invasion. In fact, the United States had bombed Iraq every single year since the 1991 Gulf War. The reason, they were an immediate threat that had to be prevented from gaining the capabilities it once had prior to the 1991 Gulf War.

At one time they did have such massive stockpiles. Now, the means from preventing them from obtaining such stockpiles again had been damaged or destroyed, the sanctions and weapons embargo. With those containment measures damaged or destroyed, invasion and regime removal became a necessity in order to prevent Saddam from rebuilding is stockpiles.

Ten years later, how did it all work out? Were we told anything that actually turned out to be true?

Yes it did. Saddam's regime and the threat it posed to the region and the world is gone. A democratic government has replaced Saddam. It is a government that is peaceful towards its neighbors unlike Saddam. Oil supply vital to the global economy in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia is now much safer than it was ten years ago.

Was it all worth it? 4,500+ American dead, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, trillions of dollars spent. Was it worth it? Were we told the truth?

The United States spent more bailing out car companies in Detroit than it did on the War in Iraq. Total spending on the war was a fraction of the overall defense budget. Invading in 2003 prevented a far worse war in the future from happening. One that would have killed far more lives and put in jeopardy energy supplies vital to the global economy.

Wow. Haven't met too many people who agree with the Iraqi War. Not so sure I like it lol. Let me let you in on something there Iraqi War lover, if the Iraqis had it so bad, and NEEDED to be liberated, then how come they didn't pick up all the guns they had, and fuckin fight Saddam themselves. And don't sit there and tell me that they couldn't because of oppression because when America showed up (100 times stronger than Saddam's puny army), they sure as hell picked up guns and fought us. They NEVER asked the United States to "liberate" them. They NEVER asked the United States to come over and instal a democracy in their country. So I ask you, what reason did WE have in going over there and doing it? Say what you want about Saddam, but he posed NO threat to us, and he kept a tight ring on his country. All the sectarian violence and killings that you have seen for the past 10 years never happened when Saddam was in power. I'm not defending Saddam either, so don't put words in my mouth. He was a fucked up individual and there is no disputing that. But there are PLENTY of those kind of leaders around the world.

All I'm saying is that if we are going in a country to topple a regime, liberate its people, and instal OUR form of government on a people who have never been awarded that luxury, we better make damn sure that is what the people in that country want. However, with Iraq, that was faaaaaarrrrrrrrr from the case.
We did Iran a favor. Iran and Iraq were longtime enemies. Now Iran has a better relationship with the Iraqi government than the US. We gave Iran a new ally.
they set up checkpoints and killed anyone trying to leave the country when they invaded kuwait. Thousands of women were kidnapped raped killed and brought back into iraq to be sex slaves when the us came to liberate kuwait. We should have had saddams head then. We were justified to liberate iraq but we should have soundly defeated the enemy set up a kurdish nation in the north and left.

i agree, i have read up alot about iraq and what saddam was atrocious and the iraqi's were scared to death all the time. We should have liberated them long before we did. Bush did the right thing and i will stand by that.
Dean how many people did you poll when you went from city to city during this investigation?

Im guessing none and that you're just a hack. I do give you credit however for leaving the race card out for once...

Which city should I have polled?
Its a good thing they didn't. Far better to invade and remove Saddam before he gets such stocks of weapons. It indeed saves lives and cost. Who in their right mind would advocate waiting until Saddam had WMD or large stocks of WMD before invading?

Because he did not have them, because he would not have them, because the pressure to topple him was inevitable. . . because it would have saved us from the incredible stupidities of the various Bush programs. Nothing good came from the neo-cons.

well you should of told Clinton that.

Why? Clinton didn't invade Iraq. Or didn't you know?
Maybe their so-called hate speech is BECAUSE we meddle in their affairs.

No their hate speech comes from an interpretation of their religious book that calls for them to take the world over by force.

Republicans helped them write their religion into their constitution:

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
Maybe their so-called hate speech is BECAUSE we meddle in their affairs.

No their hate speech comes from an interpretation of their religious book that calls for them to take the world over by force.

Republicans helped them write their religion into their constitution:

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

What do Republicans think about the fact they built an Islamic right wing country and thousands of Americans died and trillions spent to do it?
We did Iran a favor. Iran and Iraq were longtime enemies. Now Iran has a better relationship with the Iraqi government than the US. We gave Iran a new ally.

Well, remember what Saddam did in 1990-1991 to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel? We did the region and the world a favor by removing Saddam. Yes, everyone including Iran benefited because Saddam was a threat to the whole world!
We were told the war would be a quick one. We were told we would be welcomed as liberators. We were told that the cost of the war would be financed through Iraqi oil receipts. We were told that Iraq would be an incubator for Middle Eastern democracy. We were told that the Iraqi military posed an imminent threat to our security. We were told that the Iraqis had massive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.

Ten years later, how did it all work out? Were we told anything that actually turned out to be true? Was it all worth it? 4,500+ American dead, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, trillions of dollars spent. Was it worth it? Were we told the truth?

Amen! Iraq was a "Bush Administration" war. They wanted play with their toys, and couldn't do it in Afghanistan because all the Taliban and Al-Qaeda had done was run. So Bush and his peeps said, "Hmmmmm. Who can we hit from Afghanistan that we could get support for?" "Iraq!!!" And then began the propaganda machine. Wasn't long before ol Bushy had everyone convinced Saddam was linked to Al-Qaeda (playing on the American public's emotions after 9/11), and had WMD's and we needed to take him out. Come to find out not long into the war that, "Ooops. We made a mistake." Fucking idiot. Bush should have got hanged for that.

Bush= worst American EVER (disgrace for a human being)!!

The United States was had already been bombing Iraq every year for the past 12 years at the time of the invasion. The objective was to PREVENT Saddam from getting WMD. The fact that Saddam did not have any WMD in March 2003 means the United States invaded the country at the right time! Again, the objective since the end of the 1991 war was preventing Saddam from ever having the capabilities he once had before that war. It would be complete stupidity to WAIT for Saddam to first obtain WMD before invading so that he could use it on U.S. men and women as they invaded!
We did Iran a favor. Iran and Iraq were longtime enemies. Now Iran has a better relationship with the Iraqi government than the US. We gave Iran a new ally.

Well, remember what Saddam did in 1990-1991 to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel? We did the region and the world a favor by removing Saddam. Yes, everyone including Iran benefited because Saddam was a threat to the whole world!

Bush 41 suckered Saddam by giving him the "green light" to invade Kuwait.

Saddam/Glaspie Transcript: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?
We were told the war would be a quick one.

The initial phase of the war was quick. But no one said that all the work the US had to do in the country was DONE on May 1, 2003. Bush's speech in 2003 from the Aircraft Carrier actually list the fact that there was more work to do in Iraq and NO withdrawal of any troops was announced.

Some Iraqi's did, others did not.

Some mentioned that as a possibility, but President Bush did not.

It could be, its still being built at the moment. Better a semi-democracy than Saddam's continued reign in power and all the threats and dangers that would go with that.

The United States was already boming Iraq, before the start of the invasion. In fact, the United States had bombed Iraq every single year since the 1991 Gulf War. The reason, they were an immediate threat that had to be prevented from gaining the capabilities it once had prior to the 1991 Gulf War.

At one time they did have such massive stockpiles. Now, the means from preventing them from obtaining such stockpiles again had been damaged or destroyed, the sanctions and weapons embargo. With those containment measures damaged or destroyed, invasion and regime removal became a necessity in order to prevent Saddam from rebuilding is stockpiles.

Yes it did. Saddam's regime and the threat it posed to the region and the world is gone. A democratic government has replaced Saddam. It is a government that is peaceful towards its neighbors unlike Saddam. Oil supply vital to the global economy in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia is now much safer than it was ten years ago.

Was it all worth it? 4,500+ American dead, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, trillions of dollars spent. Was it worth it? Were we told the truth?

The United States spent more bailing out car companies in Detroit than it did on the War in Iraq. Total spending on the war was a fraction of the overall defense budget. Invading in 2003 prevented a far worse war in the future from happening. One that would have killed far more lives and put in jeopardy energy supplies vital to the global economy.

Wow. Haven't met too many people who agree with the Iraqi War. Not so sure I like it lol. Let me let you in on something there Iraqi War lover, if the Iraqis had it so bad, and NEEDED to be liberated, then how come they didn't pick up all the guns they had, and fuckin fight Saddam themselves. And don't sit there and tell me that they couldn't because of oppression because when America showed up (100 times stronger than Saddam's puny army), they sure as hell picked up guns and fought us.e.

The United States invaded Iraq to protect its own security, not to liberate the Iraqi's although that was a good side effect. The Iraqi people had risen up dozens of times to try and overthrow Saddam. Saddam slaughtered 300,000 Shia and Kurds in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War when significant portions of both ethnic groups rose up against him. Thats 300,000 in just a few months! The most bloody episodes in Iraq's history occured while Saddam was in power, not after. Over a million were killed in his bloody invasion and war with Iran. These numbers are many times greater than the numbers seen killed in the aftermath of the US invasion.

Yes, there were several elements of Iraqi society that resisted the US invasion, but there were also several elements that fought against Iraqi insurgents and fought to help preserve the work that the United States was doing in Iraq. The Iraqi insurgents lost. The United States won. The government that the United States help to install is still there.

They NEVER asked the United States to "liberate" them. They NEVER asked the United States to come over and instal a democracy in their country. So I ask you, what reason did WE have in going over there and doing it? Say what you want about Saddam, but he posed NO threat to us, and he kept a tight ring on his country. All the sectarian violence and killings that you have seen for the past 10 years never happened when Saddam was in power.

Saddam invaded and attacked four different countries while he was in power, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel. He threatened the worlds vital oil supplies in the persian gulf with siezure and sabotage. The global economy is dependent on such energy supplies for survival. In 1990, Saddam invaded and annexed Kuwait, cutting off an important portion of global oil supplies which would later cause the 1991 recession. The United States and coalition attacked Iraq's forces in Kuwait and successfully removed them from the country as well as invading much of southern Iraq. The United States agreed to leave Saddam in power, but only on the condition that he be disarmed of all WMD, and be put permanently under sanctions and a weapons embargo to help contain Saddam from rebuilding his military and threatening Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the region.

The sanctions and weapons embargo put in place to help contain Saddam and prevent him from rebuilding his military started to fall in apart in 1999. Neighboring countries like Syria stopped enforcing it and started to benefit from Saddam's black market selling of oil. China violated the sanctions and weapons embargo by helping to install a new air defense system to help Iraq shoot at US Air Craft patrolling the no fly zones in southern Iraq and Northern Iraq. France and Russia also started violating the sanctions and embargo. With the means of containment collapsing, regime change became the only option to PREVENT Saddam from rebuilding his military and WMD capacity. Thats why it became a necessity to remove Saddam's regime from power in 2003!

I'm not defending Saddam either, so don't put words in my mouth. He was a fucked up individual and there is no disputing that. But there are PLENTY of those kind of leaders around the world.


Saddam's regime, is the first since Adolf Hitler in the 1940s to INVADE and ANNEX another independent country! Saddam's regime, is also the first since World War I to use chemical weapons against another country.

So no, there are not plenty of other kinds of leaders like Saddam. In the modern world, Saddam is unique and one of a kind.

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