List of cities in Iraq appreciating and celebrating 10 years of liberation by USA

Sigh. The Iraqis grow closer to Iran, the women keep losing more and more of their freedoms, and the neo-cons in both parties want to go to war against Syria and Iran. Insanity.

Women losing freedoms? Like what Jake?


People have forgotten that Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, and we didn't pile into that war, we somehow managed to mind our own business,

and someone we managed to survive.

Why did THAT approach suddenly stop being an option by 1990??

You make a valid point here. And we actually gained more from the Iraq/Iran war, because we sold weapons to both sides.

Getting involved ourselves in the first and second Gulf War and Afghanistan has done noting but cost us money.

There is no logic.. :cuckoo:
They set up checkpoints and killed anyone trying to leave the country when they invaded Kuwait. Thousands of women were kidnapped raped killed and brought back into Iraq to be sex slaves when the US came to liberate Kuwait. We should have had Saddams head then. We were justified to liberate Iraq but we should have soundly defeated the enemy set up a Kurdish Nation in the North and left.

So what? Those kind of wars times a hundred have been going on throughout Africa for centuries and somehow we've managed to stay out of almost all of them and still survive.

Why can't we let the nuts in the Middle East quarrel amongst themselves without our having to stick our nose in it?

Stability. If we just left them to their own demise then that might jeopardize our oil/energy interests. That is something this government is not willing to do. At least as of yet, as we have been decreasing our supply of foreign oil. We are down to around 40% of foreign oil dependency.
They set up checkpoints and killed anyone trying to leave the country when they invaded Kuwait. Thousands of women were kidnapped raped killed and brought back into Iraq to be sex slaves when the US came to liberate Kuwait. We should have had Saddams head then. We were justified to liberate Iraq but we should have soundly defeated the enemy set up a Kurdish Nation in the North and left.

So what? Those kind of wars times a hundred have been going on throughout Africa for centuries and somehow we've managed to stay out of almost all of them and still survive.

Why can't we let the nuts in the Middle East quarrel amongst themselves without our having to stick our nose in it?

We have meddled in African affairs even militarily for a long time. No African country save for Egypt could form a threat to any Western nation. Arabic nations often tout hate speech and plan military conquests pf Western nations thus it behooves us to intervene accordingly and keep them at odds with each other and exercise military prowess when one becomes too powerful for others to contend with.

Maybe their so-called hate speech is BECAUSE we meddle in their affairs.
They set up checkpoints and killed anyone trying to leave the country when they invaded Kuwait. Thousands of women were kidnapped raped killed and brought back into Iraq to be sex slaves when the US came to liberate Kuwait. We should have had Saddams head then. We were justified to liberate Iraq but we should have soundly defeated the enemy set up a Kurdish Nation in the North and left.

Bush Sr. understood the cost of nation building. He understood that removing Saddam would give Iran a new friend. He and his son didn't really discuss American policy. At least, that's what they told us. Boy George wanted to do it on his own. And he did. He nearly took down America. Something not even Hitler could do.
In the early nineties, we retaliated when Hussein invaded and occupied an ally.

Within months, Hussein, scared for his power, agreed to and signed a treaty with us....and in return, we agreed to leave Iraq and let him run his country.

As the years passed, Hussein opted to no longer follow the terms of the treaty.

In an effort to ensure he follows through with his end of the treaty, we warned him...over and over....that he is to adhere to the terms he agreed to or suffer the consequences of our attacking his regime and removing him from power.

He dared us to...

So we did.
Neo-cons like Crusader Frank care nothing about the freedoms lost by Iraqi women, particularly the further south in the country. Neo-cons simply don't worry about women's rights.
They set up checkpoints and killed anyone trying to leave the country when they invaded Kuwait. Thousands of women were kidnapped raped killed and brought back into Iraq to be sex slaves when the US came to liberate Kuwait. We should have had Saddams head then. We were justified to liberate Iraq but we should have soundly defeated the enemy set up a Kurdish Nation in the North and left.

Bush Sr. understood the cost of nation building. He understood that removing Saddam would give Iran a new friend. He and his son didn't really discuss American policy. At least, that's what they told us. Boy George wanted to do it on his own. And he did. He nearly took down America. Something not even Hitler could do.

If such were true....then what would have happened if Hussein did not sign the treaty?

Bush Sr. would have left anyway?
Dean how many people did you poll when you went from city to city during this investigation?

Im guessing none and that you're just a hack. I do give you credit however for leaving the race card out for once...
Dean how many people did you poll when you went from city to city during this investigation?

Im guessing none and that you're just a hack. I do give you credit however for leaving the race card out for once...

Rdeans crystal ball tells him these things, that's all he needs
The Iraqis were responsible for removing SH, not us, although the Reagan administration armed him.

Neo-cons are simply idiotic.

Idiocy is thinking that arms supposedly provided by Reagan are still there, and functioning. :cuckoo:
The Iraqis were responsible for removing SH, not us, although the Reagan administration armed him.

Neo-cons are simply idiotic.

Idiocy is thinking that arms supposedly provided by Reagan are still there, and functioning. :cuckoo:

Or that WMDs as described by the Bushies existed on the day of invasion in 2003. :cuckoo:

Yeah, all those Democrats in the Clinton administration thought he had them and was a danger in using them..

what idiots

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