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List of Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments

For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
Ok, MarcATL, I was fair and read through all the thread before replying in search of the"more to follow" portion.
While I await that sequel I'll ask AGAIN what has HRC accomplished.
How about a Senate Bill that she sponsored or even CO-sponsored?
Or a foreign policy success that didn't end with the death of an American ambassador?
What bills did she help pass, as a member of committee?

Hell, I'd even settle for her voting record as a US Senator
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”
Hillary could cure cancer and you'd still hate her.

Doesn't that raise a red flag in that last bit of your brain that's capable of practicing critical reasoning?

I will put my capability for critical reasoning up against anybody who thinks Hillary is the greatest things since sliced bread. But I certainly don't hate her. I think we would all be infinitely better off if she had won the nomination in 2008 instead of Barack Obama. And I think she will do less damage as President than will some others who are suggested as potential Democratic candidates.

But do I think her track record qualifies her to be President? No way in hell.
I don't know anyone who has said Hillary is the greatest thing since sliced bread, anywhere.

You too, are simply saying you just don't like her.

You're an intellectual victim of the current GOP attempt to go after Hillary's weak point in the polls, where less than half of people polled trust her. Fox News won't show you the polls about how much they "trust" Republicans...hmmm...wonder why...

The GOP hangs their hat on that polling question, because when people are polled on who they'll vote for, Hillary winds up 10 points ahead of any Republican.

They just have you exactly where they want you, focusing on the shiny objects they're waving around
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
Ok, MarcATL, I was fair and read through all the thread before replying in search of the"more to follow" portion.
While I await that sequel I'll ask AGAIN what has HRC accomplished.
How about a Senate Bill that she sponsored or even CO-sponsored?
Or a foreign policy success that didn't end with the death of an American ambassador?
What bills did she help pass, as a member of committee?

Hell, I'd even settle for her voting record as a US Senator
Hell, I'll even take her performing CPR on some hapless intern who drank the koolaid with the chunks not yet dissolved!
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
So let me get this straight...

According to you, her "group accomplishments" cannot be attributed to her because she didn't do it on her own. However, her "group failure" (read Benghazi), which by your own account she had little to nothing to do with, can be attributed SOLELY to her and placed squarely in her lap as her only legacy.

Am I about right?
You know...it's not uncommon for Fox News Republicans to completely overlook the fact that they're incapable of giving a Democrat credit for anything good that happens, while giving Democrats all of the blame for anything bad that happens.
I also noticed that she seemed to be on the wrong side of everything.
She voted tes on failed bills and no to those that passed.
And she completely avoided the big ones with a "not voting'.......FISA, abortion, cellular surveillance, and others
Hillary was smart enough to marry Bill. Look, how many women are strong enough to stand by her man as he bangs and rapes every girl he pleases, that's an accomplishment.

She has gotten the Wall St. crooks to toss her money, of course if she wins the Presidency, she will have favors to payback. Then her war time landing in Bosnia, imagine her fright as the helicopter came under fire.

Who knows now she might even have figured out how to get two e-mail accounts on one phone by now.

The other accomplishment is, she has lied so much and so often, that she can make up the biggest campaign promises and won't have to do shit in office because we all should have known better than to believe her.
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
So let me get this straight...

According to you, her "group accomplishments" cannot be attributed to her because she didn't do it on her own. However, her "group failure" (read Benghazi), which by your own account she had little to nothing to do with, can be attributed SOLELY to her and placed squarely in her lap as her only legacy.

Am I about right?

That I just show up for work does not qualify me to run the company. Just voting does not qualify me for anything. When I am passed over for chairmanships or other leadership positions, it is a pretty good bet that I don't inspire that kind of confidence in my abilities. And when I am put in charge, if I don't manage to accomplish anything noteworthy or anything at all of importance that I can list as an accomplishment on my resume, it is a pretty good bet that I am not executive material.

When you fill out a resume, you list the places you worked for. Just working for somebody is not a qualification. Any employer or HRM worth his salt will want to know what you did at the places you worked.
Even if I were to buy this fluff, it would still be thoroughly unimpressive; especially in light of all the scandals which frankly far outnumber these 'accomplishments.'
You call these FACTS "fluff" but refer to the LEGION of faux-scandals as facts.

You are a partisan hack of the highest order.

Dude, your post couldn't have been more (partisan) hacky. It completely overlooked Clinton's huge scandals. But let's look at these "facts."

1. HC was an "excellent Senator." Well, thanks for clearing that "fact" up. [emoji38]
2.She crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on everything she did. I'll say. She even worked with them to authorize the Iraq War.
3. Wow, she went to a prayer breakfast. The other 364 days of the year she subverted religious causes, I imagine. And going to a prayer breakfast is now a qualification for president? How low is your bar, dude?
4. Who cares that some Republican Senators allegedly praised Clinton. I for one don't. Senators are very corrupt in general.
5. "Working" to get funds for 9/11 victims? Well, seeing as how a great many struggled with paying bills despite all the money that went to the cause, I'd say she didn't "work" hard enough.
6. So, she ultimately voted for The Patriot Act? An act that trampled liberties more than any act in America's history? And you're bragging about that?
7. All of of the Senators are on "important" committees. But apparently Clinton's time on the Armed Forces committee didn't prepare her whatsoever for the enemy we faced in Libya. That's an epic fail.
This entire list of random, and quite weak retorts you've come up with can be encapsulated in one sentence.

"I know Hillary did that stuff, but I don't like her anyway"

Don't lock-steppers like yourself ever get tired of an utter lack of original thought?

At what point have I said that Hillary was great at anything? She's a conniving power hungry ho bag who cares about herself. Everything she has ever done speaks to that.
What's your thoughts on Sarah Palin pray tell.

I can answer that. But can you tell me the need for this diversion?
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”
Hillary could cure cancer and you'd still hate her.

Doesn't that raise a red flag in that last bit of your brain that's capable of practicing critical reasoning?

I will put my capability for critical reasoning up against anybody who thinks Hillary is the greatest things since sliced bread. But I certainly don't hate her. I think we would all be infinitely better off if she had won the nomination in 2008 instead of Barack Obama. And I think she will do less damage as President than will some others who are suggested as potential Democratic candidates.

But do I think her track record qualifies her to be President? No way in hell.
I don't know anyone who has said Hillary is the greatest thing since sliced bread, anywhere.

You too, are simply saying you just don't like her.

You're an intellectual victim of the current GOP attempt to go after Hillary's weak point in the polls, where less than half of people polled trust her. Fox News won't show you the polls about how much they "trust" Republicans...hmmm...wonder why...

The GOP hangs their hat on that polling question, because when people are polled on who they'll vote for, Hillary winds up 10 points ahead of any Republican.

They just have you exactly where they want you, focusing on the shiny objects they're waving around

Thank you. Whenever somebody decides to accuse and critique me personally or the GOP instead of rebutting the argument made--especially when it is done with schoolyard mentality insults--I know without any doubt whatsoever that I won the argument. :)
You call these FACTS "fluff" but refer to the LEGION of faux-scandals as facts.

You are a partisan hack of the highest order.

Dude, your post couldn't have been more (partisan) hacky. It completely overlooked Clinton's huge scandals. But let's look at these "facts."

1. HC was an "excellent Senator." Well, thanks for clearing that "fact" up. :lol:
2.She crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on everything she did. I'll say. She even worked with them to authorize the Iraq War.
3. Wow, she went to a prayer breakfast. The other 364 days of the year she subverted religious causes, I imagine. And going to a prayer breakfast is now a qualification for president? How low is your bar, dude?
4. Who cares that some Republican Senators allegedly praised Clinton. I for one don't. Senators are very corrupt in general.
5. "Working" to get funds for 9/11 victims? Well, seeing as how a great many struggled with paying bills despite all the money that went to the cause, I'd say she didn't "work" hard enough.
6. So, she ultimately voted for The Patriot Act? An act that trampled liberties more than any act in America's history? And you're bragging about that?
7. All of of the Senators are on "important" committees. But apparently Clinton's time on the Armed Forces committee didn't prepare her whatsoever for the enemy we faced in Libya. That's an epic fail.
This entire list of random, and quite weak retorts you've come up with can be encapsulated in one sentence.

"I know Hillary did that stuff, but I don't like her anyway"

Don't lock-steppers like yourself ever get tired of an utter lack of original thought?

At what point have I said that Hillary was great at anything? She's a conniving power hungry ho bag who cares about herself. Everything she has ever done speaks to that.
Read much?

What makes you think I'm under the impression you said Hillary was great at anything?

Your moronic recap of my post. You pretend stuff like Benghazi is a contraption of the Republicans when in fact there is plenty to that scandal. Stop fronting, guy. You're a hack.
I think maybe "construct", and I mean the noun, and not the verb...or "contrivance" would suit my assessment of Benghazi.

After all, the GOP's strategy to manipulate the attack on the consulate, is a thing that was created skillfully, and inventively to serve a particular purpose, for the GOP. But nobody cares but Fox News Republicans, so Hillary won't lose a single vote over it.

What the GOP I doing right now, is parading out things they think will work against Hillary. They don't have much, that wasn't already heard the last time Hillary tried to get the nomination, and they can't say nothing at all.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”
Hillary could cure cancer and you'd still hate her.

Doesn't that raise a red flag in that last bit of your brain that's capable of practicing critical reasoning?

I will put my capability for critical reasoning up against anybody who thinks Hillary is the greatest things since sliced bread. But I certainly don't hate her. I think we would all be infinitely better off if she had won the nomination in 2008 instead of Barack Obama. And I think she will do less damage as President than will some others who are suggested as potential Democratic candidates.

But do I think her track record qualifies her to be President? No way in hell.
I don't know anyone who has said Hillary is the greatest thing since sliced bread, anywhere.

You too, are simply saying you just don't like her.

You're an intellectual victim of the current GOP attempt to go after Hillary's weak point in the polls, where less than half of people polled trust her. Fox News won't show you the polls about how much they "trust" Republicans...hmmm...wonder why...

The GOP hangs their hat on that polling question, because when people are polled on who they'll vote for, Hillary winds up 10 points ahead of any Republican.

They just have you exactly where they want you, focusing on the shiny objects they're waving around

Thank you. Whenever somebody decides to accuse and critique me personally or the GOP instead of rebutting the argument made--especially when it is done with schoolyard mentality insults--I know without any doubt whatsoever that I won the argument. :)
Oh by all means, you won!

I'm a big enough man to admit defeat when it's so apparent.
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need

There was a time the Democrats were educated, intelligent, and insightful people who demanded and chose impressive people for leadership positions. But most of those folks seem to have left the party and all that are left are mostly those ideologues who turn a blind eye to realities and will support their candidate no matter what. And the result is that they set the bar very very low for expectations for their anointed leaders.
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need

There was a time the Democrats were educated, intelligent, and insightful people who demanded and chose impressive people for leadership positions. But most of those folks seem to have left the party and all that are left are mostly those ideologues who turn a blind eye to realities and will support their candidate no matter what. And the result is that they set the bar very very low for expectations for their anointed leaders.

I'm not a Democrat.....so I can't speak for changes in the membership...but a quick look at the quality of candidates presented by the GOP and the DNC...leaves one wondering how in the fuck you can say shit like that with a straight face.
For those that keep asking the question, here you go...

  1. She was an excellent Senator of New York
  2. she crossed the aisle and worked with Republicans on most everything she did,
  3. she even joined the Prayer Breakfasts that congress had, so she could mingle with those of like minds religiously...
  4. Every Republican Senator that she compromised and worked with to accomplish things, PRAISED HER when she was a Senator...You CAN'T take that back....
  5. She worked to get NYC money after 911, for the injured and for the city to make it more secure,
  6. she worked on changing the Patriot act, with a handful of Republicans before Patriot Act 2 was passed and took out objectionables,
  7. she was a committee member of many important committees in the Senate, one of which was the Armed forces committee which gave her experience in Foreign affairs and Defense.

This is thanks to my friend Care4all

And that's for starters. More to come.
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need

There was a time the Democrats were educated, intelligent, and insightful people who demanded and chose impressive people for leadership positions. But most of those folks seem to have left the party and all that are left are mostly those ideologues who turn a blind eye to realities and will support their candidate no matter what. And the result is that they set the bar very very low for expectations for their anointed leaders.

I'm not a Democrat.....so I can't speak for changes in the membership...but a quick look at the quality of candidates presented by the GOP and the DNC...leaves one wondering how in the fuck you can say shit like that with a straight face.
you are not a dem?

you're as leftist as they come. So what party are you a member of?
none of that is an accomplishment.

you basically congratulated her for going to work.

good lord

Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need

There was a time the Democrats were educated, intelligent, and insightful people who demanded and chose impressive people for leadership positions. But most of those folks seem to have left the party and all that are left are mostly those ideologues who turn a blind eye to realities and will support their candidate no matter what. And the result is that they set the bar very very low for expectations for their anointed leaders.

I'm not a Democrat.....so I can't speak for changes in the membership...but a quick look at the quality of candidates presented by the GOP and the DNC...leaves one wondering how in the fuck you can say shit like that with a straight face.
you are not a dem?

you're as leftist as they come. So what party are you a member of?

No Party Affiliation, dummy. I'm what you call an independent.

You think I'm a "leftist". That's awesome.
Yup. She cannot point to a single significant accomplishment--something she can be proud of that SHE got done either on her own initiative or that she had an important part in--in her entire career as a lawyer, as first lady of Arkansas and the USA, as Senator of New York, or as Secretary of State.

And her legacy may very well be limited to those four dead bodies in Benghazi that she didn't directly cause, but may, as a result of her incompetence or indifference, will be saddled with anyway.

The two most significant sound bites of her career from her mouth to our ear:

". . .With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?. . ."

And in Boston last fall: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

But I guess her supporters don't really care. She has a "D" after her name and they are confident that once she is in office she will become this brilliant, insightful, competent, efficient, and effective leader that she has never been. As for her track record for the last 40 years, move along, nothing to see here, nothing here of interest. . . .
She's been a follower her entire life, taking horrid abuse to keep her positions.

some people think Bill started cheating on her in the WH, but it was well known in Ark that he was cheating long before and got help from the state cops.

she won't stand up for herself
she won't stand up for Americans
she won't stand up for America

she's not a leader, not eve close, she has a vagina and the (D), that's all that leftist need

There was a time the Democrats were educated, intelligent, and insightful people who demanded and chose impressive people for leadership positions. But most of those folks seem to have left the party and all that are left are mostly those ideologues who turn a blind eye to realities and will support their candidate no matter what. And the result is that they set the bar very very low for expectations for their anointed leaders.

I'm not a Democrat.....so I can't speak for changes in the membership...but a quick look at the quality of candidates presented by the GOP and the DNC...leaves one wondering how in the fuck you can say shit like that with a straight face.
you are not a dem?

you're as leftist as they come. So what party are you a member of?

No Party Affiliation, dummy. I'm what you call an independent.
what non-dems have you voted for or when did you not vote?

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