List of top 20 things destroying America

Taking their extra-constitutional power away that they've grabbed.

At this dark era in our history, there are only three ways to take their powers away, Constitutional Convention, Nullification or Restoring the Rule of Law via the 2ndAmendment. Which of these three do you prefer?

In the end you will also realize that the first two peaceful option will force a violent reaction from the federal government, and cause a war anyway; however, at least we are legally allowed to overthrow the federal tyranny IF they fire first and invade the States.

So are you prepared to put your life on the line for the Constitution? This isn't 1776, where you had the luxury of at least being able to see your enemies. You'll most likely die from a Drone, guided missile, helicopter with infrared night vision, disease, lack of food, sniper, Navy laser, Super-human SEAL team.

Are you ready for that boy?
1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration

#15 made me lose the original point to this thread but hell it's gotten way more interesting than that. Need 5 more.

Templar I think gullibility, ignorance and violence are too broad. Maaaaybe racism but I'm not sure.

Flacaltenn: too broad
2nd Amendment: edit came too late. Want to add some of those you like most?
Fuck it I added racism. 4 more and I think I'll start a poll

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration
16. racism
1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration

#15 made me lose the original point to this thread but hell it's gotten way more interesting than that. Need 5 more.

Templar I think gullibility, ignorance and violence are too broad. Maaaaybe racism but I'm not sure.

Flacaltenn: too broad
2nd Amendment: edit came too late. Want to add some of those you like most?

Add the Federal Reserve, 16th Amendment (IRS) and the 17th Amendment, all which were created by the same Fascist interests in the same year of 1913.
Taking their extra-constitutional power away that they've grabbed.

At this dark era in our history, there are only three ways to take their powers away, Constitutional Convention, Nullification or Restoring the Rule of Law via the 2ndAmendment. Which of these three do you prefer?

In the end you will also realize that the first two peaceful option will force a violent reaction from the federal government, and cause a war anyway; however, at least we are legally allowed to overthrow the federal tyranny IF they fire first and invade the States.

So are you prepared to put your life on the line for the Constitution? This isn't 1776, where you had the luxury of at least being able to see your enemies. You'll most likely die from a Drone, guided missile, helicopter with infrared night vision, disease, lack of food, sniper, Navy laser, Super-human SEAL team.

Are you ready for that boy?

Ok professor, you've repeated your silly bullshit at least half a dozen times. It's becoming Spam. Everyone has had a chance to see it and dismiss it. Now go play with a ball of yarn or something.
Fuck it I added racism. 4 more and I think I'll start a poll

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration
16. racism

You forgot Justin Bieber
Fuck it I added racism. 4 more and I think I'll start a poll

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration
16. racism

You forgot Justin Bieber

I'll add Justin Bieber! And broken tax code :razz:

Can you split the family thing into 2? Then the poll will be ready
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. A House Divided cannot Stand
2. A House Divided cannot Stand.
3. A House Divided cannot Stand.
4. Greed
5. Greed
6. Greed
7. Racism & Bigotry
8. Racism & Bigotry
9. Racism & Bigotry
10, Ignorance
11. Ignorance
12. Ignorance
13. The Fringe (i.e. the base of both dominant parties).
14. A lack of pragmatic leadership.

The deficit, terrorism and China are easy problems if the first 14 can be conquered, and some day Journalism will rediscover ethics and pragmatic leaders can say what they think and why.
Last edited:
Fuck it the poll will be up in a minute!

P.S. anyone know how to do a poll?

It should be at the bottom of the new thread page. The amount of choices is limited to 10, thought I should let you know beforehand.

AAAAAAAHHHHHH! Alright Templar you pick your favorite 5 and I'll pick the other 5. That'll be the poll since everyone else was posting in other stupid things
Fuck it I added racism. 4 more and I think I'll start a poll

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration
16. racism

The rise of China is destroying America? I guess America is really that weak. Can't rely on an entire populace for stuff for very long. Eventually you'll have to start producing what you consume.

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