List of top 20 things destroying America

We are indeed, 'cuz you put that up way too fast. Not quite the scale of a bill going through Congress. What's the hurry? Are we going to war?

We're going to internet war son. Poll style :razz::razz::razz:

If you think that an internet poll is the solution to our problems, you're missing the point that POLLING is a large part of the problem.. Similiar to asking 2nd Graders about the Flat Tax or Republicans..

I'll be right behind you, son....
1. Increased power in the hands of the federal government
2. Addition of new laws without the removal of older/obsolete laws
3. Professional politicians
4. A permanent government funded underclass
5. The Drug war
6. Ever growing federal agencies with little oversight, and no accountability to the people
7. The inability to quickly build grand public works, due to lawyers and interest groups
8. Decline of marriage and nuclear families
9. Nanny state laws passed to make it look like politicans are "doing something" while major issues are ignored
10. Local governmental fines and fees that are more about revenue streams than punishing bad behavior
11. Children spending more time online than outside
12. Public school systems that are more concerned about teachers unions than students
13. Public Employee unions that can control local municipalites to thier benefit
14. Overeducation of our youth. (Not everyone needs to go to college)
15. Overdebting of the above overeducated youth
16. Lack of desire of said youth to get into the sciences and engineering (too hard)
17. the federal deficit and debt
18. state pension fund unfunded liabilities
19. Ignorance of the consitution when it suits people
20. Judges that write law instead of interpreting it.
We are indeed, 'cuz you put that up way too fast. Not quite the scale of a bill going through Congress. What's the hurry? Are we going to war?

We're going to internet war son. Poll style :razz::razz::razz:

If you think that an internet poll is the solution to our problems, you're missing the point that POLLING is a large part of the problem.. Similiar to asking 2nd Graders about the Flat Tax or Republicans..

I'll be right behind you, son....

I'm trying the change THE WORLD SON! USMB is where the movers and pushers come to vote on polls!
Don't have time right to compile list. But I'm sure what I'd have at the top of it - corporatism.
7. The inability to quickly build grand public works, .

Like what?

Note the word "quickly." New York needs two new bridges, one a new Tappan Zee Bridge on I-87/I-287 and two, a new Kosciousco Bridge for the BQE. Both have been seen as a need for a decade, and neither has had ground broken, be it from financing, from Environmental impact statements, or from opposition from the communities.

Keystone XL is another example, its a freaking oil pipe, which we have already made something similar, yet it won't happen due to poltiical issues.
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. An unpatriotic corporatocracy
2. Money in politics
3. Aggressive destruction of a manufacturing based economy
4. The rise of casino capitalism
5. No congressional term limits
6. Lobbying
7. Disrespect for science
8. Fox news talking heads
9. General dumbing down of the populace
10. Treating capitalism as some sort of divine religion

I'll have to think about the other 10.
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. An unpatriotic corporatocracy
2. Money in politics
3. Aggressive destruction of a manufacturing based economy
4. The rise of casino capitalism
5. No congressional term limits
6. Lobbying
7. Disrespect for science
8. Fox news talking heads
9. General dumbing down of the populace
10. Treating capitalism as some sort of divine religion

I'll have to think about the other 10.

That's a fine list. I would still add:
11- an energy policy addicted to oil (Dubya was right about this)
12- the culture of violence, esp. the disease of gun worship and the broader 'destroy' mentality
13- Media consolidation/oligopoly (broaden #8 beyond Fox Noise to the general death of journalism and ascendance of general demagoguery, and could also incorporate #9); and
14- the pollution of the food supply by Monsanto and its ilk
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. An unpatriotic corporatocracy
2. Money in politics
3. Aggressive destruction of a manufacturing based economy
4. The rise of casino capitalism
5. No congressional term limits
6. Lobbying
7. Disrespect for science
8. Fox news talking heads
9. General dumbing down of the populace
10. Treating capitalism as some sort of divine religion

I'll have to think about the other 10.

That's a fine list. I would still add:
11- an energy policy addicted to oil (Dubya was right about this)
12- the culture of violence, esp. the disease of gun worship and the broader 'destroy' mentality
13- Media consolidation/oligopoly (broaden #8 beyond Fox Noise to the general death of journalism and ascendance of general demagoguery, and could also incorporate #9); and
14- the pollution of the food supply by Monsanto and its ilk

Great additions!
7. The inability to quickly build grand public works, .

Like what?

Note the word "quickly." New York needs two new bridges, one a new Tappan Zee Bridge on I-87/I-287 and two, a new Kosciousco Bridge for the BQE. Both have been seen as a need for a decade, and neither has had ground broken, be it from financing, from Environmental impact statements, or from opposition from the communities.

Keystone XL is another example, its a freaking oil pipe, which we have already made something similar, yet it won't happen due to poltiical issues.

Where is the "grand" part, and why would you want those things built "quickly"?
Like what?

Note the word "quickly." New York needs two new bridges, one a new Tappan Zee Bridge on I-87/I-287 and two, a new Kosciousco Bridge for the BQE. Both have been seen as a need for a decade, and neither has had ground broken, be it from financing, from Environmental impact statements, or from opposition from the communities.

Keystone XL is another example, its a freaking oil pipe, which we have already made something similar, yet it won't happen due to poltiical issues.

Where is the "grand" part, and why would you want those things built "quickly"?

If you have seen the two bridges I have mentioned in person, you would know why. They are way past thier useful life. And Building two bridges while the originals are still in serivce in an urban area is pretty grand if you ask me.

Keystone XL is "grand" due to its overall size.

Ask yourself if you see the Hoover Dam, Old River Control Structure, or the Colorado Aqueduct being buit in this regulatory climate?
Conservative list of what's wrong with America.
1. A broken education system
2. An archaic tax code
3. A diminishment of freedoms
4. Lack of government accountability
5. A lack of tort reform

Liberal list of what's wrong with America
1. Teabaggers because they're old and suck and stupid and stuff like that. Dummies!
2. All the racists that disagree with me because they're racists and stupid dummies who don't know what the truth is because they're too stupid to listen to me... and they're racists!
3. The government isn't big enough to tell everybody what to do. If the government were bigger then we could imprison people who disagree with tolerant people like me.
4. Old white homophobic bigots who use gay slurs to insult people. Stupid Teabaggers!
5. Salt is legal.
Note the word "quickly." New York needs two new bridges, one a new Tappan Zee Bridge on I-87/I-287 and two, a new Kosciousco Bridge for the BQE. Both have been seen as a need for a decade, and neither has had ground broken, be it from financing, from Environmental impact statements, or from opposition from the communities.

Keystone XL is another example, its a freaking oil pipe, which we have already made something similar, yet it won't happen due to poltiical issues.

Where is the "grand" part, and why would you want those things built "quickly"?

If you have seen the two bridges I have mentioned in person, you would know why.

They're just 'fixer-upers.' They can be made serviceable for another 15 years or so.
Ask yourself if you see the Hoover Dam, Old River Control Structure, or the Colorado Aqueduct being buit in this regulatory climate?

We probably wouldn't build those today for other reasons anyway. I think we should focus on getting the regulatory boot off the neck of small businesses before we worry too much about giant dams and such.
Where is the "grand" part, and why would you want those things built "quickly"?

If you have seen the two bridges I have mentioned in person, you would know why.

They're just 'fixer-upers.' They can be made serviceable for another 15 years or so.

Not really. The Kousciousco is functonally obsolete, as a bridge high enough for sailing masts to pass by is no longer really needed. it can be made lower, thus eliminating the need for all that structural steel elevating it, and thus saving on future maintenance, not to mention the brake pads of millions of motorists.

Plus the new tappan zee is supposed to have the ability to add rail/tram tracks, adding to the mass transit infrastructure in the region.

Its time to replace them, as 15 year maintenance cycles are no longer viable.

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