List of top 20 things destroying America



The shift away from Constitutionalism.

The shift away from federalism towards unitary governance.

The shift away from the founders vision towards the mess we have today.

The central characteristic of today's Liberalism is the proclivity to defer virtually every issue of importance to the central authority.
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. Tea baggers
2. Libertarians
3. Republicans
4. Conservatives
5. Fundamentalist Christians
6. American Idol
7. Hurricanes
8. Tornadoes
9. The University of Alabama varsity football team
10. Cicadas
11. Tea baggers
12. Libertarians
13. Republicans
14. Conservatives
15. Fundamentalist Christians
16. Tea baggers
17. Libertarians
18. Republicans
19. Conservatives
20. Talk Radio

Damn I only had two and you said I was whining!
Although I have to agree with your assessment of University of Alabama varsity football team and Nick Saban

Well, we can't have them winning every season.
Political Correctness
affirmative action
to name two!

That's the dumbest thing I've heard today. You whiny bitches have been crying about "political correctness" for like 20 years now. Holy fucking shit when will it stop? Do I seriously have to listen to another teabagger whine about how he can't say the N word or about how he doesn't like having to have to pick English when he uses an ATM or about how he knows a guy who didn't get a job because he was white? My Lord you fucks are a bunch of drama queens. Give it a rest and just shut the fuck up.

It seems that political correctness got Obama elected. :eusa_whistle:
His resume sure didn't warrant the presidency. :eusa_eh:
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

1. Tea baggers
2. Libertarians
3. Republicans
4. Conservatives
5. Fundamentalist Christians
6. American Idol
7. Hurricanes
8. Tornadoes
9. The University of Alabama varsity football team
10. Cicadas
11. Tea baggers
12. Libertarians
13. Republicans
14. Conservatives
15. Fundamentalist Christians
16. Tea baggers
17. Libertarians
18. Republicans
19. Conservatives
20. Talk Radio

Damn I only had two and you said I was whining!
Although I have to agree with your assessment of University of Alabama varsity football team and Nick Saban

I might have to replace
"University of Alabama varsity football team and Nick Saban" (who?)
"anybody who gives the foggiest shit about the University of Alabama varsity football team and Nick Saban".
Political Correctness
affirmative action
to name two!

That's the dumbest thing I've heard today. You whiny bitches have been crying about "political correctness" for like 20 years now. Holy fucking shit when will it stop? Do I seriously have to listen to another teabagger whine about how he can't say the N word or about how he doesn't like having to have to pick English when he uses an ATM or about how he knows a guy who didn't get a job because he was white? My Lord you fucks are a bunch of drama queens. Give it a rest and just shut the fuck up.

It seems that political correctness got Obama elected. :eusa_whistle:
His resume sure didn't warrant the presidency. :eusa_eh:

It was longer that his predecessor's, but no his resume didn't. The elections did that.

>> Suppose you had to choose between two Presidential candidates, one of whom had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President? If you chose #1, congratulations, you picked James Buchanan over Abraham Lincoln. << -- the myth of presidential "experience"

Besides that, the factor always left out of that myth: who he was running against and how much they represented the status quo, and the fact that the economy had just collapsed. In that environment you could have run a turtle and won the election.
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It all comes down to one thing. You don't need a list of 20 things that is wrong with this country, or whatever it is you want, there's only one problem.

The majority of the people in this country just don't care and that's it.
Our culture and the corruption of healthy values.

Totally agree. the world is a very different place then it was 50 years ago. and steadily we have been in a moral decline. we have even gotten to the point where corruption is accepted as well, that's just how it is done. we have made tollerable what we used to consider intollerable. also, i think meida sensationalism has made shock and awe become common place.
ok, after reading through everything I'll try not to repeat any.

Lack of respect for others.

Need to refocus on America First. Lets fix us first before we try to get in others business

as we have become more diverse we have lost our sense of being American. We have lost our sense of National community.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard today. You whiny bitches have been crying about "political correctness" for like 20 years now. Holy fucking shit when will it stop? Do I seriously have to listen to another teabagger whine about how he can't say the N word or about how he doesn't like having to have to pick English when he uses an ATM or about how he knows a guy who didn't get a job because he was white? My Lord you fucks are a bunch of drama queens. Give it a rest and just shut the fuck up.

It seems that political correctness got Obama elected. :eusa_whistle:
His resume sure didn't warrant the presidency. :eusa_eh:

It was longer that his predecessor's, but no his resume didn't. The elections did that.

>> Suppose you had to choose between two Presidential candidates, one of whom had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President? If you chose #1, congratulations, you picked James Buchanan over Abraham Lincoln. << -- the myth of presidential "experience"

Besides that, the factor always left out of that myth: who he was running against and how much they represented the status quo, and the fact that the economy had just collapsed. In that environment you could have run a turtle and won the election.

Obama's voting record in Illinois was "present". His two years in Congress was more campaigning than anything. I suggest that Lincoln's credentials were better than Obama's.

I can remember during his first campaign being called articulate and clean. I can remember them saying that it's time to have a Black man lead this nation.
The top two choices were a Black man and a woman, neither were the best qualified to run this nation, but they both were politically correct.

Yes, a turtle could have beaten any republican in 2008. But, the dems could have brought a better candidate to the election.
The number one thing killing this country is the number of people in the ship that are being paid to sit on their butt and do nothing but vote to maintain their flow of federal redistribution checks. The ship has become so heavy with their largesse that it has stopped moving forward economically. To the contrary the folks that are working have had to stop rowing and are now bailing water due to all of the holes that the rats have sprung. America is the titanic socialism was our ice flow. The band is still playing... but the end is nigh.
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ok, after reading through everything I'll try not to repeat any.

Lack of respect for others.

Need to refocus on America First. Lets fix us first before we try to get in others business

as we have become more diverse we have lost our sense of being American. We have lost our sense of National community.

You don't get it. I don't want you to fix me or my family. I want you to leave me alone. I want the feds to stay away from my paycheck. I want the feds to stay out of my communications. I want the feds for the most part to be fired.
It seems that political correctness got Obama elected. :eusa_whistle:
His resume sure didn't warrant the presidency. :eusa_eh:

It was longer that his predecessor's, but no his resume didn't. The elections did that.

>> Suppose you had to choose between two Presidential candidates, one of whom had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President? If you chose #1, congratulations, you picked James Buchanan over Abraham Lincoln. << -- the myth of presidential "experience"

Besides that, the factor always left out of that myth: who he was running against and how much they represented the status quo, and the fact that the economy had just collapsed. In that environment you could have run a turtle and won the election.

Obama's voting record in Illinois was "present". His two years in Congress was more campaigning than anything. I suggest that Lincoln's credentials were better than Obama's.

I can remember during his first campaign being called articulate and clean. I can remember them saying that it's time to have a Black man lead this nation.
The top two choices were a Black man and a woman, neither were the best qualified to run this nation, but they both were politically correct.

Yes, a turtle could have beaten any republican in 2008. But, the dems could have brought a better candidate to the election.

That's certainly true. But it's been true of both parties for about as long as I can remember.

And again, the electorate votes in the primaries... :eusa_whistle:
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

America is getting better and will continue to do so.

Anyone who bets against America will lose.

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