List of top 20 things destroying America



The shift away from Constitutionalism.

The shift away from federalism towards unitary governance.

The shift away from the founders vision towards the mess we have today.

Exactly what I was going to post: LIBERALISM-

^^ Perfect examples of #5, which ties into Media (specifically the death of journalism and concurrent rise of the bloviator under the auspices of media consolidation -- which I think could be its own separate entry, as the consolidation narrows the national dialogue all by itself...

- and then I'd add, sad to say: internet blogs and message boards like this one that foment ignorance, myths historical revisions and flat-out lies....

- ongoing and thriving culture of violence as a state religion (gun culture);

- incursion of right-wing authoritarianism, the police state and theocracy (witness that wag above with his call to "guilloutine" academia à la Hitler's crusade against the intelligentsia);

- the Koch brothers (and their ilk) and the rise of fascism - and the fact that we actually have major presidential candidates spewing shit like "corporations are people my friend"

- decline of US manufacturing, outsourcing;

- energy structure stuck in the dark ages;

- the poisoning-slash-monopolizing of the food supply through genetic engineering (Monsanto effect)

.... Why does it have to be 20? Why not 14 or 32?

Some of these entries are pretty vague -- "China"? In what way? China can be both a negative and a positive... "Clueless electorate"? what's making them that way? The "state of the media"? What about it?
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1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration

#15 made me lose the original point to this thread but hell it's gotten way more interesting than that. Need 5 more.

Templar I think gullibility, ignorance and violence are too broad. Maaaaybe racism but I'm not sure.

Flacaltenn: too broad
2nd Amendment: edit came too late. Want to add some of those you like most?

TOO BROAD??? Lack of Adherence to the Constitution is TOO BROAD for ya??

I sense a lecture is already prepared and the results were in before the thread started...

Have fun.. The one I forgot was "Direlection of Duty by the Mainstream Media" and the rise of the mental midgets in journalism.
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Fuck it I added racism. 4 more and I think I'll start a poll

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration
16. racism

The rise of China is destroying America? I guess America is really that weak. Can't rely on an entire populace for stuff for very long. Eventually you'll have to start producing what you consume.

Yea that one's not gonna make the cut
1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration

#15 made me lose the original point to this thread but hell it's gotten way more interesting than that. Need 5 more.

Templar I think gullibility, ignorance and violence are too broad. Maaaaybe racism but I'm not sure.

Flacaltenn: too broad
2nd Amendment: edit came too late. Want to add some of those you like most?

TOO BROAD??? Lack of Adherence to the Constitution is TOO BROAD for ya??

I sense a lecture is already prepared and the results were in before the thread started...

A lecture on what? I'm no professor. Everyone would pick "lack of adherence to the constitution." But there are several issues out there that aren't particularly adhering to the constitution and that's what I want voted on.
1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs
15. illegal immigration

#15 made me lose the original point to this thread but hell it's gotten way more interesting than that. Need 5 more.

Templar I think gullibility, ignorance and violence are too broad. Maaaaybe racism but I'm not sure.

Flacaltenn: too broad
2nd Amendment: edit came too late. Want to add some of those you like most?

TOO BROAD??? Lack of Adherence to the Constitution is TOO BROAD for ya??

I sense a lecture is already prepared and the results were in before the thread started...

A lecture on what? I'm no professor. Everyone would pick "lack of adherence to the constitution." But there are several issues out there that aren't particularly adhering to the constitution and that's what I want voted on.

Like I said GENIUS --- you fix that ONE ISSUE and thousands of problems get fixed..
1. Fat people at the beach in bikinis.
2. Self check-out lines at grocery stores.
3. Our lack of a Moon base.
4. The death of the Twinkie.
5. Men over 40 with ponytails (unless part of a band or religious order).
6. 'Lite' anything.
7. Flopping in professional sports.
8. Girls not going wild enough.
9. People who drive 15 MPH under the speed limit in the fast lane.
10. Cell phones with more functions than anyone but a rocket scientist or your average 12 year old could possibly figure out/use.
11. Bigfoot
12. Entropy
13. Gingivitis
14. The unreliable availability of the McRib.
15. Mole Men
16. Wearing shoes indoors.
17. Our declining national hoola-hoop skills.
18. People working in customer service positions who hate both customers and work.
19. Lex Luthor
20. The very slow acting Death Ray that Martians have been firing at us for the past 100 years.
Ok professor, you've repeated your silly bullshit at least half a dozen times. It's becoming Spam. Everyone has had a chance to see it and dismiss it. Now go play with a ball of yarn or something.

And you're becoming a troll and harassing me at this point. You report me for spam while I report you for trolling. Deal?

Why don't you call a convention first so everyone can nullify your idiocy?
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.

The generalization that government is "bad". Conservatives have moved away from the idea of limited but effective government with reasonable taxes to cutting government to the bare bones with as little taxation as possible, effective government be damned.

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