list of world athletes who died or suffered severe covid jab reactions

Can't really blame Aaron Rodgers for not getting jabbed. Libs will still claim it's ToTaLlY SaFe. Funny, they didn't sing that tune when Trump was in office. Anyways here's the List.

And the Packers are on the list of teams who have lost to the Chiefs this year. Which is smallish list, as the Chiefs are playing really poorly. But Rodgers handed them a gimme. He seems like kind of a prick, but hey, credit where credit's due. Mahomes should send Rodgers a care package while he's recovering.
And the Packers are on the list of teams who have lost to the Chiefs this year. Which is smallish list, as the Chiefs are playing really poorly. But Rodgers handed them a gimme. He seems like kind of a prick, but hey, credit where credit's due. Mahomes should send Rodgers a care package while he's recovering.
What were the copper levels on admission?
The rodgers thing has me laughing. He was a media darling who bent over to the wokeness, gaia, and other love affairs with social media..................BUT, they quickly ate him alive when they found out he didn't bow down to the injection beast.

They're dropping like flies now. Hospitals full with people sick from blood clots, heart attacks, strokes.
Well, I don't know of anyone who's died of Covid, but I know plenty who were and weren't vaccinated recover after a few days.
Copper levels in athletes especially may point to deficiency. Copper kills SARS-CoV-2. There is more to learn: SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative came from a copper mine. Duh
Can't really blame Aaron Rodgers for not getting jabbed. Libs will still claim it's ToTaLlY SaFe. Funny, they didn't sing that tune when Trump was in office. Anyways here's the List.

You're not really this fucking stupid, are you? You wanna know secret? Total q-anon fact that will blow your mind? Every single person who gets the vaccine will die afterwards.

Prove me wrong.
You're not really this fucking stupid, are you? You wanna know secret? Total q-anon fact that will blow your mind? Every single person who gets the vaccine will die afterwards.

Prove me wrong.
Yeah cause World class athletes collapsing during games with heart issues is totally normal happens all the time huh smooth brain?

Go wrestle an AIDS patient in a thorn bush
Yeah cause World class athletes collapsing during games with heart issues is totally normal happens all the time huh smooth brain?

Go wrestle an AIDS patient in a thorn bush
The main thing is - we have to scare everyone. All the time. Paranoia uber alles.
99.97% chance of surviving covid. So .03% chance of death, that's a low percentage and not worth shutting down the economy, mandating vaccinations or this new medical/police tyranny state

Ivermectin works.

Now let me ask you this. Do you think we should have treated early instead of pushing Leaky Vaccines? Where do you think these virulent strains of covid came from? The vaxxed or unvaxxed.

Here's some reading to help you

Glad you brought up Ivermectin because some insurance companies as of January 1, 2022 will not pay for it or hydrocholraquin and needs a pre auth and will only approve it if it is prescribed for an condition that has been approved by the FDA. Of course they're cheap drugs so take it from there.
Anyone can go to VAERS, even anti vaxxers like yourself and report an adverse reaction. I bet you've been there reporting shit that doesn't exist.

Just becaus you don't want to believe it in no way changes the fact this Jab is killing people.

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