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I do know people who will buy fish antibiotics when they can't get prescribed drugs, such as cephalexin, amoxicillin, and the rest. The formulations are apparently the exact same for fish and humans. Those who use it and have talked to me say there is no difference and work the same.

Maybe I would use horse paste if I had mange. Yes, humans can get mange.

Bing AI "
Yes, humans can contract a form of mange, but it’s important to note that the condition in humans is typically referred to as scabies12. Mange is a skin condition caused by mites, and it’s most commonly associated with animals3. The mites that cause mange in animals are different from those that cause scabies in humans12.
In rare cases, humans can experience symptoms from animal mites (mange), but these mites cannot complete their life cycle in human skin2. This can cause some skin irritation and itching, but it does not last long2. The most common symptoms of mange in humans include severe itching, redness, and a rash1. If an infestation occurs, papules may present within 2 to 5 weeks1.
Most people get scabies from direct, skin-to-skin contact. Less often, people pick up mites from infested items such as bedding, clothes, and furniture1. More than 100 million people throughout the world get scabies each year1.
If you suspect you have contracted mange or scabies, it’s important to seek medical treatment. While most cases affect only your skin and are treatable, they are highly contagious and may make you susceptible to a secondary infection1.

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