Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Here's the thing... When I was a child growing up in the 1970's we had absolutely no problem getting pornographic magazines, usually stolen from the adults in our lives. And we didn't even have the internet. The idea that we 'Need to ban books" from the library is kind of silly, given the kids can get far more salacious material on line if they are so inclined.

So this isn't about "protecting" children but about indoctrinating them. Don't you dare let little Timmy see that it's okay to be gay. Nope, just keep screaming bible verses at him. Just not the bible verses involving rape, pedophilia, human sacrifice, cannibalism, incest, or genocide.
Lil Tommy is a child. The way you demonic Leftards sexualize children is just part of your MO in your grooming efforts.
You want the Bible banned as well?
No. It should be available along with the Koran, the Talmud, the Book of Mormon, and other major and minor religious writing in the religion section of the library.

It is the most banned book in history. In the real meaning of "banned." People have been burned at the stake for possessing it, or possessing the "wrong" version of it.

Do you consider every single book that a librarian chooses not to stock to have been "banned?" If the America Library Association recommends against stocking a particular book, such as:

Amazon product ASIN 1684510317
Is that a "banned" book?

What about this, that you will not find on Amazon:

“That said, we reserve the right not to sell certain content. All retailers make decisions about what selection they choose to offer, as do we. As to your specific question about When Harry Became Sally, we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.”
Your comprehension of the Bible is extremely ignorant, though I have always found it interesting that those that are almost militantly opposed to it and its teachings see themselves as the foremost experts and interpreters of the content.

Um, the Bible advocates murdering girls for not being virgins on their wedding nights, murdering people for being witches, murdering people for working on Sunday, genociding your neighbors, buying your neighbors as slaves, etc.

We've decided these things are wrong. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

Lil Tommy is a child. The way you demonic Leftards sexualize children is just part of your MO in your grooming efforts.

Little Tommy lives in the real world. Again, he's going to find far worse information on the internet than the stuff you are trying to protect him from. What he needs is context, and you get that through education.
No. It should be available along with the Koran, the Talmud, the Book of Mormon, and other major and minor religious writing in the religion section of the library.

It is the most banned book in history. In the real meaning of "banned." People have been burned at the stake for possessing it, or possessing the "wrong" version of it.

Do you consider every single book that a librarian chooses not to stock to have been "banned?" If the America Library Association recommends against stocking a particular book, such as:

Amazon product ASIN 1684510317
Is that a "banned" book?

What about this, that you will not find on Amazon:

“That said, we reserve the right not to sell certain content. All retailers make decisions about what selection they choose to offer, as do we. As to your specific question about When Harry Became Sally, we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.”
Amazon is a private entity.

A library is a publicly funded service to provide information.

Happy to have pointed out the difference for you.
Amazon is a private entity.

A library is a publicly funded service to provide information.

Happy to have pointed out the difference for you.
Never said otherwise.

If a librarian refuses to stock those books due to their content, are those books "banned?"

Should they be honored by other libraries in Banned Book Week displays?
Never said otherwise.

If a librarian refuses to stock those books due to their content, are those books "banned?"

Should they be honored by other libraries in Banned Book Week displays?

Depends on the circumstances...
Only a sick degenerate democrat would characterize removing porn from little kids schools as "banning books."

Then again, only sick degenerate democrats would put porn in little kids schools in the first place
Can't speak for the Democratic party.

I can speak for me. Is this a huge problem? With salacious images on every screen they touch, every TV show they see, every movie they watch (and that is just the virtual world they are exposed to--let alone reality)...are you really thinking that inappropriate words in books is a huge issue?

As for the politics of the matter; the standard bearer for the GOP paid a porn star for sex. I'm not sure but wasn't that much more impactful than a book a kid might or might not check out from a library in a school. I mean here is the leader of the nation behaving in such a way that is not only immoral; he turns around and lies about having done it. Gee...and you think the Democrats are the smut peddlers?

With salacious images on every screen they touch, every TV show they see, every movie they watch (and that is just the virtual world they are exposed to--let alone reality)...are you really thinking that inappropriate words in books is a huge issue?

And who's pushed that issue over the last 40 years that we are where we are today? You. And others like you. You want to claim that because you've been successful in the complete degradation of society, that we should now not draw a line and should be willing to just let absolutely anything go? What isn't acceptable to you? Is sex in public in front of everyone okay? Is walking around nude acceptable to you? Is adult sex with children acceptable to you? Do you have any morals or values whatsoever? How is any of this healthy for children? All you care about is your 'agenda', and I don't think you even know what that is anymore? Can you even tell us what the end goal is in all of this?

So books which extoll the virtues of men raping small girls are okay, but books with brief passages about consensual gay sex between teenagers are not.


Neither are, but I’m not a Christian. What else ya got bubba?
If my son had a question on sex and didn't feel comfortable coming to me, I'd prefer he go to a library where information has been vetted rather than go to the fantasy world of internet porn.

So you'd want him to have access to the material in the op, so he'd know that anal sex with men is a-okay and even supported and recommended? And have it explicitly described to him how to go about it and how it feels?
How many 11 year old boys have been molested by adults because they didn't understand what was happening? Knowledge is power and, since we can't always be there to protect our kids, we need to give them the tools to defend themselves.

So 'knowledge' is gained from reading explicit sex scenes between an adult and a child?
No, I want young boys and girls to recognize rape for what it is and be empowered to say no.

Sorry to hear of your experience. Did you understand what was happening to you?

So you think those books were describing 'rape'?
Are you attempting to make the argument that it is “censorship” if any books are banned in school libraries and thus no books should be banned? We censor things everyday, particularly from children don’t have the knowledge or fortitude to not know what is good for them and what is not. There is a rating system on movies and children can’t attend a rated R movie without an adult. Children can’t walk into a convenience store and buy a pornographic magazine. They can’t go into “adult” video/book stores. There are certain things that can’t be portrayed on public TV because it is too easily accessible by children. Maybe it is censorship to not allow books like what was read by the Sen. in school libraries, but not any more so than all of the things mentioned above. Are you advocating that all age restrictions be removed everywhere?
Have you read any of these books in question? I have not and I'd bet few, if any USMB posters have. So I think what we're talking about is banning books based on the cherry-picked lines read by a politician. I'd guess that these books have been reviewed and selected by librarians because they are NOT pornographic but educational.
If a parent wants their kid to have access to hard-core porn, beastiality, etc. in the public school library, you are ok with this being there? I think most of you must not have children and just spout a bunch of theory because it seems logical to you, but don’t have to live with the results.
Sorry but I don't blindly accept your view that these books are hard-core porn and I certainly don't trust a politician to give me a fair and unbiased review.
Have you read any of these books in question? I have not and I'd bet few, if any USMB posters have. So I think what we're talking about is banning books based on the cherry-picked lines read by a politician. I'd guess that these books have been reviewed and selected by librarians because they are NOT pornographic but educational.

You mean those lines CONTAINED IN THE BOOKS?

Jebus, what you won’t say to satisfy your cult followers.

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