Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Thing is the democrats are much like the Caananites

Before we look at the reasons given in Scripture for the commands to exterminate certain groups of people, it’s important to realize that the Israelites were not given free rein to slaughter everyone they met. Consider the following:

• The standard procedure for battling a city was to first extend terms of peace (Deuteronomy 20:10). If the terms were accepted, the people of that city lived and became subservient to Israel (verse 11). If the terms were rejected, the city was besieged and the men were killed, but the women and children were spared (verses 12–14). Attacking a city within Canaan called for different rules and represented an exception to this standard.

• God did not sanction all of the wars recorded in the Old Testament. The battles that were part of the conquest of Canaan were intended for a particular time and limited to a particular people group. The conquest of Canaan had clear limits, geographically and historically.

• The wars sanctioned by God beyond the time of Joshua were defensive in nature. A number of the battles that Israel fought on the way to and within Canaan were also defensive in nature (Exodus 17:8; Numbers 21:21 –32; Deuteronomy 2:26 –37; Joshua 10:4).

Here are the reasons Scripture gives for commanding ancient Israel to annihilate certain people groups:

1. To judge the Canaanites for their abominations. The Canaanites were a brutal and wicked culture that frequently engaged in incredibly decadent behavior. Leviticus 18 provides a list of sins that Israel was to avoid at all costs: incest, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality. All these sins were practiced by the people of Canaan: “This is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. . . . All these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled” (Leviticus 18:24–27).

In ordering the destruction of the Canaanites, God enacted a form of corporate capital punishment on a people that had been deserving of God’s judgment for some time. God had given the Canaanite people over 400 years to repent (Genesis 15:13–16). Then came judgment day. God could have used any means to destroy the Canaanites, but He chose to use the Israelites as the instrument of judgment. This method not only rid the world of an evil and deeply depraved society, but it also provided a ready-made home for God’s chosen people, the Hebrews.

The Canaanites knew what was coming and had heard of God’s awesome power (Joshua 2:10–11; 9:9). Such awareness should have prompted their repentance, but they remained resistant to God. The Canaanite Rahab was saved, and so was her family, and they are proof that the Canaanites could have avoided destruction if they had repented (Joshua 2). No person had to die. God’s desire is that the wicked turn from their sin rather than perish (Ezekiel 18:31–32; 33:11).

2. To stave off idolatry and compromise. In Deuteronomy 20, immediately after God commanded that the Canaanites be completely wiped out, God gave the reason: “Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 20:18). The reason for the extermination was to prevent religious compromise and spiritual adultery: if the Israelites left survivors, the sin of idolatry would follow.

The Israelites failed in their mission and left many Canaanites alive (Joshua 16:10; 17:12–13; Judges 1:29). Exactly what God said would happen occurred. Israel compromised with Canaanite culture and fell into idolatry time and again (Judges 2:1–3; 1 Kings 11:5; 14:24; 2 Kings 16:3–4). God’s order to exterminate the Canaanites was meant to guard His relationship with His people.

3. To prevent future problems. God knows the future. God knew what the results would be if Israel did not completely eradicate their enemies. The Amalekites were not Canaanites, but they attacked Israel several times and forged alliances with the Canaanites (Exodus 17:8–13; Numbers 14:45; Judges 3:13; 6:3), so they also fell under God’s judgment. King Saul was given the responsibility to exterminate the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:2–3). Saul shirked his duty and lied about it (1 Samuel 15:20). The results were dire—just a couple of decades later, there were enough Amalekites to take David and his men’s families captive (1 Samuel 30:1–2). Several hundred years after that, a descendant of the Amalekites, Haman, tried to have the entire Jewish people exterminated (see the book of Esther). So, Saul’s incomplete obedience almost resulted in Israel’s destruction. If Saul had obeyed the voice of the Lord, it would have saved David’s men and the Jews of Esther’s day a lot of trouble.

4. To fulfil the curse on Canaan. Centuries before Moses’ command to eradicate the Canaanites, Noah had cursed one of Ham’s sons: “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers” (Genesis 9:25). Canaan was the ancestor of the Canaanites, as Genesis 10 makes clear. The descendants of Canaan include the Sidonians, the Hittites, the Jebusites, the Amorites, and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 10:15–19). Noah’s curse/prophecy came true during the time of Joshua. The Canaanites were conquered by the Israelites, who were descendants of one of Ham’s brothers, Shem. Not all of the Canaanites were exterminated; true to God’s Word, some of the Canaanites became slaves (Joshua 9:27; 17:12–13).

The most difficult part of the command of Deuteronomy 20:16–17 is that, when the Canaanites were exterminated, women and children were not spared. Why would God order the death of noncombatants and innocent children? Here are some things to remember:

⁍ No one is “innocent” in the sense of being sinless (Psalm 51:5; 58:3).
⁍ These women were participants in the degrading sins of Canaan, and the children would have grown up sympathetic to the evil religions and practices of their parents.
⁍ These women and, eventually, the children would naturally have been resentful of the Israelites and later sought to avenge the “unjust” treatment the Canaanite men had received.
In the end, God is sovereign over all of life, and He can take it whenever and however He sees fit. God alone can give life, and God alone has the right to take it. God is under no obligation to extend anyone’s life for even another day. How and when we die is completely up to Him. In the case of the Canaanites, their end came after a time of tolerance and patient grace. But Judgment Day finally comes to all, and it came to the Canaanites via the Hebrew people.
^ Dangerously deranged conservative spewing.
Rape? The Bible addresses the issue of rape directly. And, as one would expect, the Bible depicts rape as a gross violation of God’s design (e.g., Genesis 34). The Bible condemns rape whenever it is mentioned.
^ Delusional fabrications.

The Bible glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children.
I remember asking my high school librarian about Catcher in the Rye, and I was given a very snippy response that the school library would not be having THAT book available. So I went to the local public library to find it.

I thought Holden Caulfield was an ungrateful little twit and a complete asshole. He was born with every advantage in life, and he was just being perversely difficult.

I wouldn't even have read that book if parents hadn't been in such an uproar about it.
Shit book to be sure - sorry you had to go to so much trouble to find out.
Vivid detail is only a few paragraphs in a much longer book.

When I was in HS, I had to read Orwell's 1984, probably the most overrated book ever written.

It contains several explicit sex scenes, but it's considered literature.

How about Bottelli's Venus or Michaelangelo's David? Would you consider those to be pornography or art?
1984 is a masterpiece, but good points otherwise.
Do you feel tortured? It would seem that you do. Why is that?

Yes, man does very evil things, is condemned for doing so, and is why Yeshua intervened to ask for them to be forgiven. That's also why His resurrection is so important, but sadly, Bibliophobes usually never get to that. They desperately look for something, anything they think they can use to discredit the Bible, ignoring the whole point. One may wonder why they are so evangelical about it. One knows, but some may wonder.

Would it be glorifying slavery to teach students about the experience American slaves went through? Your standard would seem to lead to that conclusion.
I'm sorry you're experiencing issues, and hope you get the help you need rather than seeking to control what others see/read.
News Flash - Being gay is not like football, there is no coach needing a certain number of players on the team. Also, football players are not born football players. Being gay is not contagious, you don't get it from someone else.
What you do get is the concept that sex with the same gender is ordinary, normal and acceptable. A child learns that sex with an adult is something to be welcomed.
That is what you are actually doing, liar, demanding the government show gay porn to six year olds. You are a typical moron Democrat who just flat out lies about everything you do. It's partial awareness, what you support is embarrassing. A better approach would have been to STOP SUPPORTING evil rather than denying what you are actually doing
^ Extreme conservative delusion/projection.

Add in the ignorant claim that I'm a Democrat, and the delusion rises to a new level of tragic idiocy.
It's not even a debate, you are just lying. That is what DeSantis is keeping out of our Florida schools, gay porn. And you are supporting it, but you don't have the integrity to be honest. You know it's wrong since you deny it, but you continue to do it
^ Extreme delusion.

The Bible's glorification of child rape, torture and murder - do you support children being exposed to it, and thus groomed into accepting it?
Let's see if we have this straight. You object to spending maybe $20 to buy your kids books that other parents think are inappropriate for their age, yet think it's quite fine for other parents to spend thousands every year because you insist age-inappropriate books be readily available for them? Why should all the other families have to cater to your whims?
Home school if you have issues with 21st century normality.
The original The Bible. Where did you learn homosexuality was anything but unnatural?

You MUST be trolling us.

Well played.


But yeah, the Bible is a vastly less appropriate book for under 12s than most I can think of.
What natural order? Is nature speaking to you? Are you hearing voices?

Either way I think you're referring to the Bible's order. At least your version of it.

What is in a things nature encompasses everything we can observe that thing doing. The observation of a thing doing something is all that's required to prove objectively that it's with in the nature of that thing to do what its doing. You will never observe an thing doing something that is beyond its nature to do because by definition it would be incapable of doing it.
You're crying out into a wilderness of extreme delusion incapable of hearing you.

Or feeding a troll; I'm still not quite sure which.
That is utter B.S you crave man sex because your brain is twisted, and mentally ill. Most likely the victim of sexual abuse as a child or had an overbearing mother or father which cause the defect
Just a heads up - the above is a serious violation of forum rules.

It's a shame that the Bible - wildly inappropriate for under 12s - has so much negative influence in the lives of the vulnerable and mentally ill, don't you agree? :)
Me calling people racists and Bingos would betray a weakness in my argument if that is what my arguments relied on. They do not. I make unassailable arguments based in logic and reason and then I point and laugh at your inferior intellects.
^ Understands the way the game is played. :)
^ Extreme delusion.

The Bible's glorification of child rape, torture and murder - do you support children being exposed to it, and thus groomed into accepting it?
Mentioning rape and other sins isn't glorification. It's documented history of mankind's failure. You're the only one here defending the glorification of rape.
You said nothing. You beat up a target of your own creation by your own admission. 😄 I have successfully argued homosexuality is natural.
Some here may be trolls.

Others are truly this deficient.

It's ultimately quite sad.

(Though occasionally hilarious as well.) :)
Just a heads up - the above is a serious violation of forum rules.

It's a shame that the Bible - wildly inappropriate for under 12s - has so much negative influence in the lives of the vulnerable and mentally ill, don't you agree? :)
No one agrees with your false narrative. Try being honest.

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