Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

No need to read, I am quite sure while needing more funding to support them, they will agree to find whatever they are told, they are just trying to help you feel normal instead of the sexually perverted queer you are!

I don't post that genuinely thinking you will read it and give a thoughtful reply. I post it so you can demonstrate definitively that you can't.
The Left are a cult of sick, violent perverts who embrace Marxism who have now taken over the democrat party and much of the federal government, our media and schools.
Yes but it is not a recent event. It has been the case for decades only now they are a bit braver than in the past. But their aim has long been the same.
He is getting hot and bothered because he is being forced to speak in specifics.
He is scared to fucking death that he says something that upsets the LGBQT madcatters and could result in his losing his job. Which is a stone cold fact. He upsets the LGBQT on social media - he will lose his job.
You see him using his words carefully...pausing, carefully considering what he says - when he says he is disturbed by what the Senator read - he quickly changed that to "really disturbing hearing it from you" - his out. He needed to make sure he didn't want to be saying a description of gay sex is disturbing. He wouldn't even address that the book is in school libraries.
Biden loaded his administration with such creeps who do not give a damn what children in school are forced to read or listen to.
I watched the transformation of the Dem party the past 50 years. Dems used to tell the left to sit down and shut their stupid pie holes. Gradually the left drove all of the moderates out of the party and took over. Their party went downhill fast after that.

The old Dem party won on the issues important to the poor and working class. That's why they controlled congress for 40 years. That's back when I was a registered Democrat. After the left took over the party it's been a shit show.
I would say it goes further back than that. I was a loyal Democrat until it was time to elect Reagan and he is my first in a long line of Republicans I vote for. Even with the way Trump talks, which I object to in many respects, the amount he talks right is why to keep electing him. He has the good of America in his heart. Biden does not.
I would say it goes further back than that. I was a loyal Democrat until it was time to elect Reagan and he is my first in a long line of Republicans I vote for. Even with the way Trump talks, which I object to in many respects, the amount he talks right is why to keep electing him. He has the good of America in his heart. Biden does not.

Democrats have been mean and nasty all that time. I am not defending everything Trump says, but that he's worse than Democrats is absurd. Hate has always been the left's primary product
What is that based on? When a 'kid' turns 18, he is magically an adult and wouldn't engage in any sexual activity until then? You should talk to people who live near high schools and hear their complaints about having to clean up condoms.
As to teaching children, just what do you believe should not be taught to children by adults who are not family?
Democrats have been mean and nasty all that time. I am not defending everything Trump says, but that he's worse than Democrats is absurd. Hate has always been the left's primary product
A good example of that was in 1962 when I was at Ft. Benning, GA for training, there was a political campaign going on. It was so vicious that even though I was then a Democrat, it made me cringe at the nasty nature of the vicious crap they pulled as Democrats then.

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