Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

^ Attempting to use his extreme ignorance to win the argument.

But maybe if you continue on this path of Idiocratic bludgeoning, you'll prevail, at least in your own mind. :)

^PMSing is a bitch, huh?
Gee well that is very easy to refute, people do stupid shiite for pleasure (lust, sexual perversion) that does not make it right, or natural.
Pleasure seeking is absolutely natural. Whether you think it's right or wrong is your own subjective morality speaking.
Animals display dominance and bring other animals into subjection to their authority with displays such as you describe, it is not for pleasure, it is not love.
Oh, you're Dr. Doolittle now are you? Is that where you're silly arguments have taken you? When its a male lion and a female lion then you know its about love huh? 😄 I don't actually care why other animals engage in homosexuality, only that they do which is enough to prove it natural, though you've made no attempt to prove your domination hypothesis.
Pleasure seeking is absolutely natural. Whether you think it's right or wrong is your own subjective morality speaking.

Oh, you're Dr. Doolittle now are you? Is that where you're silly arguments have taken you? When its a male lion and a female lion then you know its about love huh? 😄 I don't actually care why other animals engage in homosexuality, only that they do which is enough to prove it natural, though you've made no attempt to prove your domination hypothesis.
No when it's a male lion and a female lion it's procreation. Animals are engaging in social dominance
I wouldn't imagine anything is an "emotional" response if you weren't obsessed with talking about it, Karen. I just don't sit around all day thinking about my feelings like you do
Sure you do. You just dont seem to realize it. 😄
Sure you do. You just dont seem to realize it. 😄

Right, you keep talking about emotions on and on over and over and I don't because ... I ... am stuck on emotions. Why don't you melt down and lose sleep over it. Oh, you have that covered, Karen
Right, you keep talking about emotions on and on over and over and I don't because ... I ... am stuck on emotions. Why don't you melt down and lose sleep over it. Oh, you have that covered, Karen
I'm talking about your emotions (and pointing and laughing at them) because you keep displaying them in lieu of rational counter arguments. 😄
Just because someone is brought up as a Christian doesn’t mean they are one. They have a higher probability of being a Christian though than someone who was not. Every child exposed to homosexuality or pedophelia will not be a homosexual or a pedophile, but there is a higher probability.
Ah, the No True Scotsman Fallacy.

First, quit trying to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia. Most pedophilia is adult men assaulting underage females.

Second, people are going to be gay no matter what their upbringing. Sexual orientation is part of the psychology, It can't be taught by rote.

You have an unhealthy, insatiable desire to attack Christians and the Bible.

Oh, absolutely. First, when I meet a "Christian" that does what Jesus said, I'll let you know. Second, the stuff in the bible is in there, as much as you want to pretend it isn't.

I LOVE how some scientists will jump through ridiculous hoops in attempts to prove their ideology. ”Science” has become anything but…

The scientist have observed homosexual behavior in animals, how is that jumping through a hoop?

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