Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

I read it you moron. You apparently didn't read it thoroughly enough. 😄 You can't spot your admission?

Phew, reading isn't your bag, Karen. How do you feel about that, white boy?

Can we move on from talking about your feelings now? Don't you ever get tired of it? Why don't you go down to the local gym and talk about your feelings in the men's locker room? Talk about guys dicks and how big they are, they like that
Phew, reading isn't your bag, Karen. How do you feel about that, white boy?
It's not yours, since you can't seem to spot your rather obvious admission.... 😄
Can we move on from talking about your feelings now? Don't you ever get tired of it? Why don't you go down to the local gym and talk about your feelings in the men's locker room?
More admissions and confessions.... 😄
If you're amused, you should be happy, Queenie, not wrapped up in how you feel. See how that works, Karen?
No. I dont. Explain to me how happiness and amusement aren't emotions that you recognize you stunted Bingo. 😄
A lot of people get married with no intent of having kids.

A lot of people have kids with no intent to get married.

Do you have any evidence for that?

Everyone has negative trauma in their lives at some point, but only 10% of us are LGBTQ.

They remain mating pairs, whether they can or cannot produce offspring. Homosexual couples do note mate. Just as any other same sex roommate cohabitation.

Vastly different and should be treated vastly differently.

Take your own advise and quit conflating the different groups.
First, quit trying to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia. Most pedophilia is adult men assaulting underage females.

Second, people are going to be gay no matter what their upbringing. Sexual orientation is part of the psychology, It can't be taught by rote.

So by your logic, some people are going to be pedophiles, no matter what their upbringing, after all, pedophilia is just a sexual deviancy, right? Yeah, again, you haven't really thought it through.

The scientist have observed homosexual behavior in animals, how is that jumping through a hoop?

They didn't observe homosexuality(dominance) and even if they did, what they observed was a tiny percentage of species, and what tiny percentage of that species exhibited the supposed behavior? The numbers pale in comparison to anything we see in humans, which begs the question. Why is it vastly more common in humans(100% in reality) than animals and more common in today's humans vs. humans from decades ago? Genetics don't change that quickly. And no, it is not just because people are more open about it, there are actually more today than there once were. By all means, don't let common sense get in the way of good ole' "scientific", yet ideological, study.
Your idea of science is believing vaccinated people can't get covid, boy.


As usual, you make assumptions about things that just aren't true.

Your experience was similar to mine but this isn't what is happening in the USA today.

There is a radical right wing group which wants to end public school education in the usa, and they're using this book banning issue to frighten parents into wanting to get rid of public schools.

You can't order the banning books that I might want my child to read. If you don't want your child reading The Color Purple, tell them they can't read it. But the book stays in the library.

More lies.

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