Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

The link is all in their fevered/triggered imaginations.

Repression/envy/homophobia (along with severe mental illness in some cases) is what drives all of this.

"Howcum I couldn't have teenage boy/boy or girl/girl sex???? And now it's too late!!!! I blame the imaginary Marxist pedophiles!"
I think it is more about being sheep, exactly what they accuse the Left of.

A world in which the people looking to ban books took all that energy and put it into knowing what their children were doing and reading and watching instead of insisting that the government act as their baby-sitter...
They remain mating pairs, whether they can or cannot produce offspring.

Except a lot of them only cohabitate for sex or economic reasons. By your logic, they should only grant marriage status to couples who can and intend to make babies.

Of course, gays can have babies too, through in-vitro fertilization, adoption, or surrogacy.

So by your logic, some people are going to be pedophiles, no matter what their upbringing, after all, pedophilia is just a sexual deviancy, right? Yeah, again, you haven't really thought it through.

NO, it's just a matter of how you treat it. I believe that pedophiles are an actual danger, just like any other severe mental illness, and must be treated as such. As opposed to gay people who can function in society without hurting anyone.

They didn't observe homosexuality(dominance) and even if they did, what they observed was a tiny percentage of species, and what tiny percentage of that species exhibited the supposed behavior? The numbers pale in comparison to anything we see in humans, which begs the question.
A couple of issues. The first is that these animals in the wild weren't under constant observation... just that they saw animals engaging in homosexual acts.

For instance, one study found that when confronted with overcrowding, Mice turned to lesbianism as a survival instinct.

Why is it vastly more common in humans(100% in reality) than animals and more common in today's humans vs. humans from decades ago?
Genetics don't change that quickly. And no, it is not just because people are more open about it, there are actually more today than there once were. By all means, don't let common sense get in the way of good ole' "scientific", yet ideological, study.

Actually, I suspect it is exactly what you reject. I had an aunt who was a lesbian. But in the 1950's, that meant one of two things in our Catholic community 1) You became a nun and proceeded to torment children or 2) you sucked it up, found a guy who didn't intimidate you too much, and pretended you were happy.

Aunt H. decided on the latter. They separated after a year but never divorced (because, again, Catholics!) and my cousin had issues all of her life. (Mostly promiscuity and substance abuse.)

If it is more common now, it is probably because it is more socially acceptable. It might also be we are looking at a larger version of the mouse expirament, that as we live in a more crowded world, homosexuality kicks in as a defense mechanism against overpopulation.
Except a lot of them only cohabitate for sex or economic reasons. By your logic, they should only grant marriage status to couples who can and intend to make babies.

Of course, gays can have babies too, through in-vitro fertilization, adoption, or surrogacy.

NO, it's just a matter of how you treat it. I believe that pedophiles are an actual danger, just like any other severe mental illness, and must be treated as such. As opposed to gay people who can function in society without hurting anyone.

A couple of issues. The first is that these animals in the wild weren't under constant observation... just that they saw animals engaging in homosexual acts.

For instance, one study found that when confronted with overcrowding, Mice turned to lesbianism as a survival instinct.

Actually, I suspect it is exactly what you reject. I had an aunt who was a lesbian. But in the 1950's, that meant one of two things in our Catholic community 1) You became a nun and proceeded to torment children or 2) you sucked it up, found a guy who didn't intimidate you too much, and pretended you were happy.

Aunt H. decided on the latter. They separated after a year but never divorced (because, again, Catholics!) and my cousin had issues all of her life. (Mostly promiscuity and substance abuse.)

If it is more common now, it is probably because it is more socially acceptable. It might also be we are looking at a larger version of the mouse expirament, that as we live in a more crowded world, homosexuality kicks in as a defense mechanism against overpopulation.

No dummy. The state has no right to such an examination. Whether they mate or not is not important. What is important is that they can.

But what they don’t need to examine is if a same sex couple mates, because they can’t.

You truly are bent.
I found it tedious and boring. The problem with it I had was that if I don't sympathize with the protagonist, I really can't enjoy the book.

Winston Smith is a pathetic human being, as written.
Well, that's the point - he's wildly unsympathetic, but we at last deeply sympathize with him.
Then how do you explain how many pedophiles come from a religious background?

Shit, I was brought up Catholic. The one thing you learned early as a Catholic is you never wanted to be alone in a room with a priest. Two priests in my parish were accused of doing nasty stuff and the church paid out money for it. We had a football coach at my High School that showed gay porn to his team members. Now, THAT'S an example of grooming. Not the "Well, we told kids that there's nothing wrong with being gay, really." shit your sort goes on about.
^ Win.

The encounter was yet another data point in a growing understanding: Homosexual behavior is more common among nonhuman animals than scientists once acknowledged. By several estimates, researchers have observed such activity in more than 1,500 species. “These aren’t rare anomalies,” author Eliot Schrefer writes in Queer Ducks (and Other Animals), a young-adult book that drew national attention to the issue in 2022, including an appearance by Schrefer on The Daily Show. “An explosion of research over the past 20 years has shown significant amounts of same-sex sexual behavior throughout the animal kingdom,” he writes.

Scientists have long known that heterosexual behavior varies wildly among animals. Snowshoe hares breed promiscuously. Male elephant seals preside over harems of dozens of females. Female Galápagos hawks mate with multiple males, who take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the young.

Likewise, animals exhibit diverse same-sex behavior. Before splitting a honeycomb found together, female bonobos will rub genitals, which Durham University primatologist Zanna Clay says reduces tension and helps them share. Bonin flying foxes, a type of bat, curl up in same-sex clusters to keep warm during the mating season, and oral-genital stimulation is common in the male clusters. Male zebra finches form lifelong socially monogamous relationships that include courtship dances and sex, and that don’t break up when females become available. Female Laysan albatrosses in Hawai‘i share nests, mount each other sexually and raise their young together.
What do our conservative friends see when you post the science?

Red, or just white?

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