Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Repeated for truth's sake:

Is there anything more sick than this? The American Democrat, defending the sexualization of children and defending pornography in elementary schools, and somehow comparing it to the Bible.

This is the disgusting evil that good Americans must vote against and Vote Red in 2024
This is the fourth time you've posted this to the thread - you might want to check the forum rules on spamming.
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Prof who said pedophiles should be called ‘minor-attracted persons’ agrees to resign

A Virginia university assistant professor who argued it wasn’t necessarily immoral for adults to be sexually attracted to kids has agreed to resign after facing intense backlash.
Old Dominion University revealed in a statement Wednesday that Allyn Walker, 34, will be stepping down as an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice.
Walker was placed on administrative leave on Nov. 16 after a firestorm erupted over the educator’s controversial argument that pedophiles should be referred to as “minor-attracted persons.”
The assistant professor, who is transgender and uses the pronouns they/them, will remain on leave until their contract expires in May next year.
The university had been facing calls to fire Walker after the educator made the comment earlier this month while discussing their research in an interview with the Prostasia Foundation, a San Francisco-based child protection organization.
Walker insisted it it was important to use the term “minor-attracted persons” instead of “pedophile” because it’s less stigmatizing.

Who is working in HR offices that would hire a disgusting thing like this

^ Off-topic.

You just can't address the issues here, can you? :)
Repeated for truth's sake:

The Bible is available in school libraries, as is a huge amount of religious material.

Do you think the Bible and religious material should be banned?

Is there anything more sick than this? The American Democrat, defending the sexualization of children and defending pornography in elementary schools, and somehow comparing it to the Bible.

This is the disgusting evil that good Americans must vote against and Vote Red in 2024
You defend pedophiles. Period. End of discussion.
Maybe you should take a course in reading comprehension? You might be less inclined to so grossly misrepresent what another writes.
That person would not know a "Fact" is it came up and introduced itself to them. And apparently they he or she dimwitted enough to not realize he or she is literally defending the grooming and the sexualization of young children.
Repeated for truth's sake:

Is there anything more sick than this? The American Democrat, defending the sexualization of children and defending pornography in elementary schools, and somehow comparing it to the Bible.

This is the disgusting evil that good Americans must vote against and Vote Red in 2024
Wow - FIFTH time spamming the thread... :TH_WAY~113:
No elected Democrat has spoken out about this, which can only lead to the assumption that they approve of it.

It's worrying that the US finds all this so problematic. Other countries don't. They just have teachers who can know what is appropriate without other people trying to ban everything.

The US is so extreme, so polarized because of the nonsense electoral system.


Watching these democrats defend groomers and pedophiles is truly disgusting
The filthy vermin in the democrat party are waging a war on children

Republicans are passing laws to send children to work in meatpacking plants, serving liquor, and allowing 12 year olds to marry with their parents permission.

Please don’t try to pedal of the bullshit that Republicans give a rats ass about children.

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