Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

In a neighboring county where I live, 30 miles west of Washington DC, parents erupted over such books being in the school system. The books depicted inappropriate adult-child sex content yet the Democrats and Liberals resisted the fight because the relationships/images were of LGBTQ. Mind you, this is the same region where the father of a girl raped in a girls bathroom by a boy wearing a tutu was deemed a threat by the liberal district attorney because of the father’s outrage that the board protected the boy simply because his LGBTQ status was more important than his daughter being raped.

Back to the books, if the content were about heterosexual adult woman and coming of age minor male having a relationship, the book should still be banned for the same reasons. But, because these books were of LGBTQ relationships, the Democrats and Liberals fought to keep them in the taxpayer funded K-12 bookshelves.

Once again, you give us an antidote based on no evidence whatsoever of your specious claims. Everything being claimed by Republicans about sexually inappropriate books is covering up the fact that it’s not sexually inappropriate books that are being removed.

The books being removed are "culturally inappropriate". They’re not written by white people, they don’t depict white people, and they celebrate non-white cultures and that is the problem for Republicans. Anything that says that white people aren’t the greatest thing ever and that other people have value has to be removed because white children are so delicate and sensitive. They’ll be harmed by learning that other people have valuable cultures too.

You have no problem, making non-white children feel bad about not being white. You have no problem labelling black children as thugs or telling them they’re inferior to white kids.

You don’t want white children learning the sordid history of your country. And that’s why every 50 years you have race riots. You keep re-fighting the same battles over and over again because you don’t learn from your past. You simply cover it up so it’s repeated endlessly.

You're refighting the abortion fight, because you have no memory of why Roe v Wade has been celebrated for 50 years. Because overnight, American women stopped dying.

It’s been said that if the history of your nation doesn’t make you uncomfortable, it’s probably not true. Facing up to your past, frees you to do things differently, and make the world a better place.

Redoing your worst moments over and over every 50 years is really dragging you down.

Stay on topic which is about keeping or prohibiting porn in schools. Where do you stand?

There is no porn in schools. That a bullshit lie that's being sold to you by those wanting to destroy public education. Your nation is being radicalized by those who are controlling the SC with a goal of establishing an American theocracy.

And you're one of their useful idiots.
Once again, you give us an antidote based on no evidence whatsoever of your specious claims. Everything being claimed by Republicans about sexually inappropriate books is covering up the fact that it’s not sexually inappropriate books that are being removed.

The books being removed are "culturally inappropriate". They’re not written by white people, they don’t depict white people, and they celebrate non-white cultures and that is the problem for Republicans. Anything that says that white people aren’t the greatest thing ever and that other people have value has to be removed because white children are so delicate and sensitive. They’ll be harmed by learning that other people have valuable cultures too.

You have no problem, making non-white children feel bad about not being white. You have no problem labelling black children as thugs or telling them they’re inferior to white kids.

You don’t want white children learning the sordid history of your country. And that’s why every 50 years you have race riots. You keep re-fighting the same battles over and over again because you don’t learn from your past. You simply cover it up so it’s repeated endlessly.

You're refighting the abortion fight, because you have no memory of why Roe v Wade has been celebrated for 50 years. Because overnight, American women stopped dying.

It’s been said that if the history of your nation doesn’t make you uncomfortable, it’s probably not true. Facing up to your past, frees you to do things differently, and make the world a better place.

Redoing your worst moments over and over every 50 years is really dragging you down.

There is no porn in schools. That a bullshit lie that's being sold to you by those wanting to destroy public education. Your nation is being radicalized by those who are controlling the SC with a goal of establishing an American theocracy.

And you're one of their useful idiots.
You said it yourself in a previous post about learning to Google. Google my “antidote” and see how it pops up across all media. And, please, stop bringing race into this. I’m the father of brown children. It’s insulting.

Porn is in the schools. You either deny it and/or have no problem with the American taxpayer funding it for K-12 schools.
You need to go back on your meds. You’re bat shit crazy.

It absolutely is. Banning books should be in libraries. Have you seen the list of books they’re banning anything by black authors are brown off. There’s anything that celebrates non-white culture.

They’re banning books on the Holocaust - anything that would teach children about history.

In Florida, they banned the teaching of art because a child complained that Michelangelos statue of David was naked.

This is ridiculous.
With a post like that, I would think twice about who you are calling bat shit crazy. I expected better than that from you DL but oh well. Have a great day.
That person would not know a "Fact" is it came up and introduced itself to them. And apparently they he or she dimwitted enough to not realize he or she is literally defending the grooming and the sexualization of young children.
They don't realize that is what they are defacto doing though. If those on the left were capable of actual critical thinking or cared to do their own research rather than regurgitate the innuendo, assigned talking points, propaganda, very few of them would be leftist.
So you do NOT want works which contain unsettling content that some might call adult material removed from school libraries?

When did you change your mind about this? It seems to have happened in just the last few minutes...
I do not want inappropriate material included in the school library. I will not allow you or anybody else define what I consider inappropriate when you do so maliciously and dishonestly. The two books Senator Kennedy was reading from are two that I definitely consider inappropriate however.

FYI the rating by most thoughtful rating services say THE COLOR PURPLE is not appropriate for children younger than 14+. It should not be in an elementary school library. Anybody who would recommend it for young children should not be allowed to be in any aspect of public education.
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So you need to make your own decisions for your child, but I can't say you should decide for your child.

You misunderstood me. I'm fine with me deciding what my child reads but I'm not OK with you banning books that I might want my child to have access to.
You misunderstood me. I'm fine with me deciding what my child reads but I'm not OK with you banning books that I might want my child to have access to.

I misunderstood nothing, that was what you said. Granted you were drinking. I said it's up to you what your child does. You blasted me and said it's up to you, not what I say, which was IT'S UP TO YOU.

If you want to set the record straight on what you meant that's fine, but be honest, that's what you said.

And what book has been banned? Name it. Hint, none have been banned, you are LYING. You're disagreeing with showing six year olds gay porn, as in you're demanding they DO that
Once again, you give us an antidote based on no evidence whatsoever of your specious claims. Everything being claimed by Republicans about sexually inappropriate books is covering up the fact that it’s not sexually inappropriate books that are being removed.

The books being removed are "culturally inappropriate". They’re not written by white people, they don’t depict white people, and they celebrate non-white cultures and that is the problem for Republicans. Anything that says that white people aren’t the greatest thing ever and that other people have value has to be removed because white children are so delicate and sensitive. They’ll be harmed by learning that other people have valuable cultures too.

You have no problem, making non-white children feel bad about not being white. You have no problem labelling black children as thugs or telling them they’re inferior to white kids.

You don’t want white children learning the sordid history of your country. And that’s why every 50 years you have race riots. You keep re-fighting the same battles over and over again because you don’t learn from your past. You simply cover it up so it’s repeated endlessly.

You're refighting the abortion fight, because you have no memory of why Roe v Wade has been celebrated for 50 years. Because overnight, American women stopped dying.

It’s been said that if the history of your nation doesn’t make you uncomfortable, it’s probably not true. Facing up to your past, frees you to do things differently, and make the world a better place.

Redoing your worst moments over and over every 50 years is really dragging you down.

There is no porn in schools. That a bullshit lie that's being sold to you by those wanting to destroy public education. Your nation is being radicalized by those who are controlling the SC with a goal of establishing an American theocracy.

And you're one of their useful idiots.
Look at you defending porn and grooming in schools.
No surprise.
Did I miss it where the school in question was identified? How old are the students there?

Irrelevant. Gay porn doesn't belong in school libraries.

Buy your gay porn and give it to your kids on your own dime and your own time.

Now kindly fuck off.
So you are ok with Christian books in the library, right? I mean this stuff is sick and everybody knows it, but at least be consistent with you nonsense.
I have no issue with Christian books so long as no one is forced to read them. Do you have an issue with Islamic books?
With a post like that, I would think twice about who you are calling bat shit crazy. I expected better than that from you DL but oh well. Have a great day.
Normally I would but this guy is right off his med - everyone is pedophile and a groomer.
You can still access porn outside the school library. We don't want you exposing our kids to it while they're at school. Thanks.
I doubt the books were assigned reading so the kids were interested in the issue. Not everyone agrees with you that ignorance is preferable to knowledge.

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