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Listen to this Egyptian Carefully:

That's just your opinion. To others who are not enemy within Muslims, the guy makes total sense. Seems to me that he knows much more than you and has firsthand knowledge.
Then by that logic, are you willing to accept the validity of Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein's condemnation of Zionism and Israel's fascist policies towards the Palestinian people? :cool:
Unfortunately they don't make sense. Sorry. This guy on the other hand was recruited by terrorist groups, plus he's educated and has deep knowledge of the Koran. Chomsky and Finkelstein aren't fit to shine his shoes. It's pretty obvious they are just outsiders out to make a quick buck in front of Islamists and neo Nazis by bashing Israel.
Why do you discount them?

Both are Jews, and Finkelstein's parents were holohoax survivors.

That should make their opinions are just as valid as any other Juden....... :cool:
P F Tinmore, et al,

This interview was a promotional for the Goldstone Report:
Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
∗ The interview emphasized that neither side had clean hands, and that both sides engage in Human Right violations and war crimes.
- YouTube

Whether you consider the Goldstone Report as a great achievement or deeply flawed, it has some interesting passages; something for everyone. It really doesn't give anyone a clean bill of health. Obviously, the Occupation Force is going to take that lions share of criticism in any such fact finding mission. But it gets a number of digs into Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

Everyone will find something in the report, one of my favorite passages was:

Paragraph 1691. said:
From the facts available, the Mission finds that the rocket and mortars attacks, launched by Palestinian armed groups in Gaza, have caused terror in the affected communities of southern Israel and in Israel as a whole. Furthermore, it is the Mission’s view that the mortars and rockets are uncontrolled and uncontrollable, respectively. This indicates the commission of an indiscriminate attack on the civilian population of southern Israel, a war crime, and may amount to crimes against humanity. These attacks have caused loss of life and physical and mental injury to civilians and damage to private houses, religious buildings and property and have eroded the economic and cultural life of the affected communities.

While there are several passages, and citations I've used in the discussions we've had, I always come back to this one as - one of my favorites.

Most Respectfully,
It depends who the leadership is. For example this fuckup we have in office now named Obama has facilitated the removal of secular moderates to be replaced by Islamists. Yes, the results of the Arab Spring are in.

You seriously don't know your history.

America, for some strange reason, backs despots, worldwide. And they kill opposition.

Iran's shah was the result of a US/UK joint operation. And SAVAK use to kill everyone opposed to the shah. Except..those hiding out in Mosques. So militants started hiding in Mosques and gaining the support of clerics. That's basically how the modern militancy started.

And you had the more nutsy kooks in Afghanistan. America, being hell bent on ousting the Russians, FINANCED those kooks. And once those kooks got rid of the Russians..they targetted America.

Obama had NOTHING to do with that.
Don't want to get off on a tangent here, but Iran's shah was a secular dictator who brought about many reforms and changes to the people. Look up the White Revolution. Where the shah gave govt land to the peasants, made women take off their veils, built roads highways, and made public education mandatory and free. In essence he and his father de-Islamicized Iran. I do agree with you that the removal of the Shah was a UK/US operation mainly, and it was all about oil.

The US would not have had to support radicals in Afghanistan had the Carter presidency not been such a disaster, that the Russians had not become emboldened to invade Afganistan. It's always good if you get the whole picture as opposed to bits and pieces. And no one can deny that Obama is Carter on steroids when it comes to foreign policy.

Whereas carter facilitated the removal of one secular dictator friendly to the US to be replaced by Islamist nutjobs, Obama has facilitated many more.

I don't think it was about oil. I think Jimmy Carter was clueless.
Then by that logic, are you willing to accept the validity of Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein's condemnation of Zionism and Israel's fascist policies towards the Palestinian people? :cool:
Unfortunately they don't make sense. Sorry. This guy on the other hand was recruited by terrorist groups, plus he's educated and has deep knowledge of the Koran. Chomsky and Finkelstein aren't fit to shine his shoes. It's pretty obvious they are just outsiders out to make a quick buck in front of Islamists and neo Nazis by bashing Israel.
Why do you discount them?

Both are Jews, and Finkelstein's parents were holohoax survivors.

That should make their opinions are just as valid as any other Juden....... :cool:
Neither of them are Israelis, neither of them were recruited as Islamic terrorists, neither of them is born and bred in a Muslim country, neither of them understands Muslim culture, neither of them is an Islamic scholar. These two idiots are just liberal idiots out to make a fast buck by saying the stuff only Islamists and neo Nazis like to hear. Nobody else gives a shit about them.
You seriously don't know your history.

America, for some strange reason, backs despots, worldwide. And they kill opposition.

Iran's shah was the result of a US/UK joint operation. And SAVAK use to kill everyone opposed to the shah. Except..those hiding out in Mosques. So militants started hiding in Mosques and gaining the support of clerics. That's basically how the modern militancy started.

And you had the more nutsy kooks in Afghanistan. America, being hell bent on ousting the Russians, FINANCED those kooks. And once those kooks got rid of the Russians..they targetted America.

Obama had NOTHING to do with that.
Don't want to get off on a tangent here, but Iran's shah was a secular dictator who brought about many reforms and changes to the people. Look up the White Revolution. Where the shah gave govt land to the peasants, made women take off their veils, built roads highways, and made public education mandatory and free. In essence he and his father de-Islamicized Iran. I do agree with you that the removal of the Shah was a UK/US operation mainly, and it was all about oil.

The US would not have had to support radicals in Afghanistan had the Carter presidency not been such a disaster, that the Russians had not become emboldened to invade Afganistan. It's always good if you get the whole picture as opposed to bits and pieces. And no one can deny that Obama is Carter on steroids when it comes to foreign policy.

Whereas carter facilitated the removal of one secular dictator friendly to the US to be replaced by Islamist nutjobs, Obama has facilitated many more.

I don't think it was about oil. I think Jimmy Carter was clueless.
The Shah as the leader of Opec was encouraging the oil producing states to raise the price of oil. The UK and West were under a lot of economic pressure and the Shah was about to make it worse. Watch this rarely known telling interview with the Shah that says it all:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciAEQMEtgNo]Iran Live News | Shah Of Iran criticizing British foreign policy towards Iran - YouTube[/ame]
Where was Palestinian mentioned. I just got new glasses and didn't see it. A little help please.
Last edited by Roudy; Today at 03:44 AM.
He got caught Lying, again
You idiots don't understand that changing "windows" on an ipad will cause whatever you had to disappear. So the only way to post everything would be to keep posting and go back and add more until you have everything. The only liars are you terrorist supporting asslickers, goh bokhor heyvoun.
Both chomsky and finklestein are stuck in the culture of "publish or perish"
so they PUBLISH never read the stuff of a person who MUST PUBLISH
in order to eat------without keeping the fact that writing is not easy---once
written not everything gets PUBLISHED ----and their livelihoods depend
on it Controversy SELLS
Does this sound like a brutal dictator?


Mohammad Reza Shah had intended it to be a non-violent regeneration of Iranian society through economic and social reforms, with the ultimate long-term aim of transforming Iran into a global economic and industrial power. The Shah introduced novel economic concepts such as profit-sharing for workers and initiated massive government-financed heavy industry projects, as well as the nationalization of forests and pastureland. Most important, however, were the land reform programs which saw the traditional landed elites of Iran lose much of their influence and power. Nearly 90% of Iranian share-croppers became landowners as a result.
Socially, the platform granted women more rights and poured money into education, especially in the rural areas. The Literacy Corps was also established, which allowed young men to fulfill their compulsory military service by working as village literacy teachers.

The White Revolution consisted of 19 elements that were introduced over a period of 15 years, with the first 6 introduced in 1962 and put to a national referendum on January 26, 1963.

***Land Reforms Program and Abolishing "Feudalism": The government bought the land from the feudal land lords at what was considered to be a fair price and sold it to the peasants at 30% below the market value, with the loan being payable over 25 years at very low interest rates. This made it possible for 1.5 million peasant families, who had once been little more than slaves, to own the lands that they had been cultivating all their lives. Given that average size of a peasant family was 5, land reforms program brought freedom to approximately 9 million people, or 40% of Iran's population.***Nationalization of Forests and Pasturelands: Introduced many measures, not only to protect the national resources and stop the destruction of forests and pasturelands, but also to further develop and cultivate them. More than 9 million trees were planted in 26 regions, creating 70,000 acres (280 km²) of "green belts" around cities and on the borders of the major highways.***Privatization of the Government Owned Enterprises, manufacturing plants and factories by selling their shares to the public and the old feudal lords, thus creating a whole new class of factory owners who could now help to industrialize the country.***Profit Sharing for industrial workers in private sector enterprises, giving the factory workers and employees 20% share of the net profits of the places where they worked and securing bonuses based on higher productivity or reductions in costs.***Extending the Right to Vote to Women, who previously did not enjoy suffrage. This measure was criticised by some of the clergy.***Formation of the Literacy Corps, so that those who had a high school diploma and were required to serve their country as soldiers could do so in fighting illiteracy in the villages. In 1963 approximately 2/3 of the population was illiterate, with 1/3 found mainly in the capital city of Tehran.***Formation of the Health Corps to extend public health care throughout the villages and rural regions of Iran. In 3 years, almost 4,500 medical groups were trained; nearly 10 million cases were treated by the Corps.***Formation of the Reconstruction and Development Corps to teach the villagers the modern methods and techniques of farming and keeping livestock. Agricultural production between 1964 and 1970 increased by 80% in tonnage and 67% in value.***Formation of the Houses of Equity where 5 village elders would be elected by the villagers, for a period of 3 years, to act as arbitrators in order to help settle minor offences and disputes. By 1977 there were 10,358 Houses of Equity serving over 10 million people living in over 19,000 villages across the country.***Nationalization of all Water Resources, introduction of projects and policies in order to conserve and benefit from Iran's limited water resources. Many dams were constructed and five more were under construction in 1978. It was as a result of these measures that the area of land under irrigation increased from 2 million acres (8,000 km²), in 1968, to 5.6 million in 1977.***Urban and Rural Modernization and Reconstruction with the help of the Reconstruction and Development Corps. Building of public baths, schools and libraries; installing water pumps and power generators for running water and electricity.***Didactic Reforms that improved the quality of education by diversifying the curriculum in order to adapt to the necessities of life in the modern world.***Workers' Right to Own Shares in the Industrial Complexes where they worked by turning Industrial units, with 5 years history and over, into public companies, where up to 99% of the shares in the state-owned enterprises and 49% of the shares of the private companies would be offered for sale to the workers of the establishment at first and then to the general public.***Price Stabilization and campaign against unreasonable profiteering (1975). Owners of factories and large chain stores were heavily fined, with some being imprisoned and other's licenses being revoked. Sanctions were imposed on multi-national foreign companies and tons of merchandise stored for speculative purposes were confiscated and sold to consumers at fixed prices.***Free and Compulsory Education and a daily free meal for all children from kindergarten to 14 years of age. In 1978, 25% of Iranians were enrolled in public schools alone. In that same year there were 185,000 students of both sexes studying in Iran's universities. In addition to the above there were over 100,000 students pursuing their studies abroad, of which 50,000 were enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States.***Free Food for Needy Mothers and for all newborn babies up to the age of two.***Introduction of Social Security and National Insurance for all Iranians. National Insurance system provided for up to 100% of the wages during retirement. ***Stable and Reasonable Cost of Renting or Buying of Residential Properties (1977). Controls were placed on land prices and various forms of land speculation. ***Introduction of Measures to Fight against Corruption within the bureaucracy. Imperial Inspection Commission was founded, consisting of representatives from administrative bodies and people of proven integrity.
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The first Iranians I met---were jews----way back in the mid sixties----they were kids---as
was I------they came to the US without their parents----lived with jews ----and moved
on with their educations----etc. Shortly thereafter I ran into Iranians who were muslims.
In the US for further professional training----they all stayed I had LOTS OF IRANIAN friends-- in the 60s and early 70s -----all LOVED "our shah" ----both the jews and the
muslims -------It was a muslim Iranian who---in the 70s told me about
RELIGIOUS FANATICS back home in Teheran-----every Iranian I knew ---was somehow
FROM TEHERAN-----and either well educated already or ON THE WAY ---none
were into "ISLAM" and all liked "our Shah"
He got caught Lying, again
So he added the handclaps. Big deal.

no he claimed a quote from a Palestinian that was proved to be from an Egyptian
Actually, Yousef Mohammed, your tagline is wrong. It should say Islam is Evil. Are you even paying attention to what is happening in your old country Iran when it comes to people of other religions. While the Bahai's are being imprisoned and killed in Iranian prisons, they have a beautiful temple in Israel where they can follow their religion in peace. More Bahai's have recently been arrested in Iran, and they will no doubt be killed eventually.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj2Ag5PiaWg]Dr. Tawfik Hamid - "The Roots of Jihad" 1/6 - YouTube[/ame]
Does this sound like a brutal dictator?
If the Shah was such a great guy.

How come millions of Iranian people filled the streets in several cities to protest against him.

And held huge celebrations when he fled the country? :cool:
Mobs are easily misled. Khomieni promised $10,000 yearly to every Iranian should the Shah be overthrown. As we saw the Islamic animals that took over made the Shah look like an angel.
Does this sound like a brutal dictator?
If the Shah was such a great guy.

How come millions of Iranian people filled the streets in several cities to protest against him.

And held huge celebrations when he fled the country? :cool:
Ask the Iranians what they think about the Islamic revolution now. The same millions have protested several times and lost their lives trying to remove the Islamic savages in power.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALoyvS8VZFA]Dr. Tawfik Hamid explains the ABCs of Jihad - YouTube[/ame]

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