Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

My Hispanic friends that are AMERICANS don't like illegals because it makes them look bad.

They don't like that they don't speak English in public and people assume my friends are like them.

It's like black males raping and pillaging in a city then people assume every black they see is a criminal....

Thug Is the New N-World

Say what you will about Richard Sherman, the outspoken cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks, he’s right that the word “thug” has become an “accepted way of calling somebody the N-word.” You saw it, for instance, during the Trayvon Martin controversy, where defenders of the shooter, George Zimmerman, were quick to label Martin a “dangerous thug” for ordinary teenage behavior, like cursing or smoking marijuana.

The same is true of the right-wing fever swamps, where “thug” is the favored insult for Barack Obama. It comes quickly from the mouths of Rush Limbaugh—who is quick to call the president a “Chicago thug”—Michele Bachmann—who attacks anodyne political behavior as “thuggery”—and Karl Rove, who told Fox News that the president looks like “some kind of political thug” because of comments he made about the Supreme Court.


Many right wingers do see every black person as a "criminal" and "thug".

dont kid yourself Dean.....many left wingers see that too....especially the more upper class ones.....out here many of them look at the Brown people like that too....
White trash like you believe you will benefit from 15M-30M more Hispanics here in line for welfare, obamacare, education, jobs, etc. :cuckoo:

They'll come after you too "gringo."

What the fuck do I care?

What are you going to do about it Republicans? The clock is ticking and you are losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do to stop the bleeding?

The future of your party depends on it

What the fuck do I care?

Keep that attitude Republicans. Hispanics will not vote for you. You have 30% of the Hispanic vote now and will be lucky if you have 20% a decade from now. When that happens, you have lost Florida and Texas and will never elect another President

End of the Republican party as we know it

in 10-15 years you will not see the same Democratic party as you see today.....
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.
Last I checked, the GOP leadership is putting together what it calls a "piece meal" plan. This involves border security first, than Amnesty which includes a path to citizenship for the undocumented who abide by the law(pay back taxes, fines, pass criminal background checks and such) by first giving them residency and the ability for apply for citizenship down the road.

Boehner said:

"There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws — that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law,” the document reads. “Rather, these persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits). Criminal aliens, gang members, and sex offenders and those who do not meet the above requirements will not be eligible for this program.”

What problem do you have with this? You do realize minus citizenship instead of residency for the undocumented, the GOP and Democrats have the same identical plan?

So if you have a problem with the GOP leadership , you have a problem with the Democrat leadership as well?

What is your proposal? Open borders, citizenship without question? Who is the extremist here?

Piece meal plan?

Spend years playing with the border and never actually get it secured. Meanwhile, you hold up immigration reform indefinitely

30% Republicans...that is what you got in the last election

Unless you do something lose Florida and then Texas

Less. It was 27%. Will probably move to 24-25% with Hillary as the DEM candidate.

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

FOX NEWS has deleted it's exit poll summary, apparently, it doesn't want to keep the information:
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I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.
Last I checked, the GOP leadership is putting together what it calls a "piece meal" plan. This involves border security first, than Amnesty which includes a path to citizenship for the undocumented who abide by the law(pay back taxes, fines, pass criminal background checks and such) by first giving them residency and the ability for apply for citizenship down the road.

Boehner said:

"There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws — that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law,” the document reads. “Rather, these persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits). Criminal aliens, gang members, and sex offenders and those who do not meet the above requirements will not be eligible for this program.”

What problem do you have with this? You do realize minus citizenship instead of residency for the undocumented, the GOP and Democrats have the same identical plan?

So if you have a problem with the GOP leadership , you have a problem with the Democrat leadership as well?

What is your proposal? Open borders, citizenship without question? Who is the extremist here?

Stein meet aint seen nothing yet......
Liberals always believe criminals, bad people, etc won't bother them until it happens then they become conservatives by experience.

Blacks and whites all gung-ho for "giving back" the western USA to Mexico via illegal immigration don't realize it will become a cesspool like Mexico and they will be the first ones on the target list for $$$ and more.

Conservatives believe EVERYBODY is going to hurt them. That's why their party is 90% white. And who screws them over the worst? Their own leaders.

thats why the party is 90% white?...holy shit......
Republicans want to spend trillions on things they believe will keep them safe. More guards. More bombs. More guns.

But the things that really keep them safe are education, jobs, healthcare and American supporting American. They think education is for snobs, too lazy to work the hard jobs, don't want healthcare and think Americans helping Americans is "socialism".

This screaming about "oh we just want it done legally" is as hollow as their cries for "voter ID". It only started with Voter ID, then went on to all kinds of Voter Suppression. It doesn't end well when you are "fear" driven.

you forgot...."let him die!".....
Last I checked, the GOP leadership is putting together what it calls a "piece meal" plan. This involves border security first, than Amnesty which includes a path to citizenship for the undocumented who abide by the law(pay back taxes, fines, pass criminal background checks and such) by first giving them residency and the ability for apply for citizenship down the road.

Boehner said:

"There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws — that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law,” the document reads. “Rather, these persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits). Criminal aliens, gang members, and sex offenders and those who do not meet the above requirements will not be eligible for this program.”

What problem do you have with this? You do realize minus citizenship instead of residency for the undocumented, the GOP and Democrats have the same identical plan?

So if you have a problem with the GOP leadership , you have a problem with the Democrat leadership as well?

What is your proposal? Open borders, citizenship without question? Who is the extremist here?

Piece meal plan?

Spend years playing with the border and never actually get it secured. Meanwhile, you hold up immigration reform indefinitely

30% Republicans...that is what you got in the last election

Unless you do something lose Florida and then Texas

Less. It was 27%. Will probably move to 24-25% with Hillary as the DEM candidate.

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

President Exit Polls - Election 2012 -

Exit polls 2012: How the vote has shifted - The Washington Post

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election

FOX NEWS has deleted it's exit poll summary, apparently, it doesn't want to keep the information:

Fox News exit poll summary: Obama's key groups made the difference | Fox News

If the Republican vote with Hispanics drops to 24-25%, the party is doomed

For the last four election cycles Florida was decided by a few percentage points either way. Drop the Republican Hispanic vote and Florida goes permanently into the blue column meaning Republicans can't win the White House and the Supreme Court goes decidedly liberal.

But Republicans don't care about Hispanics
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Piece meal plan?

Spend years playing with the border and never actually get it secured. Meanwhile, you hold up immigration reform indefinitely

30% Republicans...that is what you got in the last election

Unless you do something lose Florida and then Texas

Less. It was 27%. Will probably move to 24-25% with Hillary as the DEM candidate.

Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

President Exit Polls - Election 2012 -

Exit polls 2012: How the vote has shifted - The Washington Post

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Demographics of How Groups Voted in the 2012 Presidential Election

FOX NEWS has deleted it's exit poll summary, apparently, it doesn't want to keep the information:

Fox News exit poll summary: Obama's key groups made the difference | Fox News

If the Republican vote with Hispanics drops to 24-25%, the party is doomed

For the last four election cycles Florida was decided by a few percentage points either way. Drop the Republican Hispanic vote and Florida goes permanently into the blue column meaning Republicans can't win the White House and the Supreme Court goes decidedly liberal.

But Republicans don't care about Hispanics

neither do Democrats.....oh i know they tell you they do....most Hispanics know better....

If the Republican vote with Hispanics drops to 24-25%, the party is doomed

For the last four election cycles Florida was decided by a few percentage points either way. Drop the Republican Hispanic vote and Florida goes permanently into the blue column meaning Republicans can't win the White House and the Supreme Court goes decidedly liberal.

But Republicans don't care about Hispanics

neither do Democrats.....oh i know they tell you they do....most Hispanics know better....

May be so.....still doesn't affect the demographics that are turning against the Republicans
Liberals always believe criminals, bad people, etc won't bother them until it happens then they become conservatives by experience.

Blacks and whites all gung-ho for "giving back" the western USA to Mexico via illegal immigration don't realize it will become a cesspool like Mexico and they will be the first ones on the target list for $$$ and more.

Conservatives believe EVERYBODY is going to hurt them. That's why their party is 90% white. And who screws them over the worst? Their own leaders.

thats why the party is 90% white?...holy shit......

Why do you think their party is 90% white?
Many right wingers do see every black person as a "criminal" and "thug".

When you have Blacks spontanousily assaulting people for no reason in major cities all over the country or pillaging a convenience store in large numbers, one can't help but equate a Black person as a criminal.

Tell Black Leaders to start cracking down on their community and clean things up and maybe that labelling will stop.
But go ahead.....continue blocking any immigration reform. You only hurt yourself

And continuing to allow illegal immigration to go unchecked and rewarding those who are already here is going to hurt the entire country.

But you Libturds don't care what happens to the country. Just as long as it doesn't effect your rose-colored view of the world, you don't give a shit.
What the fuck do I care?

What are you going to do about it Republicans? The clock is ticking and you are losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do to stop the bleeding?

The future of your party depends on it
Spoken like a TRUE Racist HACK that you are.

Refute what I have said. How does your party survive without increasing its polling with Hispanics?

By increasing it's polling with Whites, Blacks and Asians who are being disenfranchised in the job market because of Hispanics.
If the Republican vote with Hispanics drops to 24-25%, the party is doomed

For the last four election cycles Florida was decided by a few percentage points either way. Drop the Republican Hispanic vote and Florida goes permanently into the blue column meaning Republicans can't win the White House and the Supreme Court goes decidedly liberal.

But Republicans don't care about Hispanics

neither do Democrats.....oh i know they tell you they do....most Hispanics know better....

May be so.....still doesn't affect the demographics that are turning against the Republicans

RW if your party cares more about getting their votes instead of actually caring about the people....what does that say about the party?...and any Democrat who is ok with that?...
Conservatives believe EVERYBODY is going to hurt them. That's why their party is 90% white. And who screws them over the worst? Their own leaders.

thats why the party is 90% white?...holy shit......

Why do you think their party is 90% white?

i dont really give a shit Dean....i have never cared about that party......the " party" i belong to is the most diverse of either of the parties...its the one that has all the people who are sick and tired of both parties.....we come in all shapes,sizes,colors,creeds,political thought.....the list goes thing we all agree on.....the Democrats and Republicans are slowly Destroying the Country with their fucking party first bullshit....and the diehard party people on both sides you....are the biggest part of the people back your party matter what.....never question.....just do.....
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.
Idiot is as idiot says, rdean is sure an idiot. We just hate illegals voting for socialist pieces of shit like your hero obamapieceofshit.
thats why the party is 90% white?...holy shit......

Why do you think their party is 90% white?

i dont really give a shit Dean....i have never cared about that party......the " party" i belong to is the most diverse of either of the parties...its the one that has all the people who are sick and tired of both parties.....we come in all shapes,sizes,colors,creeds,political thought.....the list goes thing we all agree on.....the Democrats and Republicans are slowly Destroying the Country with their fucking party first bullshit....and the diehard party people on both sides you....are the biggest part of the people back your party matter what.....never question.....just do.....

Oh, so you really don't have anything worthwhile to say. Just meandering and spouting nonsense. No ideas. Just "give up" and hate and mock. Nothing to add. Just, for lack of a better word, "drool".
Seems that just the word "rdean" is "hateful".

You are hate are ALSO the same it that tried to pass on the lie that Walker cut education when he actually increased education don't have any credibility kid.

what poster here mentions skin color more than Dean?....not even the right wing racist here like Shootspeadoes or Steve McGarrett can top Dean...

yep, he's the biggest race hustlers on the board
But go ahead.....continue blocking any immigration reform. You only hurt yourself

And continuing to allow illegal immigration to go unchecked and rewarding those who are already here is going to hurt the entire country.

But you Libturds don't care what happens to the country. Just as long as it doesn't effect your rose-colored view of the world, you don't give a shit.

Set any agenda you wish.

The issue is Republucans losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do about it?
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

Immigration is fine, illegal immigration, not so much.

Why are you terrified of our immigration laws?

Illegal Alien Drain on the Economy

Free access to Food Stamps - Somewhere around 2 Billion dollars annually - {One report states 2.2 Billion another states 1.9 Billion}

Free Medicaid - Also around 2 Billion dollars annually - {and once again there are conflicting estimates all around the $2,000,000,000 Mark}

In 2005 {9 Years ago !} The Urban Institute estimated there were 1.4 Million undocumented Children in the U.S. using our schools, utilizing our resources, receiving free lunch, and in some communities, refusing to, or unable to learn English.

[In 2006] "... about 11 million immigrants in the U.S., the net cost or the total cost of services and benefits provided to them, education, welfare, general social services would be about $90 billion a year"

" Over a lifetime, the former unlawful immigrants [assuming amnesty is enacted] would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay $3.1 trillion in taxes. They would generate a lifetime fiscal deficit (total benefits minus total taxes) of $6.3 trillion. (All figures are in constant 2010 dollars.) This should be considered a minimum estimate. It probably understates real future costs because it undercounts the number of unlawful immigrants and dependents who will actually receive amnesty and underestimates significantly the future growth in welfare and medical benefits. " {Robert Rector}

[Statistics quoted from The Examiner ]

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes."

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, .. 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens.

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% ...98% are illegal aliens.

Hispanic Racist Radical Agenda

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