Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

But go ahead.....continue blocking any immigration reform. You only hurt yourself

And continuing to allow illegal immigration to go unchecked and rewarding those who are already here is going to hurt the entire country.

But you Libturds don't care what happens to the country. Just as long as it doesn't effect your rose-colored view of the world, you don't give a shit.

Set any agenda you wish.

The issue is Republucans losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do about it?

Hey Norton - Still spending too much time Down in the Sewer ?

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I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

yep, they're basically saying to the citizens here, who want to rise up into the middle-class through hard work, :fu: but they voted for romney because...well..... we all know why ;)

....because Romney was the far better candidate.
Well for liberal/Democrats I guess they figure they have the black people chained to their plantation, so now it's onto Hispanics...

so here comes the lies how Republican/conservatives don't like Hispanics, as if they are the only group of people in this country, illegally

how sick is the Democrat party when all they have is spreading lie and hate about the other party?
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I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

yep, they're basically saying to the citizens here, who want to rise up into the middle-class through hard work, :fu: but they voted for romney because...well..... we all know why ;)

....because Romney was the far better candidate.

And of course every self respecting 1984 Democrat knows Romney is a racist !

And continuing to allow illegal immigration to go unchecked and rewarding those who are already here is going to hurt the entire country.

But you Libturds don't care what happens to the country. Just as long as it doesn't effect your rose-colored view of the world, you don't give a shit.

Set any agenda you wish.

The issue is Republucans losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do about it?

Hey Norton - Still spending too much time Down in the Sewer ?


The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops
Q. Why do people illegally come to our country?
A. Obviously because we hire them because we can get hard workers for dimes on the dollar.

Q. Who hires them?
A. All levels of 'employers'; Today I can drive by U-Haul or Home Depot and dozens of young and old Latino Men will be standing by the curb seeking day labor. Homeowners hire them, contractors hire them and small businesses hire them. Farmers hire them to sell Oranges on the corners in residential neighborhoods and restaurants of every ethnic cuisine hire them as cooks. All do so by exploiting their labor for profit and all are violating our laws.

Q. Why do they come here?
A. Because the Power Elite in our nation values their labor and finding work is easy compared to their home country, where work either doesn't exist and/or the pay is low.

Q. How are they exploited?
A. Employers do not carry insurance nor pay OT, they do not contribute to SS & Medicare and those here illegally have no Union Protection; if abused they have no where to turn for fear of deportation.

[Consider, the GOP is opposed to organized labor for American Citizens and has been pushing the "Right to Work" theory, a euphemism to provide employers a means to exploit labor].

Q. Why is the GOP opposed to a path to citizenship for those here illegally?
A. Clearly such a path would provide a path for unions to organize those allowed to work here, and that is anathema to the Power Elite. And because the Power Elite understand that cheap labor provides higher profits and greater freedom to their 'base' who don't much like having employees who whine when forced to work long hours with no OT and no benefits.

Q. Why is the Obama Administration enforcing immigration laws and at the same time seeking a new and comprehensive Immigration Law?
a. The enforce the law because it is their duty; they seek a fair new law for they know most workers who are here illegally are not criminals - as the far right likes to characterize them - but men and women seeking a better life for themselves and their families.
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

They won't let that fact stand in the way of spreading lies like this thread

they are so used up of ideas..and with Obama's approvals this is all were are going to get, hate spreading, lies, class warfare, race hustling, dirty politics, pitting the people against people in this country

it's their nasty claim to fame
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"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."
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What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

And we all know what a secure border means. Until such time as not a single illegal can get across, Republicans will delay immigration reform
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

Immigration is fine, illegal immigration, not so much.

Why are you terrified of our immigration laws?

Illegal Alien Drain on the Economy

Free access to Food Stamps - Somewhere around 2 Billion dollars annually - {One report states 2.2 Billion another states 1.9 Billion}

Free Medicaid - Also around 2 Billion dollars annually - {and once again there are conflicting estimates all around the $2,000,000,000 Mark}

In 2005 {9 Years ago !} The Urban Institute estimated there were 1.4 Million undocumented Children in the U.S. using our schools, utilizing our resources, receiving free lunch, and in some communities, refusing to, or unable to learn English.

[In 2006] "... about 11 million immigrants in the U.S., the net cost or the total cost of services and benefits provided to them, education, welfare, general social services would be about $90 billion a year"

" Over a lifetime, the former unlawful immigrants [assuming amnesty is enacted] would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay $3.1 trillion in taxes. They would generate a lifetime fiscal deficit (total benefits minus total taxes) of $6.3 trillion. (All figures are in constant 2010 dollars.) This should be considered a minimum estimate. It probably understates real future costs because it undercounts the number of unlawful immigrants and dependents who will actually receive amnesty and underestimates significantly the future growth in welfare and medical benefits. " {Robert Rector}

[Statistics quoted from The Examiner ]

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes."

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, .. 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens.

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% ...98% are illegal aliens.

Hispanic Racist Radical Agenda

Hilarious that site you linked to has this advertisement:

Get help now for you or your loved one with opioid or alcohol dependence
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

And we all know what a secure border means. Until such time as not a single illegal can get across, Republicans will delay immigration reform

You're not that stupid, leftwinger.....tell me you're not that stupid.
For every 1 caught now they figure 3 get across.
You're such a hack. :eusa_whistle:
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

And we all know what a secure border means. Until such time as not a single illegal can get across, Republicans will delay immigration reform

You're not that stupid, leftwinger.....tell me you're not that stupid.
For every 1 caught now they figure 3 get across.
You're such a hack. :eusa_whistle:

Simple....prove me wrong
Why do you think their party is 90% white?

i dont really give a shit Dean....i have never cared about that party......the " party" i belong to is the most diverse of either of the parties...its the one that has all the people who are sick and tired of both parties.....we come in all shapes,sizes,colors,creeds,political thought.....the list goes thing we all agree on.....the Democrats and Republicans are slowly Destroying the Country with their fucking party first bullshit....and the diehard party people on both sides you....are the biggest part of the people back your party matter what.....never question.....just do.....

Oh, so you really don't have anything worthwhile to say. Just meandering and spouting nonsense. No ideas. Just "give up" and hate and mock. Nothing to add. Just, for lack of a better word, "drool".
its not worthwhile to you because you did not like what i said about your precious little party and you....but then you just kinda backed up what i said about assholes like you.....thanks once again Dean for proving me right about you.....
What I'm hearing from the conservatives on the Hill is that they want a secured border as the first order of business. The United States was stung in 1986 for not doing it first. :eusa_whistle:

And we all know what a secure border means. Until such time as not a single illegal can get across, Republicans will delay immigration reform

Surely you jest! How can the border be secure?

Where are all the deportations? | Center for Immigration Studies
Set any agenda you wish.

The issue is Republucans losing the Hispanic vote. What are you going to do about it?

Hey Norton - Still spending too much time Down in the Sewer ?


The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....
Hey Norton - Still spending too much time Down in the Sewer ?


The problem for Republicans is not Mexicans crossing the border. In spite of rightwing propaganda, they can't vote

The problem for Republicans is the legal Hispanics who are here. Only 27% voted Republican in the last election. As the number of LEGAL Hispanics increases and the percent who vote Republican drops the ability of the party to be a national presence drops talk like the Hispanics just think your party is the greatest dam thing ever....when they take over your party i wanna hear what people like you and Dean have to say when they start dictating what they want.....i can see the White exodus now....

Hispanics are here and will be here for generations to come

They are now part of the political and cultural climate. The party that is best able to evolve will do the best

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