Listening to fox analysts


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
talking about the foreign policy speeches of GOP hopefuls over the weekend. Observing that foreign policy is complicated. It's complicated for US because our strategy is to negotiate. Not complicated for Iran or Isis...they just want to kill. Vote repub...switch policy from strategic patience to kill the bastards. Get it over.

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You can't negotiate with them, we need to take their view, kill the radicals and let the moderates know you're either with us or against us. There is no in between
There's 'foreign policy' for a whole variety of issues and whatnot, but the only policy for the radical Muslim thugs is to kill them. After all, they've announced that's their plan for all us infidels, and only a fool wouldn't understand the need to be proactive in pursuit of them and defense of self.
when the crazy RW gets all these ragheads to agree to fight a conventional war call me. Until then the RW's are nothing more than loony tunes.

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