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Little Bit Of Research Destroys Testimony Of Witnesses In Schiff's Closed-Door Coup


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another One Bites The Dust.....More Perjury, Lies, and Manufactured Narratives Exposed...


Emails obtained by 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' show ex-ambassador contacted Dem staffer despite denial

"Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, a key witness in House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, communicated via her personal email account with a Democratic congressional staffer concerning a "quite delicate" and "time-sensitive" matter -- just two days after the whistleblower complaint that kickstarted the inquiry was filed, and a month before the complaint became public.

The emails appear to contradict
Yovanovitch's deposition on Capitol Hill last month, in which she told U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., about an email she received Aug. 14 from the staffer, Laura Carey -- but indicated under oath that she never responded to it."

Proven LIAR, admitted CLASSIFIED LEAKER, CONTACT WTNESS, and RUSSIAN-BORN ARMS DEALER-COMPROMISED D-Adam Schiff's 'Investigation' is being exposed as a circus parade of liars, losers, and criminals...just like him!

No wonder Schiff did not want the GOP or Trump's lawyers to attend these meetings to cross-examining them and ask their own questions....

Yovanovitch communicated with Dem staffer on 'delicate' issue after complaint, emails show, despite testimony

If this is true. . . what makes them think this could possibly ever go to the Senate?

This whole circus will end up losing them seats in both the house and the Senate. . . are they trying to lose? :dunno:
If this is true. . . what makes them think this could possibly ever go to the Senate?

This whole circus will end up losing them seats in both the house and the Senate. . . are they trying to lose? :dunno:
This. Was. Not. A. Conspiracy!!!!!!!
I want that written 100 times on the board before you leave here today.
"We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff's team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint even though Schiff had lied to the public originally claiming that there was no contact. Additionally, while the contents of the email from this staffer to Ambassador Yovanovitch clearly state what the conversation would be regarding, Yovanovitch, when I asked her specifically what the staffer was looking to speak about, did not provide these details. I specifically asked her whether the Democratic staffer was responded to by Yovanovitch or the State Department. It is greatly concerning that Ambassador Yovanovitch didn't answer my question as honestly as she should have, especially while under oath."
-- Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y

This. Was. Not. A. Conspiracy!!!!!!!
I want that written 100 times on the board before you leave here today.

This is a coordinated, controlled - micro-managed, secret / behind-closed-doors Democrat-Only coup attempt, one crafted much like the 1st but with specific actions taken to try to remedy the things that went wrong in the 1st failed 'Collusion-Delusion' coup attempt....

The Democrats' / Pelosi's biggest mistake was to allow this treasonous circus to be run by D-Adam Schiff, considering:

- Schiff engaged in Sedition for 2+ years by knowingly and intentionally attempting to incite rebellion and organize a call for the President of the United States to be removed from office by falsely declaring he had DIRECT evidence of crimes against the President, which turned out to be a LIE

- Schiff is an admitted classified leaker - his entire staff / committee has been leaking like a screen door on a submarine, intentionally leaking cherry-picked part of the Democrats own slanted SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY, not actual excerpts from the actual transcripts, and the media has been using those Schiff-authored/fed Summaries to report what is going on in the House Impeachment effort. Reporting information AS IF it were actual fact but that not being the case is called 'Counter-Intelligence' / running a Counter-Intel Op to make people believe something that is FALSE.

- Schiff had contact with the faux Non-Whistle Blower, making him a 'CONTACT WITNESS', PRIOR to and AFTER the Complaint was filed. Knowing this would require Schiff to RECUSE himself he LIED to both Congress and the American people. Now that his contact with the 'Whistle Blower' and his status as a 'Contact Witness' has been revealed, Schiff still refuses to recuse himself, giving up control of the coup.

- It has also been revealed that Schiff is / has been effectively compromised by his connection to and having received a LOT of money from a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukraine officials.

Going in to this 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine', the entire process - being run by Schiff - had zero credibility, primarily because Schiff was running it. It has even LESS now due to the fact that 1) There was never any complaint filed by anyone actually having direct knowledge of the false accusation, 2) it has been revealed that the MSM is using the Democrats own 'Summaries' of witness testimony rather than actual transcripts, 3) the MSM is making NO EFFORT to research testimony given to ensure it is true, 4) actual transcripts show almost every witness has declared 'no quid pro quo', has given personal opinion based on NO 1st-hand account information, and / or has - like former US Ambassador to Ukraine Yavonovitch - has lied / committed Perjury!
If this is true. . . what makes them think this could possibly ever go to the Senate?

This whole circus will end up losing them seats in both the house and the Senate. . . are they trying to lose? :dunno:
This. Was. Not. A. Conspiracy!!!!!!!
I want that written 100 times on the board before you leave here today.

I don't know that it was, I don't know that it wasn't.

. . . but I DO want to know, how are you so sure that it wasn't? :dunno:

"We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff's team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint even though Schiff had lied to the public originally claiming that there was no contact. Additionally, while the contents of the email from this staffer to Ambassador Yovanovitch clearly state what the conversation would be regarding, Yovanovitch, when I asked her specifically what the staffer was looking to speak about, did not provide these details. I specifically asked her whether the Democratic staffer was responded to by Yovanovitch or the State Department. It is greatly concerning that Ambassador Yovanovitch didn't answer my question as honestly as she should have, especially while under oath."
-- Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y

Looks like we have people testifying that I heard it from someone who heard it from someone. We have one that testyfied then after they were finished decided to change their testimony. We have people testifying that they formed an opinion after news organizations told them about their opinion. We have people lieing under oath. Then we have the head of the whole thing that lied about having evidence that proved Trump conspired with Russia then lied that he had not talked to the whistleblower.

And we have people who wonder why people are laughing at the clown show.
If this is true. . . what makes them think this could possibly ever go to the Senate?

This whole circus will end up losing them seats in both the house and the Senate. . . are they trying to lose? :dunno:
This. Was. Not. A. Conspiracy!!!!!!!
I want that written 100 times on the board before you leave here today.

I don't know that it was, I don't know that it wasn't.

. . . but I DO want to know, how are you so sure that it wasn't? :dunno:

What I'm sure of is that there is absolutely NO evidence of a conspiracy yet anyway. People doing their job and reporting or at least testifying truthfully after the fact. If you don't know that it was a conspiracy, then don't be touting it as one.
"We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff's team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint even though Schiff had lied to the public originally claiming that there was no contact. Additionally, while the contents of the email from this staffer to Ambassador Yovanovitch clearly state what the conversation would be regarding, Yovanovitch, when I asked her specifically what the staffer was looking to speak about, did not provide these details. I specifically asked her whether the Democratic staffer was responded to by Yovanovitch or the State Department. It is greatly concerning that Ambassador Yovanovitch didn't answer my question as honestly as she should have, especially while under oath."
-- Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y

You've got nothing there. Schiff didn't have contact. Do you think he has some kind of psychic link with his staff? If your employees talk to someone and you never did, if someone asks if you talked to that person, you say no, and you're not lying. Did staff tell him that a whistleblower was asking questions? Probably--that's pretty interesting stuff.
Schiff made it clear what the circumstances were and I see absolutely no problem with that situation. SO FUCKING WHAT if Schiff knew a complaint might be in the hopper through the IG's office? That proves absolutely nothing.

As far as Ambassador Yovanovitch goes, I don't know, I'm not going down that rabbit hole and I don't see why it concerns the heart of this matter anyway. You're really good at trying to get folks to look at some extraneous detour that you will endlessly argue in order to keep attention off the Great Orange One but you're not fooling anyone.
What I'm sure of is that there is absolutely NO evidence of a conspiracy yet anyway.


Former FBI Agent Strzok's text to his fellow FBI agent lover, Page, exposed MANY things:
1. The FBI did NOT conduct a thorough investigation of Hillary Clinton
- They did not, according to them, question her UNDER OATH
- They did not record the interview
- They did not take notes about the interview
- Notes were not written up until months later when requests for transcripts - not made - or notes - not written - began being asked for
* Page verified all of this under oath during testimony

2. Page testified under oath that Ob Deputy US AG Rosenstein made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that the DOJ did NOT want to conduct a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton, sending the message to drop it

3. Strzok wrote about how the 'Secret Society' had already been formed and had already met / begun meeting. This correlates with documented and confirmed meetings at that time during which Brennan and Comey briefed the President on the investigation status of then-candidate and later President-elect Trump.

- Confirmed at these meetings were Pres Obama, VP Biden, Foreign Policy advisor Rice, US AG Lynch, NSA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, and occasionally Deputy US AG Rosenstein.
*** Brennan testified that he did not know about the Dossier; however, Congressional logs show Brennan signed in and gave select Congressional members a full briefing on the Dossier, informing them the information had been verified after being collected through Intel Community sources / methods. We now all know this was a LIE.

- Strzok texted that Obama demanded to be kept constantly updated on the investigation. Recently the #3 CIA Rep was asked what the difference was between the handling of the CIA under Obama and the CIA under Trump - he stated Obama micro-managed the CIA, that he demanded to have meetings at least every 2 weeks if not every week....that they could not even buy furniture without Obama's approval. This supports Strzok's story of how the President demanded to be kept updated.
*** Former FBI Agent Strzok was supposedly the top Counter-Intelligence Agent in the US and evidence shows a Counter-Intelligence Op was conducted on then-candidate Trump / later President-elect Trump. A COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE OP - ESPECIALLY ONE TARGETING A POLITICAL OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE - CAN NOT BE RUN WITHOUT THE PRESIDENT'S (WHOEVER THAT MIGHT BE) ORDER / APPROVAL TO DO SO. No such high-profile internal investigation/Counter-Intel Op would be run in this situation without THE FORMER President's knowledge, based on what Strzok and the #3 CIA director stated about how Obama mico-managed.

The inter-locking facts that were revealed, that support each other, throughout the entire 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' and now the same detailed, inter-locking, path/wire-crossing connection supported by official documents, texts, e-mails, testimony, etc..... it all shows there was no way in hell ANY of this went down WITHOUT agencies, agency directors, State Department-DOJ-Intel Community-NSA-CIA-DOJ-etc...coordination.

There are way too many players talking and coordinating, people like Strzok and the faux 'Whistle Blower's lawyer bragging about it and writing about it going on in great detail for it all to be a coincidence.

Perhaps pressure - such as applied to Trump team members during all of it - should be applied to now-proven anti-Trump Perjurers and schemers / coordinators / co-conspirators like Yavanovitch to see if she will roll over on anyone else involved. Dems and snowflakes would immediately push back against the idea of using the same tactics of anti-Trumpers that were used on his and his team, though....
You've got nothing there. Schiff didn't have contact.
You're either ignorant, a liar, or both. The fact that Schiff had contact with the Whistle Blower prior to the complaint being filed has already been established - confirmed by his own staff that they were in contact with the Whistle Blower. The fact that he is a CONTACT WITNESS has already been established - links to all of this have already been provided several times. What has NOT been provided is any link to substantiate YOUR claim or the claims by other snowflakes who dive in to these conversations to throw out your personal 'NUH-UH' as if your biased, unsubstantiated opinion is the last, final, official word.

Feel free to respond by providing your link proving Schiff never had contact with the faux 'Whistle Blower.......

Schiff said he, his staff, or the Democrats had talked to the Whistle Blower.
That quickly changed when he told a new story of how the Whistle Blower having contacted his Committee to find out how to file a WBer Complaint...
*** Schiff Wrong on Whistleblower Contact

Whistleblower contacted Schiff's committee before filing complaint: report
- The Whistle Blower's Attorney, Mark 'The Coup Has Started'-2017' Zaid, later stated his client had talked to Schiff / Schiff's staffers before the complaint was filed but that SCHIFF DID NOT HELP HIS CLIENT WRITE THE COMPLAINT....



"Schiff: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to."

Again, this is a LIE! His Committee DID speak to the Whistle Blower prior to the complaint being filed!
As far as Ambassador Yovanovitch goes, I don't know, I'm not going down that rabbit hole....
'Rabbit Hole'?

One of the witnesses the MSM called 'Key' in Schiff's coup circus is exposed for having committed Felony Perjury under oath before Congress, and you suddenly 'don't know', play the 'stupid' game, and feign disinterest in it...not wanting to discuss it / touch it with a 10-foot pole.


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