Little David Hoggwash.......

John Danforth was not a qualified investigator the evidence is NOT conclusive.

the people working for him were... and they all came to the same conclusion.

The Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves.

All the Branch Davidians were dead before the fire...gunshot wounds had to be covered up thus the need to set the building on fire. The Branch Davidians had weapons and bullets but yet you and "da gubermint" claim that they picked the most painful way there is to die by setting themselves on fire? You are an idiot of the highest order. The TV video plainly shows that the fire was started from the outside of the compound.
Who gives a shit? Even if your delusional "theory" was true? They were criminals and pedophiles. It was their choice. They had a hell of a lot more choice in their fate than Philando Castile or Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun in the park. I played with toy guns as a boy. I'm sure you did, too. He looked like a nice kid.


Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.
I don't give a shit. They were criminals. they were told to come out with their hands up before any of this "seige" came together. they refused. Fuck them.
John Danforth was not a qualified investigator the evidence is NOT conclusive.

the people working for him were... and they all came to the same conclusion.

The Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves.

All the Branch Davidians were dead before the fire...gunshot wounds had to be covered up thus the need to set the building on fire. The Branch Davidians had weapons and bullets but yet you and "da gubermint" claim that they picked the most painful way there is to die by setting themselves on fire? You are an idiot of the highest order. The TV video plainly shows that the fire was started from the outside of the compound.
Who gives a shit? Even if your delusional "theory" was true? They were criminals and pedophiles. It was their choice. They had a hell of a lot more choice in their fate than Philando Castile or Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun in the park. I played with toy guns as a boy. I'm sure you did, too. He looked like a nice kid.


Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.
I don't give a shit. They were criminals. they were told to come out with their hands up before any of this "seige" came together. they refused. Fuck them.

That makes them fugitives not criminals.

They SHOULD have surrendered as soon as the ATF assault ended however to simply dismiss them as criminals ignores the massive errors and probable crimes of the federal government. The responsibility and blame lies on both sides in that tragedy.
Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.
Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.
Kewl ... speaking of butts, now delusional dale has a buddy to give him a reach-around.

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

When you let a bunch of 17-year-old children without any life experiences write the narrative you know you are fucking stupid
What's Blake Farenthold's "life experiences" that make him a suitable choice to represent people in Congress?

How about Matt Gaetz, other than 7 DWI arrests?

Well, for one, they actually pay their own bills. When you finally move out of your mother’s house you’ll understand what I mean
LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

Dale, just because you would have a heart attack if you had to pedal a bike 3 miles, doesn't mean this kid had any problem doing it. It's pretty much how people that age get around.

Why did he have to ride his
Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?

Is there anything Dale doesn't consider a conspiracy?

Chem Trails, 9/11, the Vatican, that Pizza place in Washington. This is a guy who sits home all day, reading nutter websites and thinking that he's found something profound on them.

I am in Denver, Colorado installing a mail machine that I rebuilt...stripped down to just the frame

Actually I am in Denver, Colorado installing this machine that I rebuilt....ditched the old, outdated electronics and put in a PLC with the latest greatest sensors and servo motors instead of the outdated brake to be you, Joseph.

P.S Sandy Hook was a pathetic hoax.
LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

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View attachment 187648

Faun = View attachment 187649

You moron, like so many of the students that day, their parents went to a checkpoint near the school to pick up their kids. That's how he got home. This is how fucked up in the head you are. You're still making shit up because reality scares the shit out of you. And why would he not think there were other students there that night? He went back. Why would he think others wouldn't do the same as him?

Meanwhile, I showed you video of him at the school that night, just as he said he was there. He said he went back at around 6pm.

But even worse for your dementia is the video of him on lock down in the school during the shooting. Who knows what drugs you are on to ignore that?

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Is that the video of him trying to rehearse his lines while being coached??? Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting? So broken up was he about his alleged beloved classmates that he has lamely attempted to parade them.......but let's get back to what he said...listen carefully......

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

He knew that this couldn't be another mass shooting AND needed a camera? I thought we have footage of Scoops Hogg interviewing students in a closet during this event?????

Yeah, little Faun......only stupid leftards would say "Yeah....that makes sense to me.....traumatized students would hang around the school three hours later at a crime betcha.

Funny how "Scoops Hogg" wasn't able to procure interviews with those that saw a shooter other than Cruz or those that heard other voices in the hall while this event was going on.....or how a teacher said that he was told that there was going to be a Code Red in advance but was told that they would be using blanks....but little Faun SEZ???? "Move along, folks...nothing to see here and if you don't believe the lamestream media and "da gubermint"? You are a hater, crazy and don't want to give up your weapons to da gubermint!!!"

Seriously, little Faun.....go to bed....take a break.....Rodney King took less of an ass kicking than what you have received. Your thorough ass kicking has been sooo ugly that I am fighting these feelings of pity for you....and I don't like that.


You just can't stop imagining things to fit into your delusions.

You say: "Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting?"

But he actually said: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could "

He never said he went back because he heard of the shooting. You're hallucinating again. You're now inventing your own narrative. :lmao: And then creating your own conspiracy around it. :eusa_doh: All while ignoring the video of him in school during the shooting. You're as crazy as they come, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

"At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years."


I start shooting B-roll, and I see Fox News over there. I knew I wanted to talk on the news and make sure there was advocacy..."

He says he went back at 6pm, sees Fox news and got him self on Camera. I showed you the video of that, which was shot at night, and you still cling to your craziness.

But the best part remains .... you keep denying he was in school during the shooting ....

... in spite of the video which shows he was in school during the shooting.

If that doesn't wake you up to reality, nothing will.


(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride



  • 1348488761322-smiley_rofl.gif
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there he is LOL lies lies lies

the little moron is everywhere isn't he LOL:auiqs.jpg:

Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.
Kewl ... speaking of butts, now delusional dale has a buddy to give him a reach-around.

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Actually, judging from your propensity to suck cock and Joseph's love for male love fellatio? The only "Gay Duo" I see here are you and Joseph.

My point is that little David Hoggwash is an embellishing liar and a pawn in this little theatrical play. I don't give the slightest fuck as to your opinion of me or what I post because I would have to respect your viewpoints.....of which I don't. You are a useless shill that brings nothing to any thread. Capiche'?
John Danforth was not a qualified investigator the evidence is NOT conclusive.

the people working for him were... and they all came to the same conclusion.

The Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves.

All the Branch Davidians were dead before the fire...gunshot wounds had to be covered up thus the need to set the building on fire. The Branch Davidians had weapons and bullets but yet you and "da gubermint" claim that they picked the most painful way there is to die by setting themselves on fire? You are an idiot of the highest order. The TV video plainly shows that the fire was started from the outside of the compound.
Who gives a shit? Even if your delusional "theory" was true? They were criminals and pedophiles. It was their choice. They had a hell of a lot more choice in their fate than Philando Castile or Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun in the park. I played with toy guns as a boy. I'm sure you did, too. He looked like a nice kid.


Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.
I don't give a shit. They were criminals. they were told to come out with their hands up before any of this "seige" came together. they refused. Fuck them.

One thing about you is that you remain consistent.....consistently stupid, consistently wrong and consistently ignorant of facts. BTW, I know I certainly had no sympathy for the jack-booted weekend Rambos that got their collective asses shot off by a deep state op disguised as an ATF agent...what is even more hilarious is that the four "agents" had something in common. They had all covered for Bill "drop trou" Clinton as security for the pedophile rapist because the Clinton crime family can't afford to leave too many loose ends.

Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel and they are very easy to rile for sure.

You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

View attachment 187648

View attachment 187648

Faun = View attachment 187649

You moron, like so many of the students that day, their parents went to a checkpoint near the school to pick up their kids. That's how he got home. This is how fucked up in the head you are. You're still making shit up because reality scares the shit out of you. And why would he not think there were other students there that night? He went back. Why would he think others wouldn't do the same as him?

Meanwhile, I showed you video of him at the school that night, just as he said he was there. He said he went back at around 6pm.

But even worse for your dementia is the video of him on lock down in the school during the shooting. Who knows what drugs you are on to ignore that?

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Is that the video of him trying to rehearse his lines while being coached??? Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting? So broken up was he about his alleged beloved classmates that he has lamely attempted to parade them.......but let's get back to what he said...listen carefully......

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

He knew that this couldn't be another mass shooting AND needed a camera? I thought we have footage of Scoops Hogg interviewing students in a closet during this event?????

Yeah, little Faun......only stupid leftards would say "Yeah....that makes sense to me.....traumatized students would hang around the school three hours later at a crime betcha.

Funny how "Scoops Hogg" wasn't able to procure interviews with those that saw a shooter other than Cruz or those that heard other voices in the hall while this event was going on.....or how a teacher said that he was told that there was going to be a Code Red in advance but was told that they would be using blanks....but little Faun SEZ???? "Move along, folks...nothing to see here and if you don't believe the lamestream media and "da gubermint"? You are a hater, crazy and don't want to give up your weapons to da gubermint!!!"

Seriously, little Faun.....go to bed....take a break.....Rodney King took less of an ass kicking than what you have received. Your thorough ass kicking has been sooo ugly that I am fighting these feelings of pity for you....and I don't like that.


You just can't stop imagining things to fit into your delusions.

You say: "Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting?"

But he actually said: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could "

He never said he went back because he heard of the shooting. You're hallucinating again. You're now inventing your own narrative. :lmao: And then creating your own conspiracy around it. :eusa_doh: All while ignoring the video of him in school during the shooting. You're as crazy as they come, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

"At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years."


I start shooting B-roll, and I see Fox News over there. I knew I wanted to talk on the news and make sure there was advocacy..."

He says he went back at 6pm, sees Fox news and got him self on Camera. I showed you the video of that, which was shot at night, and you still cling to your craziness.

But the best part remains .... you keep denying he was in school during the shooting ....

... in spite of the video which shows he was in school during the shooting.

If that doesn't wake you up to reality, nothing will.


(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

View attachment 187855 View attachment 187855

Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.
Kewl ... speaking of butts, now delusional dale has a buddy to give him a reach-around.

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Actually, judging from your propensity to suck cock and Joseph's love for male love fellatio? The only "Gay Duo" I see here are you and Joseph.

My point is that little David Hoggwash is an embellishing liar and a pawn in this little theatrical play. I don't give the slightest fuck as to your opinion of me or what I post because I would have to respect your viewpoints.....of which I don't. You are a useless shill that brings nothing to any thread. Capiche'?

Your homoerotic fantasies aside, the video of David Hogg on lock down reveals just how insane you are. :cuckoo:
Dale Smith you got those 2 fucking morons panties in a twist lmfao.
Your wasting your time with the paid shit heads, butt long as you are having fun kicking there dumb asses.
Kewl ... speaking of butts, now delusional dale has a buddy to give him a reach-around.

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Actually, judging from your propensity to suck cock and Joseph's love for male love fellatio? The only "Gay Duo" I see here are you and Joseph.

My point is that little David Hoggwash is an embellishing liar and a pawn in this little theatrical play. I don't give the slightest fuck as to your opinion of me or what I post because I would have to respect your viewpoints.....of which I don't. You are a useless shill that brings nothing to any thread. Capiche'?

Your homoerotic fantasies aside, the video of David Hogg on lock down reveals just how insane you are. :cuckoo:

There he goes, lil faun !!!! "Scoops Hogg" is in da house!!!!!!

So what’s your explanation to this video of Hogg on lock down....?

Really did you even watch it? Nothing but staged propaganda LOL fucking moron
Your brain is staged propaganda. That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting.

"That video? Shows David Hogg in school minutes after the shooting"


That was 3 hours later, ya fruit-loop dingus :eusa_doh:
I think he was GROOMED to kill. Why all the red flags missed?
How do they police come to your door 57 times in three years and you not go to jail?
Not one time? Not once? He was innocent ALL those times of elder abuse?
That shit don't fly folks!

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