Little David Hoggwash.......

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

The press was kept away because they didn't want to give the crazy cult more hostages than they already had.

The UNDERSTATEMENT of the century that he is handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity.

No, what I have is humanity. Decent human beings don't look at cultists who molest children and say, "Wow, that poor cult leader!"
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?

It makes no sense for them to represent the gun industry when most of their revenue comes from members dues and donations.

20% of their revenue comes from the Gun Manufacturers. ALso, the members are too stupid to run the organization, and they know it.

You see, the NRA used to support common sense gun control.

View attachment 187594

Then the gun industry realized that was bad for business... especially with less people hunting animals.

It’s very plausible that there are people manipulating things to create these situations or to make them worse. The stand down orders are the worst. The globalist media then has their plants that have been rehearsing for the scenario.

Plausible? Lots of things are plausible, doesn't make them true.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!
It’s very plausible that there are people manipulating things to create these situations or to make them worse. The stand down orders are the worst. The globalist media then has their plants that have been rehearsing for the scenario.

Plausible? Lots of things are plausible, doesn't make them true.

C'mon, are smarter than that. If the Vegas and Parkland shootings and the circumstances before and after doesn't move the needle on your "Bullshit Detector" even slightly, you need to have it calibrated.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!

I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.

I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!

I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!

I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614

Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!

I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614

Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.

Is there a mass shooting delusional dale doesn't think is a conspiracy?


See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!
I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614
Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.

See Faun duck ? Duck, Faun, duck!

See Faun dodge? Dodge, Faun, dodge!

As usual, little faun has a big ol bag of nothing and he likes to share!
I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614
Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.



Faun =
I'm done bitch-slappin' ya, delusional dale. You've proven your armor of ignorance is too thick to penetrate. Alas, you're now just the forum punching bag.


Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614
Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

View attachment 187648

View attachment 187648

Faun = View attachment 187649

You moron, like so many of the students that day, their parents went to a checkpoint near the school to pick up their kids. That's how he got home. This is how fucked up in the head you are. You're still making shit up because reality scares the shit out of you. And why would he not think there were other students there that night? He went back. Why would he think others wouldn't do the same as him?

Meanwhile, I showed you video of him at the school that night, just as he said he was there. He said he went back at around 6pm.

But even worse for your dementia is the video of him on lock down in the school during the shooting. Who knows what drugs you are on to ignore that?
Yeaahhhhh, I must have missed that part because I was focusing on you slamming your nose into my knee....I think I may have a bruise.

(snicker)View attachment 187614
Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

View attachment 187648

View attachment 187648

Faun = View attachment 187649

You moron, like so many of the students that day, their parents went to a checkpoint near the school to pick up their kids. That's how he got home. This is how fucked up in the head you are. You're still making shit up because reality scares the shit out of you. And why would he not think there were other students there that night? He went back. Why would he think others wouldn't do the same as him?

Meanwhile, I showed you video of him at the school that night, just as he said he was there. He said he went back at around 6pm.

But even worse for your dementia is the video of him on lock down in the school during the shooting. Who knows what drugs you are on to ignore that?

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Is that the video of him trying to rehearse his lines while being coached??? Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting? So broken up was he about his alleged beloved classmates that he has lamely attempted to parade them.......but let's get back to what he said...listen carefully......

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

He knew that this couldn't be another mass shooting AND needed a camera? I thought we have footage of Scoops Hogg interviewing students in a closet during this event?????

Yeah, little Faun......only stupid leftards would say "Yeah....that makes sense to me.....traumatized students would hang around the school three hours later at a crime betcha.

Funny how "Scoops Hogg" wasn't able to procure interviews with those that saw a shooter other than Cruz or those that heard other voices in the hall while this event was going on.....or how a teacher said that he was told that there was going to be a Code Red in advance but was told that they would be using blanks....but little Faun SEZ???? "Move along, folks...nothing to see here and if you don't believe the lamestream media and "da gubermint"? You are a hater, crazy and don't want to give up your weapons to da gubermint!!!"

Seriously, little Faun.....go to bed....take a break.....Rodney King took less of an ass kicking than what you have received. Your thorough ass kicking has been sooo ugly that I am fighting these feelings of pity for you....and I don't like that.
Aww, you poor thing. The last time I gave you attention was to bitch-slap you into reality when you idiotically claimed David Hogg wasn't in school during the shooting. If you missed that it's only because you're a nutcase.


You're fucking insane, delusional dale. Sadly, you're too far gone to even understand that.

LMAO! Someone didn't get their stories straight........

Now, some are going to lamely attempt to claim that they could read his mind and claim that David "Scoops" Hogg went BACK home to get his camera and then got on his bike and rode as fast as he could AFTER the shooting after he HAD been interviewing students DURING this event because we all know that students would be roaming around a crime scene. Makes perfect sense...only if you are a leftard.

Then we have this jewel from CNN's Brian Stelter where he wishes that he could have (snicker) "corrected" David Hogg about facts for an event that Stalter wasn't at??? THIS is priceless!!!

Stay down, little faun, stay down.........your busted cyber face is a mess.



You're literally making shit up to support your delusions. He never said he went back to the school during the shooting. Nor did he say he went back into the school, which was sealed off by police. Infact, here he is that night just, at the school, just beyond the police tape...

The best part is ... we can ignore the other interview he gave where he said he went back to the school at about 6pm that night (as you can see in the video above) .... we can ignore the interviews with his parents who said they tried to talk him out of going back to the school that night.

We can ignore all of that because proving you're fucking insane for claiming Hogg was not at the school during the shooting is video of David Hogg in the school during the shooting.


LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

View attachment 187648

View attachment 187648

Faun = View attachment 187649

You moron, like so many of the students that day, their parents went to a checkpoint near the school to pick up their kids. That's how he got home. This is how fucked up in the head you are. You're still making shit up because reality scares the shit out of you. And why would he not think there were other students there that night? He went back. Why would he think others wouldn't do the same as him?

Meanwhile, I showed you video of him at the school that night, just as he said he was there. He said he went back at around 6pm.

But even worse for your dementia is the video of him on lock down in the school during the shooting. Who knows what drugs you are on to ignore that?

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Is that the video of him trying to rehearse his lines while being coached??? Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting? So broken up was he about his alleged beloved classmates that he has lamely attempted to parade them.......but let's get back to what he said...listen carefully......

(Mirror Video) David Hogg Bike Ride

He knew that this couldn't be another mass shooting AND needed a camera? I thought we have footage of Scoops Hogg interviewing students in a closet during this event?????

Yeah, little Faun......only stupid leftards would say "Yeah....that makes sense to me.....traumatized students would hang around the school three hours later at a crime betcha.

Funny how "Scoops Hogg" wasn't able to procure interviews with those that saw a shooter other than Cruz or those that heard other voices in the hall while this event was going on.....or how a teacher said that he was told that there was going to be a Code Red in advance but was told that they would be using blanks....but little Faun SEZ???? "Move along, folks...nothing to see here and if you don't believe the lamestream media and "da gubermint"? You are a hater, crazy and don't want to give up your weapons to da gubermint!!!"

Seriously, little Faun.....go to bed....take a break.....Rodney King took less of an ass kicking than what you have received. Your thorough ass kicking has been sooo ugly that I am fighting these feelings of pity for you....and I don't like that.


You just can't stop imagining things to fit into your delusions.

You say: "Yeah, he peddled back to the school...but when he heard of the shooting?"

But he actually said: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could "

He never said he went back because he heard of the shooting. You're hallucinating again. You're now inventing your own narrative. :lmao: And then creating your own conspiracy around it. :eusa_doh: All while ignoring the video of him in school during the shooting. You're as crazy as they come, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

"At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years."


I start shooting B-roll, and I see Fox News over there. I knew I wanted to talk on the news and make sure there was advocacy..."

He says he went back at 6pm, sees Fox news and got him self on Camera. I showed you the video of that, which was shot at night, and you still cling to your craziness.

But the best part remains .... you keep denying he was in school during the shooting ....

... in spite of the video which shows he was in school during the shooting.

If that doesn't wake you up to reality, nothing will.

LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

Dale, just because you would have a heart attack if you had to pedal a bike 3 miles, doesn't mean this kid had any problem doing it. It's pretty much how people that age get around.
LMAO! Listen with your ears to what he said.......clean the shit out of them. Little David Hogg......peddling and RETURNING to the school...hopping on his little did he get home? Did he really think that he was going to find students still there at a crime scene??? I bet you bought it "hook, line and strike me abs being that stupid.

Dale, just because you would have a heart attack if you had to pedal a bike 3 miles, doesn't mean this kid had any problem doing it. It's pretty much how people that age get around.
The guy’s completely insane. There’s simply no other excuse. There have always been nuts in our society; but way back when, someone like him would have been in an asylum, given shock therapy or even a lobotomy.
It makes no sense for them to represent the gun industry when most of their revenue comes from members dues and donations.

20% of their revenue comes from the Gun Manufacturers. ALso, the members are too stupid to run the organization, and they know it.

You see, the NRA used to support common sense gun control.

View attachment 187594

Then the gun industry realized that was bad for business... especially with less people hunting animals.
you just proved my point;

20% is not controlling interest. The control comes from the members who do run it and they are far smarter than you.

They do support sensible gun control which is not what you are advocating.

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