Little David Hoggwash.......

Here is the thing, Joe....I don't need to touch shit, step in it or get an up close and personal view of shit to know when shit is has a stench about it that is unique unto itself. Alex Jones has exactly what to do with Sandy Hoax exactly? You are handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity that blindly believes the narratives spewed to you by the corporate Operation Mockingbird media.

NO, guy, the problem is you are an evil cocksucker who blames the failures of his miserable and sad life on a vast conspiracy.

You have to believe that either -

1) A crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot people.


2) A government staged an event that was originally supposed to be a drill, but people thought it was real, and they said, "Yeah, let's go with that" and thousands of first responders, reporters, residents of the town, and even the fucking National Rifle Association have all gone along with the hoax because... um... reasons.

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

Guy, the source of the pedophile accusations were Koresh's own followers.

I bet you think Keri Jewell was a "Crisis Actor", too.

When you let a bunch of 17-year-old children without any life experiences write the narrative you know you are fucking stupid

Being in a school shot up by a madman who was able to get gun because we let the gun industry write the laws isn't a "life experience"?

Here's the real problem. There is no excuse for someone like Nikolas Cruz to have bought an AR-15, a weapon designed for the battlefields of the Vietnam War, yet he was able to buy one and murder 17 people.

When these kids say, "That's messed up, bro!" the usual stuff about some guy in a powdered wig not being able to write a militia amendment clearly doesn't fly.

And he could have done the same thing with a 9mm Glock

When you let a bunch of 17-year-old children without any life experiences write the narrative you know you are fucking stupid

Being in a school shot up by a madman who was able to get gun because we let the gun industry write the laws isn't a "life experience"?

Here's the real problem. There is no excuse for someone like Nikolas Cruz to have bought an AR-15, a weapon designed for the battlefields of the Vietnam War, yet he was able to buy one and murder 17 people.

When these kids say, "That's messed up, bro!" the usual stuff about some guy in a powdered wig not being able to write a militia amendment clearly doesn't fly.
The gun industry writes no laws and the second is about individual rights NOT the militia.
Here is the thing, Joe....I don't need to touch shit, step in it or get an up close and personal view of shit to know when shit is has a stench about it that is unique unto itself. Alex Jones has exactly what to do with Sandy Hoax exactly? You are handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity that blindly believes the narratives spewed to you by the corporate Operation Mockingbird media.

NO, guy, the problem is you are an evil cocksucker who blames the failures of his miserable and sad life on a vast conspiracy.

You have to believe that either -

1) A crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot people.


2) A government staged an event that was originally supposed to be a drill, but people thought it was real, and they said, "Yeah, let's go with that" and thousands of first responders, reporters, residents of the town, and even the fucking National Rifle Association have all gone along with the hoax because... um... reasons.

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

Guy, the source of the pedophile accusations were Koresh's own followers.

I bet you think Keri Jewell was a "Crisis Actor", too.

There were no accusations of pedophilia from the cult members.
Here is the thing, Joe....I don't need to touch shit, step in it or get an up close and personal view of shit to know when shit is has a stench about it that is unique unto itself. Alex Jones has exactly what to do with Sandy Hoax exactly? You are handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity that blindly believes the narratives spewed to you by the corporate Operation Mockingbird media.

NO, guy, the problem is you are an evil cocksucker who blames the failures of his miserable and sad life on a vast conspiracy.

You have to believe that either -

1) A crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot people.


2) A government staged an event that was originally supposed to be a drill, but people thought it was real, and they said, "Yeah, let's go with that" and thousands of first responders, reporters, residents of the town, and even the fucking National Rifle Association have all gone along with the hoax because... um... reasons.

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

Guy, the source of the pedophile accusations were Koresh's own followers.

I bet you think Keri Jewell was a "Crisis Actor", too.

You have anger issues, Joseph, and when you are stymied and caught flat footed in an argument that you can't back up against someone with very legitimate questions? You resort to "bath-house talk" that Chicago is famous to be you and it has to suck that you can't debate an issue without resorting to jr.high insults. I see it as a reflection on your lack of intellectual abilities to "weigh and consider".

There were not thousands involved with Sandy Hoax and those involved signed NDAs. There were many on the scene that were not Newtoiwn residents that were kept a mile down the road and prevented from doing the job that they were called to do. The preponderance of the evidence and the refusal of Lenny Pozner (an alias)and alleged father of Noah Pozner that also died a second death in Pakistan to give his deposition under oath after dragging Wolfgang Halbig into court? Well, it speaks volumes to all that are "awake" is the "gatekeeper" of the Sandy Hook hoax that has his dick shrivel up when having to "put up or shut up".....just one more nail in the coffin of the Sandy Hook hoax.\

The alleged victim of David Koresh is rather interesting since coercion is a staple of the deep state operatives that gave the "OK" to butcher women and children in Waco. Let me play devil's advocate here.....the ATF wasn't there to arrest Koresh on anything but the fact that he may have bypassed as 200 dollar tax on a semi-automatic weapon and they fired on the compound the video, Joseph........arm yourself with some knowledge and information and leave your emotions that resemble that of a pre-menopausal woman that suffers from "hot flashes".......learn, grow, evolve.

Hope this helps!
You have anger issues, Joseph, and when you are stymied and caught flat footed in an argument that you can't back up against someone with very legitimate questions?

Uh, you don't ask legit questions. You cower behind a screen name and say truly evil cocksucking shit that would get your teeth punched out if you said them in the real world.

You are TRULY an awful human being. Most conservatives and libertarians aren't, they just believe goofy simplistic things.

There were not thousands involved with Sandy Hoax and those involved signed NDAs

No, every person in that town would have to know that wasn't an active school. They'd know this because it would be listed on their property tax documents. Funny thing about small towns.. Everyone knows everyone else's business, and the idea that you could take a closed school, create 26 families out of whole clothe, is just completely retarded.

But even if that were true, the NRA would have to kn ow that it was a fake, and say nothing.

The NRA that can get Donald Trump to shit his pants because he merely suggested gun control. They'd have evidence the gun grabbers faked something and would keep that to themselves? Really? Really?

Let me play devil's advocate here.....the ATF wasn't there to arrest Koresh on anything but the fact that he may have bypassed as 200 dollar tax on a semi-automatic weapon and they fired on the compound first....

That wasn't the only thing they were there for. They were because Koresh and his buddies were selling illegal conversion kits to change the weapons to fully automatic. It's spelled out in the warrant.

Also, he was kiddy-diddling piece of shit.

But while murdering such awful pieces of shit would have truly been a benefit to mankind, they took themselves out of the gene pool and good riddance.
The gun industry writes no laws and the second is about individual rights NOT the militia.

That happens to be an interesting opinion. Stupid, but interesting.

Of course, the NRA/Gun Industry writes the gun laws. If they were put to a vote, we'd have registration, we'd have assault weapons bans, we'd have background checks.
The NRA and the gun industry are two different entities and neither writes the law.

You are quite wrong and out of touch only a fringe minority supports your loopy ideas most actually support the second amendment and th fact is the second amendment is about individual rights. That was not opinion.
You have anger issues, Joseph, and when you are stymied and caught flat footed in an argument that you can't back up against someone with very legitimate questions?

Uh, you don't ask legit questions. You cower behind a screen name and say truly evil cocksucking shit that would get your teeth punched out if you said them in the real world.

You are TRULY an awful human being. Most conservatives and libertarians aren't, they just believe goofy simplistic things.

There were not thousands involved with Sandy Hoax and those involved signed NDAs

No, every person in that town would have to know that wasn't an active school. They'd know this because it would be listed on their property tax documents. Funny thing about small towns.. Everyone knows everyone else's business, and the idea that you could take a closed school, create 26 families out of whole clothe, is just completely retarded.

But even if that were true, the NRA would have to kn ow that it was a fake, and say nothing.

The NRA that can get Donald Trump to shit his pants because he merely suggested gun control. They'd have evidence the gun grabbers faked something and would keep that to themselves? Really? Really?

Let me play devil's advocate here.....the ATF wasn't there to arrest Koresh on anything but the fact that he may have bypassed as 200 dollar tax on a semi-automatic weapon and they fired on the compound first....

That wasn't the only thing they were there for. They were because Koresh and his buddies were selling illegal conversion kits to change the weapons to fully automatic. It's spelled out in the warrant.

Also, he was kiddy-diddling piece of shit.

But while murdering such awful pieces of shit would have truly been a benefit to mankind, they took themselves out of the gene pool and good riddance.

"No, every person in that town would have to know that wasn't an active school. They'd know this because it would be listed on their property tax documents. Funny thing about small towns.. Everyone knows everyone else's business, and the idea that you could take a closed school, create 26 families out of whole clothe, is just completely retarded."

Nope, Newtown isn't this close knit town that you believe it to be but is rather a segmented community with a revolving door of residents that work in "gubermint" as it is close to NY city. The city of Newtown covers 59 square miles with a population of just over it to Pampa, Texas, a city that at its peak had over 25K and covers 9 square miles even to this day. You never answer the questions I put before you and simply resort to the lame retort of "It would take too many people to pull this off" even though I have presented PLENTY of proof that people that responded to this event were kept a mile away INCULDING EMTs.

"But even if that were true, the NRA would have to kn ow that it was a fake, and say nothing.

The NRA that can get Donald Trump to shit his pants because he merely suggested gun control. They'd have evidence the gun grabbers faked something and would keep that to themselves? Really? Really?"

The NRA protects the 2nd amendment and they would be playing right into the hands of the fabian socialist left by claiming that Sandy Hoax was a false flag and staged event...I have covered this before ad nauseum. Allow me to sum this all up in a succinct can't refute the evidence that calls this event into question so you resort to lame ad hominem attacks using queer terms that most liberals use when they have painted themselves into a corner and have no other way to defend their position (even though they claim to be a champion of queer cocksuckers) and you haven't disappointed me......different day, same lame shit. (yawn)

"That wasn't the only thing they were there for. They were because Koresh and his buddies were selling illegal conversion kits to change the weapons to fully automatic. It's spelled out in the warrant."

Nope, but if they wanted to arrest Koresh without confrontation? He jogged outside the fence of the compound every day and had numerous chances to take him into custody. The ATF fired on the compound from the moment that they arrived...killing the dogs and firing on Koresh when he opened the's a fact and corroborated by witnesses and those inside the compound.

"Also, he was kiddy-diddling piece of shit"

Funny how the ATF wasn't there to confront Koresh on that allegation and the narrative changed when the compound was under siege.....seems that I have seen this same card played Kuwait and Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floors that was later to be proven total bullshit???

"But while murdering such awful pieces of shit would have truly been a benefit to mankind, they took themselves out of the gene pool and good riddance"

Nope, your beloved "gubermint" systematically killed women and children and then purposely set fire to the compound to kill those that remained and to cover up their crimes.

Joseph, stop believing pretty little lies that make you sleep better at night and start learning some ugly truths about this corporate entity that you lovingly worship as "gubermint". You are akin to a chicken that worships the proverbial "Colonel Sanders".
The NRA and the gun industry are two different entities and neither writes the law.

Uh, dude, the NRA is run by the gun industry. I know you guys who get memberships think you run it, but you really don't. and, yes, they have Congress and the legislatures terrified... at least until now, people are finally standing up to them.

You are quite wrong and out of touch only a fringe minority supports your loopy ideas most actually support the second amendment and th fact is the second amendment is about individual rights. That was not opinion.

Um,no, guy.


Nope, Newtown isn't this close knit town that you believe it to be but is rather a segmented community with a revolving door of residents that work in "gubermint" as it is close to NY city. The city of Newtown covers 59 square miles with a population of just over 25K..

again, not going to wade through your reams of fucking crazy, Cocksucker, but in your universe, all these residents, first responders, reporters, government officials would all have to be TRULY horrible people.

Sorry, while I think there are some truly horrible people out there - you definitely are - most people are pretty decent and wouldn't go along with something like this.

I'm not sure what kind of fucked up stuff happened in your life that you see a Sandy Hook or a 9/11 and you see some vast conspiracy. But it's really about how fucked up you are, not everyone else.

Nope, but if they wanted to arrest Koresh without confrontation? He jogged outside the fence of the compound every day and had numerous chances to take him into custody.

Yes, they could have. Maybe they should have. But part of the reason they served the warrent- you know, a SEARCH warrant - was so they could search the compound.

Look, the only thing the ATF and FBI were guilty of was not realizing that people crazy enough to let a cult leader fuck their children would probably be crazy enough to commit mass suicide.

Funny how the ATF wasn't there to confront Koresh on that allegation and the narrative changed when the compound was under siege.....

No, it was specifically mentioned in the warrant...

.like Kuwait and Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floors that was later to be proven total bullshit???

Yes, that was bullshit, because someone actually INVESTIGATED IT. Someone CREDIBLE. Not some loser living in his mother's basement seeing Lizard People behind every Bush...

The NRA and the gun industry are two different entities and neither writes the law.

Uh, dude, the NRA is run by the gun industry. I know you guys who get memberships think you run it, but you really don't. and, yes, they have Congress and the legislatures terrified... at least until now, people are finally standing up to them.

You are quite wrong and out of touch only a fringe minority supports your loopy ideas most actually support the second amendment and th fact is the second amendment is about individual rights. That was not opinion.

Um,no, guy.


You are quite wrong and easily proven so.

The NRA has been audited many times over by the IRS thanks to democrats who use the IRS as a weapon and in fact the gun industry does NOT run the NRA the members do. That is fact and absolute fact you cannot refute.

It makes no sense for them to represent the gun industry when most of their revenue comes from members dues and donations.

Apparently in your idiotic view of reality people ignore those who pay them and do the bidding of others. In the real world organizations such as the NRA follow the wishes of the people paying the revenue.

This proves you wrong and ignorant it is in fact the members who run it and you are out of touch with reality.

Um yes and the graphs you show are generalities which do not reflect your earlier stupid claims
Nope, Newtown isn't this close knit town that you believe it to be but is rather a segmented community with a revolving door of residents that work in "gubermint" as it is close to NY city. The city of Newtown covers 59 square miles with a population of just over 25K..

again, not going to wade through your reams of fucking crazy, Cocksucker, but in your universe, all these residents, first responders, reporters, government officials would all have to be TRULY horrible people.

Sorry, while I think there are some truly horrible people out there - you definitely are - most people are pretty decent and wouldn't go along with something like this.

I'm not sure what kind of fucked up stuff happened in your life that you see a Sandy Hook or a 9/11 and you see some vast conspiracy. But it's really about how fucked up you are, not everyone else.

Nope, but if they wanted to arrest Koresh without confrontation? He jogged outside the fence of the compound every day and had numerous chances to take him into custody.

Yes, they could have. Maybe they should have. But part of the reason they served the warrent- you know, a SEARCH warrant - was so they could search the compound.

Look, the only thing the ATF and FBI were guilty of was not realizing that people crazy enough to let a cult leader fuck their children would probably be crazy enough to commit mass suicide.

Funny how the ATF wasn't there to confront Koresh on that allegation and the narrative changed when the compound was under siege.....

No, it was specifically mentioned in the warrant...

.like Kuwait and Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floors that was later to be proven total bullshit???

Yes, that was bullshit, because someone actually INVESTIGATED IT. Someone CREDIBLE. Not some loser living in his mother's basement seeing Lizard People behind every Bush...

View attachment 187466

Once again, you ignore the content of my post and lamely claim (with no research but merely emotion to back your ignorant argument) that it would take too many people to cover this false flag......that's not "debating", Joseph.

As far as your contention that a "warrant" was served and had the charge of pedophilia attached to it? Since when were warrants served by gunfire? Because that is exactly what happened that day in late February. Just like people investigated the false narrative that was made the reason behind the justification of kicking Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait so did those that investigated the royal fucked up raid on the Waco compound.

Learn, grow, evolve, Joseph...and learn how to argue your case without using gay "Chicago bath-house" terminology when you get frustrated about losing an argument.....makes you look petty and small. Rise above it!

Hope this helps!
View attachment 187137
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????

Just like your PizzaGate laugher your OP is chocked full of lies.
I see David and the other Parkland students having such an immense impact on the country scares the shit out of you.

considering you obviously did not watch it,anymore moronic rambles for the day?
Little Joe, the Stamford Examiner reported that the longtime director of a popular shooting range near Newtown said there is no record that Adam ever attended their facility AND agents from the ATF didn't find his name on any of the facility's sign-in sheets.

So that was the only shooting range?

Three shooting ranges frequented by the Sandy Hook shooter

Another witness interview identifies a second shooting range visited by Adam and Nancy: Wooster Mountain Shooting Range, in roughly 2010, where he witnessed Adam Lanza shooting the AR-15 Bushmaster as well as what he believed to be the Glock Model 19 (both of the weapons fired at Sandy Hook Elementary two years later). The unidentified witness also recalls teaching Adam Lanza how best to operate the AR-15:

A third shooting range is identified in files from October 2013, as investigators were wrapping up the report, as Shooter’s Indoor Pistol Range:

Look at the gaming gear in Lanza's bedroom. It's all too old to be used by a kid in 2012-13. The Xbox 360 is from 2005....notice the cathode ray tube TV.....not exactly the "gaming gear" that a doting mother would give to her protected son, no? No wonder that they had the house bulldozed. You lose this argument as usual.

Your argument is that his mother didn't buy a flat screen and the latest equipment for him? Seriously?

I mean, I know that you have the latest in your "boy-cave", but that doesn't mean everyone does.

Ah yes! And there is a sign in sheet proving this????? Amazing how the crisis actors where seen at the firehouse and the school before the window was ever busted. The holes in the Sandy Hoax event are HUGE and so much to the point that former military and CIA assets like Field McConnell, Kevin Shipp, Steve Pieczenik, Cody Snodgras, etc, etc also concur that Sandy Hoax was total bullshit. Funny how the Sandy Hoax "parents" that sued for Nancy Lanza's estate immediately had it bulldozed instead of selling that asset since they have been so money hungry......think it might have to do with the fact that someone might buy it and allow people in to do forensics showing that Adam Lanza's DNA wasn't anywhere to be found?

As far as your contention that the alleged Adam Lanza's outdated gaming system isn't noteworthy? Then why was there a shooting game photographed that wouldn't play on his outdated X-Box360?

Face it, and a great many Americans got played for chumps.

agent joe as always gets his ass OWNED by you.LOL
Ah yes! And there is a sign in sheet proving this????? Amazing how the crisis actors where seen at the firehouse....

Dude, life is too short to rehash all your crazy.

As far as your contention that the alleged Adam Lanza's outdated gaming system isn't noteworthy? Then why was there a shooting game photographed that wouldn't play on his outdated X-Box360?

Guy, how do you know that's the only gaming system he had? Or that it was really outdated.

Look, you can go all day with your crazy, or whatever shit you heard on Alex Jones, but life's too fucking short.

Here is the thing, Joe....I don't need to touch shit, step in it or get an up close and personal view of shit to know when shit is has a stench about it that is unique unto itself. Alex Jones has exactly what to do with Sandy Hoax exactly? You are handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity that blindly believes the narratives spewed to you by the corporate Operation Mockingbird media..

The UNDERSTATEMENT of the century that he is handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity.LOL thats funny,when they know they are getting their ass owned,they get desperate and bring alex jones into this whio they think somehow has somethign to do with those events.comedy gold.:haha:
John Danforth was not a qualified investigator the evidence is NOT conclusive.

the people working for him were... and they all came to the same conclusion.

The Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves.

All the Branch Davidians were dead before the fire...gunshot wounds had to be covered up thus the need to set the building on fire. The Branch Davidians had weapons and bullets but yet you and "da gubermint" claim that they picked the most painful way there is to die by setting themselves on fire? You are an idiot of the highest order. The TV video plainly shows that the fire was started from the outside of the compound.
Who gives a shit? Even if your delusional "theory" was true? They were criminals and pedophiles. It was their choice. They had a hell of a lot more choice in their fate than Philando Castile or Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun in the park. I played with toy guns as a boy. I'm sure you did, too. He looked like a nice kid.


Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.
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Here is the thing, Joe....I don't need to touch shit, step in it or get an up close and personal view of shit to know when shit is has a stench about it that is unique unto itself. Alex Jones has exactly what to do with Sandy Hoax exactly? You are handicapped by a lack of intellectual curiosity that blindly believes the narratives spewed to you by the corporate Operation Mockingbird media.

NO, guy, the problem is you are an evil cocksucker who blames the failures of his miserable and sad life on a vast conspiracy.

You have to believe that either -

1) A crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot people.


2) A government staged an event that was originally supposed to be a drill, but people thought it was real, and they said, "Yeah, let's go with that" and thousands of first responders, reporters, residents of the town, and even the fucking National Rifle Association have all gone along with the hoax because... um... reasons.

Wrong, consider the source of the "pedophile" allegations. Scroll back through the thread where I answer Joe's posts.....children were shot by your beloved "gubermint" while the majority of the press was kept a mile away and those that survived the shootings were burned alive. You haven't the slightest clue.

Guy, the source of the pedophile accusations were Koresh's own followers.

I bet you think Keri Jewell was a "Crisis Actor", too.

You have anger issues, Joseph, and when you are stymied and caught flat footed in an argument that you can't back up against someone with very legitimate questions? You resort to "bath-house talk" that Chicago is famous to be you and it has to suck that you can't debate an issue without resorting to jr.high insults. I see it as a reflection on your lack of intellectual abilities to "weigh and consider".

There were not thousands involved with Sandy Hoax and those involved signed NDAs. There were many on the scene that were not Newtoiwn residents that were kept a mile down the road and prevented from doing the job that they were called to do. The preponderance of the evidence and the refusal of Lenny Pozner (an alias)and alleged father of Noah Pozner that also died a second death in Pakistan to give his deposition under oath after dragging Wolfgang Halbig into court? Well, it speaks volumes to all that are "awake" is the "gatekeeper" of the Sandy Hook hoax that has his dick shrivel up when having to "put up or shut up".....just one more nail in the coffin of the Sandy Hook hoax.\

The alleged victim of David Koresh is rather interesting since coercion is a staple of the deep state operatives that gave the "OK" to butcher women and children in Waco. Let me play devil's advocate here.....the ATF wasn't there to arrest Koresh on anything but the fact that he may have bypassed as 200 dollar tax on a semi-automatic weapon and they fired on the compound the video, Joseph........arm yourself with some knowledge and information and leave your emotions that resemble that of a pre-menopausal woman that suffers from "hot flashes".......learn, grow, evolve.

Hope this helps!

Indeed he has anger issues.that is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.this is joe when he goes into meltdown mode getting all angry that he cant counter pesky facts and obviously hates getting checkmated by you. This is what he obviously did as a kid IF he played sports and when he lost and did not win. we now know what joe looks like in REAL life.


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Nope, Newtown isn't this close knit town that you believe it to be but is rather a segmented community with a revolving door of residents that work in "gubermint" as it is close to NY city. The city of Newtown covers 59 square miles with a population of just over 25K..

again, not going to wade through your reams of fucking crazy, Cocksucker, but in your universe, all these residents, first responders, reporters, government officials would all have to be TRULY horrible people.

Sorry, while I think there are some truly horrible people out there - you definitely are - most people are pretty decent and wouldn't go along with something like this.

I'm not sure what kind of fucked up stuff happened in your life that you see a Sandy Hook or a 9/11 and you see some vast conspiracy. But it's really about how fucked up you are, not everyone else.

Nope, but if they wanted to arrest Koresh without confrontation? He jogged outside the fence of the compound every day and had numerous chances to take him into custody.

Yes, they could have. Maybe they should have. But part of the reason they served the warrent- you know, a SEARCH warrant - was so they could search the compound.

Look, the only thing the ATF and FBI were guilty of was not realizing that people crazy enough to let a cult leader fuck their children would probably be crazy enough to commit mass suicide.

Funny how the ATF wasn't there to confront Koresh on that allegation and the narrative changed when the compound was under siege.....

No, it was specifically mentioned in the warrant...

.like Kuwait and Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floors that was later to be proven total bullshit???

Yes, that was bullshit, because someone actually INVESTIGATED IT. Someone CREDIBLE. Not some loser living in his mother's basement seeing Lizard People behind every Bush...

View attachment 187466

Once again, you ignore the content of my post and lamely claim (with no research but merely emotion to back your ignorant argument) that it would take too many people to cover this false flag......that's not "debating", Joseph.

As far as your contention that a "warrant" was served and had the charge of pedophilia attached to it? Since when were warrants served by gunfire? Because that is exactly what happened that day in late February. Just like people investigated the false narrative that was made the reason behind the justification of kicking Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait so did those that investigated the royal fucked up raid on the Waco compound.

Learn, grow, evolve, Joseph...and learn how to argue your case without using gay "Chicago bath-house" terminology when you get frustrated about losing an argument.....makes you look petty and small. Rise above it!

Hope this helps!

He has ALWAYS been an expert at the game of dodgeball when he is losing an argument. I am sure he ALWAYS came in first place as a kid when playing dodgeball all the time.LOL

this is what joe is doing now.LOL

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It makes no sense for them to represent the gun industry when most of their revenue comes from members dues and donations.

20% of their revenue comes from the Gun Manufacturers. ALso, the members are too stupid to run the organization, and they know it.

You see, the NRA used to support common sense gun control.


Then the gun industry realized that was bad for business... especially with less people hunting animals.

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