Little Fords Get Sued

Women can be cold blooded sometimes. False rape accusations need to be prosecuted. The punishment for false accusations should match the punishment their victim would have received for rape.
course these little ' ford witches' need to be sued . They are just young femi nazis that have been trained . Course adult women like 'chrissy balsey ford' also need to be gone after .
Ford better hope her case, if she is sued, doesn't make it to SCOTUS
Quick lesson in tort law: The little bitches can be sued, and they can lose. But they are judgment-proof. That is to say, they have no assets with which to pay a judgment. The real target here is the parents, in the hope that some of them have assets or insurance that would cover such a liability. In order to get a judgment against the parents, the plaintiff must prove that the parents were negligent in parenting these little bitches - they had a duty, they breached their duty, and the breach was the proximate cause of the tort (defamation).

In short, nothing will come of this, but it does expose a duplicitous system of sanctions against boys, with nothing on the other side for girls who manipulate the system.
These bitches with these false allegations should be treated like pieces of shit… That they are

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