Little girl stands firm in face of street preacher's homophobic rant

Are you serious? Then you are QUITE naive, I must say.

Was there any violence at these celebrations?

Are you a parent? If you were, you would understand what I'm saying.

No, I am not a parent. There wasn't violence at these celebrations, so whatever fear you have seems a bit irrational.

That is not the point. The point is that there is a potential for violence at these types of events. That is not irrational. That is common sense.

There is a potential for violence at any event. Should parents not take their children to the ball park b/c some drunk fan might start a fight? Not hardly.

Don't be ridiculous. You are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are in denial.
yet no one objects to the children at anti ssm holding their you think they understand god

Are you asking me? Quote function? :)

Anyhow, I already stated in this thread that there is absolutely no difference. If you are against children being "indoctrinated" then you would be against this type of indoctrination as well. A child of that age is too young to understand any of this stuff. She should be going to a parade that is geared towards children, not gay people. You know? Age appropriate activities?

So you're against taking children to church?

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

That's what church's indoctrination. And it's a subject that children don't understand. Yet you have no problem with that indoctrination. And gay pride festivals ARE peaceful, unless outside agitators show up.

Hey, how about if gay people start busting into churches to create a hostile environment? Will you tell the families of the church that it's no longer appropriate to take their children to church? It's just plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety comes first!!! They should set aside their religious beliefs due to the outside agitators???

I'm repeating this again for you . . . Please don't ask me to repeat it again.

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

Okay, let the record be known that ChrisL is against the religious indoctrination of children, and that all religious activities outside the church should be limited to adults only.
Are you asking me? Quote function? :)

Anyhow, I already stated in this thread that there is absolutely no difference. If you are against children being "indoctrinated" then you would be against this type of indoctrination as well. A child of that age is too young to understand any of this stuff. She should be going to a parade that is geared towards children, not gay people. You know? Age appropriate activities?

So you're against taking children to church?

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

That's what church's indoctrination. And it's a subject that children don't understand. Yet you have no problem with that indoctrination. And gay pride festivals ARE peaceful, unless outside agitators show up.

Hey, how about if gay people start busting into churches to create a hostile environment? Will you tell the families of the church that it's no longer appropriate to take their children to church? It's just plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety comes first!!! They should set aside their religious beliefs due to the outside agitators???

I'm repeating this again for you . . . Please don't ask me to repeat it again.

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

Okay, let the record be known that ChrisL is against the religious indoctrination of children, and that all religious activities outside the church should be limited to adults only.

How do you feel about religious and other types of indoctrination, Carla? Do tell.
Was there any violence at these celebrations?

Are you a parent? If you were, you would understand what I'm saying.

No, I am not a parent. There wasn't violence at these celebrations, so whatever fear you have seems a bit irrational.

That is not the point. The point is that there is a potential for violence at these types of events. That is not irrational. That is common sense.

There is a potential for violence at any event. Should parents not take their children to the ball park b/c some drunk fan might start a fight? Not hardly.

Don't be ridiculous. You are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are in denial.

I am not being intellectually dishonest at all and I find the tone of your post to be little insulting, especially from someone here that I really like.

If you don't want to take you children to one those events b/c of fear of violence then so be it. Any event has the potential for violence but it seems silly to think a pride parade is more likely to attract violence then any other event.
So you're against taking children to church?

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

That's what church's indoctrination. And it's a subject that children don't understand. Yet you have no problem with that indoctrination. And gay pride festivals ARE peaceful, unless outside agitators show up.

Hey, how about if gay people start busting into churches to create a hostile environment? Will you tell the families of the church that it's no longer appropriate to take their children to church? It's just plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety comes first!!! They should set aside their religious beliefs due to the outside agitators???

I'm repeating this again for you . . . Please don't ask me to repeat it again.

I'm against indoctrinating children into something that they cannot even understand. I am against parents using their children as pawns. I mean really, this is not rocket science. It should be plain old common sense to any parent that your child's safety and well being comes FIRST, before your political or religious beliefs.

Okay, let the record be known that ChrisL is against the religious indoctrination of children, and that all religious activities outside the church should be limited to adults only.

How do you feel about religious and other types of indoctrination, Carla? Do tell.

I'm still in a recovery program. lol
Hmm. Gay pride parades . . . Why would anyone be PROUD to be gay anyways? What are they "proud" of?

They always have Gay Pride parades in the Summer because that is what the bible tells them to do.

Pride comes before the Fall.
Fallopians 4:16
It's obvious that ChrisL is concerned for the little girl in the video, but what about ALL the children who are forced to listen to these type of preachers every Sunday?

They probably fall asleep or play video games. Do you really think children in church are absorbing the words of the pastor/preacher/whatever, or are they bugging their parents to go home so they can play?
Are you a parent? If you were, you would understand what I'm saying.

No, I am not a parent. There wasn't violence at these celebrations, so whatever fear you have seems a bit irrational.

That is not the point. The point is that there is a potential for violence at these types of events. That is not irrational. That is common sense.

There is a potential for violence at any event. Should parents not take their children to the ball park b/c some drunk fan might start a fight? Not hardly.

Don't be ridiculous. You are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are in denial.

I am not being intellectually dishonest at all and I find the tone of your post to be little insulting, especially from someone here that I really like.

If you don't want to take you children to one those events b/c of fear of violence then so be it. Any event has the potential for violence but it seems silly to think a pride parade is more likely to attract violence then any other event.

Sorry. I don't mean to insult you, but you MUST realize that something so controversial has a much bigger potential for violence than other events?
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No, I am not a parent. There wasn't violence at these celebrations, so whatever fear you have seems a bit irrational.

That is not the point. The point is that there is a potential for violence at these types of events. That is not irrational. That is common sense.

There is a potential for violence at any event. Should parents not take their children to the ball park b/c some drunk fan might start a fight? Not hardly.

Don't be ridiculous. You are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are in denial.

I am not being intellectually dishonest at all and I find the tone of your post to be little insulting, especially from someone here that I really like.

If you don't want to take you children to one those events b/c of fear of violence then so be it. Any event has the potential for violence but it seems silly to think a pride parade is more likely to attract violence then any other event.

Sorry. I don't mean to insult you, but you MUST realize that something so controversial has a much bigger potential for violence than other events?

No worries, my dear. :beer:

I do believe we are going to have to agree to disagree on this topic.
Nobody is telling,you Chris, that you are a bad parent because you don't expose your children to things that attract controversy. My problem is that you are making one hell of a lot of negative judgements about parents that disagree with you, and consider controversy to be educational. That is called, "intolerance".
It's obvious that ChrisL is concerned for the little girl in the video, but what about ALL the children who are forced to listen to these type of preachers every Sunday?

They probably fall asleep or play video games. Do you really think children in church are absorbing the words of the pastor/preacher/whatever, or are they bugging their parents to go home so they can play?

Why is it fine in church but not on the street? That does not make a lick of sense.
If you bring your child to gay protests, then shame on YOU. It's selfish and that is all.
Amen to this. If they don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be. They should be free just like the rest of us to make their own choice of what it is that they want to stand for.

God bless you always!!!

If you bring your child to gay protests, then shame on YOU. It's selfish and that is all.
Amen to this. If they don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be. They should be free just like the rest of us to make their own choice of what it is that they want to stand for.

God bless you always!!!


I'm not even going to try to figure out how THIS twist occurred!
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.
Children shouldn't be used as tools, that's what that was have a problem with churches having children stand on street corners with Yes on H8 signs in 2008. Good to know.

Yes, this is not different than any other kind of indoctrination. Go to your protests. Leave the children at home. They are children and should not be involved in this kind of political bullshit. They should be enjoying their childhood. It's the only one they will have.
And if she was there with her parents; to attend the parade?

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