Little girl stands firm in face of street preacher's homophobic rant

"If a parent is not aware that this a volatile atmosphere that could even have the potential to turn violent, then the parent is a fucking moron with a capital F."

Well, that rules out Walmart, her in AZ. Last time I went, I counted 5 civilians wearing guns.

Were they yelling and screaming at little girls? Were they talking about how the parents would go to hell and things like that? That shit can be traumatizing to a little girl. I know because I was a little girl at one time!

BTW, how about you learn to use the quote feature? How long have you been here now?
Andd they are supposed to know some Christian terrorists would be there, saying hateful things to children?
While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.

The kid was being used as a pawn. You are correct. Don't let these morons here at USMB tell you differently.
No...the kid pwn'd that idiot preacher. There's a profound difference.

She looked confused and nervous to me, wondering why the preacher was yelling at her, wondering why people were giving her high 5s.
And that is on the asshole preacher. The little girl did not get in his face. He should be ashamed. If that were my daughter, he would have been on his ass.
If you bring your child to gay protests, then shame on YOU. It's selfish and that is all.
Amen to this. If they don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be. They should be free just like the rest of us to make their own choice of what it is that they want to stand for.

God bless you always!!!

I'm not even going to try to figure out how THIS twist occurred!
I was just giving my two cents on the situation, nothing more. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I disagree, chrisL. Some children are extremely astute, and most know a hell of a lot more than adults think. In my case, for example, I was told that my father had died in an accident when I was in the 2nd grade. i knew that it was a lie, and suspected that it was suicide. I was right.

The child, in this case is learning passive resistance to bigoted people, and screaming hate filled people. It is a useful lesson. And you can bet that she had been educated by her parents. She is obviously at a gay pride parade, and wearing a rainbow skirt. At that age, she is likely to see worse at church, if she had different parents..

No they don't know "more" than adults.

No she isn't learning anything. She isn't old enough to understand what any of these people are fighting about. It is wrong to expose your child to these types of things. She is being used and that is all.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or a sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.

It's been a while, but I'm sure the verses can be looked up and found again. I think people are definitely playing with fire these days, because they are using the children now to advance their wicked ways in such a way now, that to have the little ones exposed from a young age to become knowledgeable of these things as if they are OK when in fact it is not OK, and shockingly the adults know this but don't care anymore.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.
Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I disagree, chrisL. Some children are extremely astute, and most know a hell of a lot more than adults think. In my case, for example, I was told that my father had died in an accident when I was in the 2nd grade. i knew that it was a lie, and suspected that it was suicide. I was right.

The child, in this case is learning passive resistance to bigoted people, and screaming hate filled people. It is a useful lesson. And you can bet that she had been educated by her parents. She is obviously at a gay pride parade, and wearing a rainbow skirt. At that age, she is likely to see worse at church, if she had different parents..

No they don't know "more" than adults.

No she isn't learning anything. She isn't old enough to understand what any of these people are fighting about. It is wrong to expose your child to these types of things. She is being used and that is all.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or a sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.

It's been a while, but I'm sure the verses can be looked up and found again. I think people are definitely playing with fire these days, because they are using the children now to advance their wicked ways in such a way now, that to have the little ones exposed from a young age to become knowledgeable of these things as if they are OK when in fact it is not OK, and shockingly the adults know this but don't care anymore.
Are you directly involved in the raising of this particular child? Would you appreciate someone advising you and your wife on the raising of your child?

Is sin and the perception of it up to you? Would you appreciate someone who is apparently better versed (no pun intended) in Biblical admonisthitions against sin?

Walk a mile in her parent's clogs before you cast judgment. There's something in the Bible about that.
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.

This does not mean that this little child was not thinking about some of the things said to her, and it certainly doesn't mean she wasn't upset by it. The bottom line, this was not a very appropriate venue in which to take a young child.
Children shouldn't be used as tools, that's what that was have a problem with churches having children stand on street corners with Yes on H8 signs in 2008. Good to know.

Yes, this is not different than any other kind of indoctrination. Go to your protests. Leave the children at home. They are children and should not be involved in this kind of political bullshit. They should be enjoying their childhood. It's the only one they will have.
And if she was there with her parents; to attend the parade?

This is interesting. WHERE were her parents when some crazy guy was screaming at her? Would you allow this to happen to your 6-year-old child?
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.

The child was being used, most obviously. That is why, no one tried to stop this man or take the little girl away from this volatile situation and why they filmed it instead. One can clearly see what was important to the people there and it is despicable.
"If a parent is not aware that this a volatile atmosphere that could even have the potential to turn violent, then the parent is a fucking moron with a capital F."

Well, that rules out Walmart, her in AZ. Last time I went, I counted 5 civilians wearing guns.

Were they yelling and screaming at little girls? Were they talking about how the parents would go to hell and things like that? That shit can be traumatizing to a little girl. I know because I was a little girl at one time!

BTW, how about you learn to use the quote feature? How long have you been here now?
Andd they are supposed to know some Christian terrorists would be there, saying hateful things to children?

Do you know what "common sense" is? Do you have any?
What kind of cowardly punk yells at a child like that. WTF.
No! No! No! Focus on the child and her evil parents....bringing her to a protest...oops, not a protest...bringing her to a gay pride parade...oops, not a gay pride parade.........well........................blame her parents anyways, eh?
I disagree, chrisL. Some children are extremely astute, and most know a hell of a lot more than adults think. In my case, for example, I was told that my father had died in an accident when I was in the 2nd grade. i knew that it was a lie, and suspected that it was suicide. I was right.

The child, in this case is learning passive resistance to bigoted people, and screaming hate filled people. It is a useful lesson. And you can bet that she had been educated by her parents. She is obviously at a gay pride parade, and wearing a rainbow skirt. At that age, she is likely to see worse at church, if she had different parents..

No they don't know "more" than adults.

No she isn't learning anything. She isn't old enough to understand what any of these people are fighting about. It is wrong to expose your child to these types of things. She is being used and that is all.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or a sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.

It's been a while, but I'm sure the verses can be looked up and found again. I think people are definitely playing with fire these days, because they are using the children now to advance their wicked ways in such a way now, that to have the little ones exposed from a young age to become knowledgeable of these things as if they are OK when in fact it is not OK, and shockingly the adults know this but don't care anymore.
Are you directly involved in the raising of this particular child? Would you appreciate someone advising you and your wife on the raising of your child?

Is sin and the perception of it up to you? Would you appreciate someone who is apparently better versed (no pun intended) in Biblical admonisthitions against sin?

Walk a mile in her parent's clogs before you cast judgment. There's something in the Bible about that.

This is a discussion board. We are discussing how adults allowed this child to be verbally abused and did absolutely nothing to stop it but filmed it for an agenda instead.
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.

The child was being used, most obviously. That is why, no one tried to stop this man or take the little girl away from this volatile situation and why they filmed it instead. One can clearly see what was important to the people there and it is despicable.
Yeah...the clearly despicable thing is the guy yelling at her. That's quite clear despite your attempts to blame others. Maybe it's because her courage isn't recognizable?
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.

This does not mean that this little child was not thinking about some of the things said to her, and it certainly doesn't mean she wasn't upset by it. The bottom line, this was not a very appropriate venue in which to take a young child.
As the nation digs out from under it's economic woes, then here comes the devil with a one two punch.. Think about what is happening people.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.
Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


You don't have to be religious to see how wrong this situation is, that's for sure.
While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

It appears that this little girl is the sane rational one of the two, with the bitterness and ugliness coming from the preacher who hides his bigotry behind the Bible.

I agree, and why would someone expose an innocent 6-year-old to such things? To help with an agenda, which is why she is being used as a pawn. You know, little kids take things like that man was saying to her to heart. They believe adults and think adults are all knowledgeable.
You might be over thinking this. Chances are better for a completely innocent reason she was taken to ComFest. Judging strictly from the video and not taking a political agenda on as baggage, I'd assume that the little girl was at the parade and enjoying herself. Then the concerned Christian encountered her as he marched too.

She is a most remarkable child. A haranguing from a grownup could have driven her to tears. But she was brave and quick to make with the high fives.

The child was being used, most obviously. That is why, no one tried to stop this man or take the little girl away from this volatile situation and why they filmed it instead. One can clearly see what was important to the people there and it is despicable.
Yeah...the clearly despicable thing is the guy yelling at her. That's quite clear despite your attempts to blame others. Maybe it's because her courage isn't recognizable?

He is a CRAZY man. You cannot reason with insanity. You take your child AWAY from the volatile situation.
What kind of cowardly punk yells at a child like that. WTF.
No! No! No! Focus on the child and her evil parents....bringing her to a protest...oops, not a protest...bringing her to a gay pride parade...oops, not a gay pride parade.........well........................blame her parents anyways, eh?

Her parents are IDIOTS at the very least.
I disagree, chrisL. Some children are extremely astute, and most know a hell of a lot more than adults think. In my case, for example, I was told that my father had died in an accident when I was in the 2nd grade. i knew that it was a lie, and suspected that it was suicide. I was right.

The child, in this case is learning passive resistance to bigoted people, and screaming hate filled people. It is a useful lesson. And you can bet that she had been educated by her parents. She is obviously at a gay pride parade, and wearing a rainbow skirt. At that age, she is likely to see worse at church, if she had different parents..

No they don't know "more" than adults.

No she isn't learning anything. She isn't old enough to understand what any of these people are fighting about. It is wrong to expose your child to these types of things. She is being used and that is all.
To use and expose children to sin I think is an unforgivable thing or a sin being committed.... The Bible says somewhere in it that if these little ones are taught to sin, then it would be best that the ones who have taught them such a thing, might just as well tie a talent around their necks, and to then sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean/sea. To look into the face of a small child whom is still yet innocent of this world, is to look straight into the face of God himself.

It's been a while, but I'm sure the verses can be looked up and found again. I think people are definitely playing with fire these days, because they are using the children now to advance their wicked ways in such a way now, that to have the little ones exposed from a young age to become knowledgeable of these things as if they are OK when in fact it is not OK, and shockingly the adults know this but don't care anymore.
Are you directly involved in the raising of this particular child? Would you appreciate someone advising you and your wife on the raising of your child?

Is sin and the perception of it up to you? Would you appreciate someone who is apparently better versed (no pun intended) in Biblical admonisthitions against sin?

Walk a mile in her parent's clogs before you cast judgment. There's something in the Bible about that.

This is a discussion board. We are discussing how adults allowed this child to be verbally abused and did absolutely nothing to stop it but filmed it for an agenda instead.
When I watched the video I saw the child on the front line while the adults stood behind her. Now who put the child up to this is the question that needs to be answered. This child should be playing hopscotch and swinging with her friends in a playground somewhere, and not tied up in something that she is to young to understand or to partake in. Was the child being used as a human shield so to speak ? Is this now the order of the day in these events now ? I think it best to leave the children out of all of this don't you all ?
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