Little Mermaid White Again - Left Goes Crazy - RACE SWAPPING!

I get it. You didn't recognize you were the cuck until I pointed out to you that people who cheer this on aren't forced to accept anything. It's what we want. 😆
There goes your extra chromosome showing again.
No hard feelings :)
Why would I have hard feelings? I'm fine with a black mermaid even more so if it's going to make cuck whites cry. 😆
im sure it will make some whites cry. Just like it does blacks when they see a white person portraying a black.
But im not racist filth like you, so i dont get off on it.
Why would I have hard feelings? I'm fine with a black mermaid even more so if it's going to make cuck whites cry. 😆
I remember being stationed in Guantanamo Bay in 1975 or so. Cubans and Jamaicans worked there. Cubans were outstanding even having to come through the fences to work there. Jamaicans were arrogant and obnoxious assholes.
I remember being stationed in Guantanamo Bay in 1975 or so. Cubans and Jamaicans worked there. Cubans were outstanding even having to come through the fences to work there. Jamaicans were arrogant and obnoxious assholes.

Cool story bro.
The story of the Little Mermaid was written in 1837 by Hans Christian Anderson. In Denmark. How many blacks were in Denmark in 1837? At least try to know something....

Mermaids have been around long before Hans Christian Anderson wrote his story. There was no rule that they had to be white. You are just trying to justify your racism.
Sad, you fail to see the bigger picture. Race swapping any form of art is a denigration to all parties involved. Such things degrade the original with a sappy carbon copy, such things also degrade whoever is swapped, as they are deemed unworthy of their own unique story, movie, etc.

The bigger picture is that the people that are complaining are racists. Apparently they have no problem with openly expressing that racism.
Did no one one read the article the OP posted?

There are good reasons to be mad at this film, another in a series of unnecessary and by definition unoriginal remakes, about the virtues of a woman giving up her family and the very core of her being in order to land a man.

But casting isn’t one of them.

Alas, they wanna be where the white people are, and they’ve found an answer to their woes.

Multiple folks on Twitter immediately focused on the poster boiling down “woke” to just be a synonym for “Black,” a rare moment of pure honesty about what these folks really mean when they complain about it.

It's so obvious to everyone that when cuck whites complain about things being "woke" they're complaining about black people.

It is racist.
if it doesn't make a difference, then why change the character? hell, now they want a black butch cassidy. so all those in here saying FICTIONAL - THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT - well, now they're making white people black.


Because she was the best person for the part. There is not one shred of evidence she was chosen because she is black.
Nonsense, the creator wrote for a specific audience. Now some unoriginal losers want to culturally appropriate it for themselves. You are still the only loser here fixated on the mermaid.

I suppose Hans Christian Anderson told you that. Choosing the best person for the job is apparently wrong to you. You are the loser who is fixated on it.
ok - i don't disagree it's stupid, but so is feeling some need to change races on everything.

if you want a black character, simply make one - why is that hard? they did it for the white one?

Since when is a mermaid a white character? You are a racist no matter how you coat it.
I suppose Hans Christian Anderson told you that. Choosing the best person for the job is apparently wrong to you. You are the loser who is fixated on it.
You should try reading the actual story, as written. Luckily it appears to be right at your reading level.

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