Little Rocket Man (Kim Jong Un) wants a meeting with President Trump. will Trump accept?!

Let’s see if Crooked Donnie can get as good terms with N Korea as Obama got with Iran
I disagree. 10 minutes into the meeting, Little Kim will be eating out of Trump's hand and begging for a release from the sanctions.
I’d like to see our President pull it off

Trump is in the “Big League” now. No silly name calling, he had to be taken seriously
Just another DOPer scam to
Bling-bling look
over there/here. To not read real news everywhere.
A perfect place for the meeting...

I disagree. 10 minutes into the meeting, Little Kim will be eating out of Trump's hand and begging for a release from the sanctions.


idiot, by meeting with the Korean dictator, the orange sociopath gives him the status and stature of the United States.


no one is eating out of Donald's hand. the world is laughing at him....

Victor Cha is a former Director for Asian Affairs in the White House's National Security Council, with responsibility for Japan, North and South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.[3] He was George W. Bush's top advisor on North Korean affairs.[4] He currently holds the D. S. Song-Korea Foundation Chair in Asian Studies and is the Director of the Asian Studies program in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Cha is also senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).[5]
I disagree. 10 minutes into the meeting, Little Kim will be eating out of Trump's hand and begging for a release from the sanctions.


idiot, by meeting with the Korean dictator, the orange sociopath gives him the status and stature of the United States.


no one is eating out of Donald's hand. the world is laughing at him....
This is a chance for our President to shine on a global stage....let’s hope he pulls it off

I bet he now wishes he didn’t slash his State Department of people who know what they are doing THIS is worth a Nobel Prize---
..HUGE difference between Obama and Trump--Trump kicks A$$--sometimes the only way to get to the root of tough problems
..just like when people are afraid to say and listen to the TRUTH--if you constantly tiptoe around the truth--you won't get the problem solved!!!!

Obama got a nuclear disarmament agreement with Iran

Trump has been trying to screw it up
These weaker signing of anythang to keep moving the ball forward are good.
I Agree. I like these types agreements from 1980's.
But now in 2018, we have MORE real better tools to check in the skies above
before we/ other need to use war!

What more can be done for/about in/for the ME or the NK areas?
Yes, this move by Obama moves again the pole down the long-term
playing field for Iran's peoples to fix there shit. (Thanks, Satellite internet).

We have done the Iraq invasion failures, (Thanks, Dead USA fighters/wounded for nothang
and for more new oil profits to other 5% others. THEY love you!
Please keep dying FIRST, before getting wounded or living, these 1-5% loves you
on these cheap LIES feedings and BS to make them more profits you LOSERS,
so keep giving BLOOD to feed the military industrial
complex only. We don't need to add Iran to/on the flames here
for their profits. The Middle-Class is billed.

btw. Keep dying and getting wounded in Afganistan for nothang.
Be a MAGA by dying, as Long-Term care cost too much to the Middle-Class. FFS!
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Don’t understand your post

The Great Obama got Iran to get rid of their enriched uranium, destroy their centrifuges and gave them back their own money

What will Trump achieve?
They still have enriched uranium and their centrifuges, it was never money to begin with.
LOL. the Great Douche wants to play 'Let's make a Deal with NK'
This is Good for 3 days now., the final failure cums 15 days later.
As predicted the insane ANTI-Donald democrat morons want war and not peace. :cranky:
I doubt President is dumb enough to meet with Rocket Man in person. He should send Hillary to him as an ambassador. However that went would be a win for the US.
Trump and the Trumpsters get to crow about this. Any positive developments on this are good news.

If you're hoping for the best, that is.
I'm not crowing about the meeting. I smell a Korean rat. Fatboy Kim is just fishing for another angle to bolster his world standing as a leader. Anyone who believes a word he says is a total fool.
Sure, not only is the fat kid a lying psychopath, but he comes from a long line of lying psychopaths. There's a clear history here.

We have to take the good news where we can get it and move forward carefully. Hopefully we won't see Trump boasting about this.
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To absolutely zero surprise, the Regressives are downplaying and mocking this.

Do they not see how transparent this is?

I didn't vote for the guy, but he gets credit for something that even the press is admitting is historic.

YOu mean he got us exactly to the point we were at before he started provoking the guy?

You don't get credit for "solving" problems you created to start with.

Especially since it won't really solve the problem. NK will still have rockets, still have nukes. Any deal will probably include a humanitarian aid package for them, which is good in that it'll keep people from starving, but bad in that it will prolong the regime.
To absolutely zero surprise, the Regressives are downplaying and mocking this.

Do they not see how transparent this is?

I didn't vote for the guy, but he gets credit for something that even the press is admitting is historic.

I will provide credit when I see what Donnie Dealmaker delivers

Keep in mind, Trump has set the bar on nuclear disarmament pretty high in condemning Obama’s deal with Iran as “the worst deal ever”

Let’s see what N Korea abandons, what inspections are in place and what we pay.......
Then we can give Donnie Dealmaker appropriate credit
Trump will walk out, say Kim's a great guy, just misunderstood, and that the U.S. is going to sell them uranium.
Substitute uranium for Trump steaks, tours of Disney world, in exchange for negotiations for uniting the peninsula, and you might have something there. . . .

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