Live announcement from Theresa May: Threat level raised to critical from severe

Check out the maps in this link. And its older maps. Still...imagine what it looks like now.

Most And Least Muslim States In America (PHOTOS) | HuffPost

If Trump doesn't put a whoa on the influx of refugees, and/or has that hawaiian judge arrested for not following EO, then...we are next on the hit list. They are already plotting and planning in basements and no other muslims "know", dontcha know.
I'll tell ya though, there's a reason they pull this shit in CITIES. One, the big cities are run by politically correct leftist loon progtards who openly coddle muslims, and two, if they tried this shit out here in little podunk, small town America, they would be hunted down and there would be an "accident" where they were KILLED. We wouldn't tolerate this shit. I GUARANTEE some muslim nut bag blows shit up around here and kills 19 people, CHILDREN among them, and injures 50+ others, you'd see ARMED VIGILANTES, and rightly so. We take care of our own, and if the government won't protect us from these stone age savages, we'll protect ourselves... guaranteed.
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The Leftist Islamist Propagandist Apologists in this thread in 10..9..8..7..6..5..:popcorn:

Who will be first with:

But but but what about the Mormons?

Mormons will probably gladly join the anti-islamist fight in America. other areas of England, there are groups of people standing around with signs and yelling LET THEM IN!

Wash, rinse, repeat.
That's true. And the same kind of internal pro-immigrant problem exists in France, Germany, Sweden -- and here. It's baffling.
No facemasks, people. Show your face or go away.

# of Antifa protesters in the southeast thus far=?

Yeah that's right, none.

We don't play that here.

Come on down heanh, Antifa and mooslims, we got somethin' for ya.

Most likely in .06 flavor.
Check out the maps in this link. And its older maps. Still...imagine what it looks like now.

Most And Least Muslim States In America (PHOTOS) | HuffPost

If Trump doesn't put a whoa on the influx of refugees, and/or has that hawaiian judge arrested for not following EO, then...we are next on the hit list. They are already plotting and planning in basements and no other muslims "know", dontcha know.
I'll ya though, there's a reason they pull this shit in CITIES. One, the big cities are run by politically correct leftist loon progtards who openly coddle muslims, and two, if they tried this shit out here little podunk, small town America, they would be hunted down and there would be an "accident" where they were KILLED. We wouldn't tolerate this shit. I GUARANTEE some muslim nut bag blows shit up around here and kills 19 people, CHILDREN among them, and injures 50+ others, you'd see ARMED VIGILANTES, and rightly so. We take care of our own, and if the government won't protect us from these stone age savages, we'll protect ourselves... guaranteed.
They are deranged dishonorable pussies. They attack the weakest and softest targets. They make sure people are unarmed and fish in a barrell. They attack women children, throw gays off of rooftops, etc etc.

They would never, I assure you, take me on face to face. They are fucking feckless possessed scumbags.

They bury kids alive and they behead innocent prisoners.

They don't deserve anything other than being thrown into a volcano. Their whole religion is false. Their fake book commands them to kill the unbeliever.

Do we think the teddy bears and the fake prayers and tears will cause them to stop?

Fuck liberals.

The Leftist Islamist Propagandist Apologists in this thread in 10..9..8..7..6..5..:popcorn:

Who will be first with:

But but but what about the Mormons?

Mormons will probably gladly join the anti-islamist fight in America.

Anyone who is sane will gladly join the Anti-Islamist fight across all Western nations.

The Leftist Islamist Propagandist Apologists are not sane, they suffer from a combination of mental illness and pathological altruism.

Normal healthy minded people with their feet rooted to the ground do not get into bed with a viper.

The Leftist Islamist Propagandist Apologists in this thread in 10..9..8..7..6..5..:popcorn:

Who will be first with:

But but but what about the Mormons?

Mormons will probably gladly join the anti-islamist fight in America.

Anyone who is sane will gladly join the Anti-Islamist fight across all Western nations.

The Leftist Islamist Propagandist Apologists are not sane, they suffer from a combination of mental illness and pathological altruism.

Normal healthy minded people with their feet rooted to the ground do not get into bed with a viper.

I've killed almost every viper I ever ran across.

Except this one moccasin in the ditch in the woods.

I shot him with a Daisy cock gun one time. Not in the head.

I always knew where he would be and just avoided him.

He chased me a couple times, too.

I've killed vipers with guns, potato rakes, and shovels.

All except that 1 moccasin. Maybe someday I go down there and get him with a .22.

He's probably still there. What's the lifespan?

They are deranged dishonorable pussies. They attack the weakest and softest targets. They make sure people are unarmed and fish in a barrell. They attack women children, throw gays off of rooftops, etc etc.

I share your loathing but these terrorists who blow themselves up to strike at us are far from being "pussies." To do something like that calls for a level and kind of dedicated courage I can't conceive of.

Their choice of targets is based on the projected level of pain the result will engender on the general population. These bombers are avenging such things as the bombing of Baghdad, which was a brutally contemptible crime and what we are seeing is the payback. They are striking at our allies because our allies are more vulnerable than we are. But their action will affect us in terms of progressively restrictive security regulations.

They are terrorists. Effective terrorists. They are not "pussies," nor are they "losers." We need to fear them and to take serious action against them and all who support them -- even in the slightest degree.

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