Live feed from Maidan Square in Kyiv, with sound

You are the crybaby that says Biden is weak, for.... doing only sanctions...?

So when do YOU ship out, tough guy?
These Trump apologists can't figure out what to Blame Biden for, so they just go for the opposite decisions he's made, no matter what those decisions are.

They have to decide if they are going to crow about how the sanctions aren't tough enough, or praise Trump for giving Putin credit.

One of them on this forum said Biden should cut off Putin's gas and oil capabilities, while another said we shouldn't be helping Ukraine.

The Right has been totally blind sided by this. They are like chickens with the head cut off not knowing what we should do, but making sure they blame the other party.
At least someone in our country cares about freedom. You'd rather be ruled by a 5 time bankrupted loser who wants nothing to do with freedom.
Doesn’t seem that way. Even these keyboard warriors are admitting they wouldn’t fight for the “democracy” of Ukraine.
If you say so. Funny how you twats are asking us to fight your war for you.

Try to remember, you are the traitor spreading propaganda that the US is weak for not attacking Russia soldiers.
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When did I ever say we should be attacking Russian soldiers? Oh yea…never.
Sure you did, dumbass.

You said Biden is being weak. There is nothing else for that to mean.

It's not my faut you opened your scrotum licker and some dumbass cult diarrhea that you don't understand poured out of it.
These Trump apologists can't figure out what to Blame Biden for, so they just go for the opposite decisions he's made, no matter what those decisions are.

They have to decide if they are going to crow about how the sanctions aren't tough enough, or praise Trump for giving Putin credit.

One of them on this forum said Biden should cut off Putin's gas and oil capabilities, while another said we shouldn't be helping Ukraine.

The Right has been totally blind sided by this. They are like chickens with the head cut off not knowing what we should do, but making sure they blame the other party.
God you worthless leftist traitors are fuckin stupid.
The Right has been totally blind sided by this. They are like chickens with the head cut off not knowing what we should do, but making sure they blame the other party.
It's what their media conditions them to do. Watch FOX for a while. They constantly slide partisan politics into damn near every story on the war.

Since these people have zero independent, critical thinking skills, all they do is regurgitate it here. Boring as hell.

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