Live - Massive 80,000 People Turn Out for Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ

He is a captivating figure with a loyal fan base. Don’t think a big crowd proves a stolen election. The size of rally crowds is a small fraction of the number of people who vote in elections.

What if it's a Biden rally where hardly anybody shows up? What does that mean in reverse in other words?
What if it's a Biden rally where hardly anybody shows up? What does that mean in reverse in other words?
I’d never go to a Biden rally. I can’t even listen to the guy speak. I’d be much more interested in checking out a Trump rally.

But I’d never vote for Trump.

Again, rally’s don’t reflect votes IMO
Point to one specific part that you think is untrue?

Posting the letter is meaningless, I’ve read the letter. If you are calling it a lie then point to the lie. Be specific. Quote the sentence. Back up your shit and stop the stall games, do better be better.
Ha Ha Ha. You are a fucking joke and a propagandist for the democrats . Eat shit liar.
The laptop was carried as belonging to Hunter. I haven’t heard that all the content was authenticated. Also the agents didn’t declare it Russian misinformation. They quite clearly stated in their letter that they don’t know if it’s or isn’t
Of course you haven't heard. You don't pay attention very well. Again you're stupidity is really getting tiring it must be part of your strategy. Read the letter again it states over and over again that the emails appear to be classic Russian disinformation. Meant to mislead.
I don’t really care about what something appears as in your eyes. I care about what can be proven.

Proving that something appears a certain way is a weak way to spin up conspiracies
It's mainly circumstantial evidence. But there is a lot of it. I'm not going to go into it with somebody as stupid as you are. That would be fruitless
Of course you haven't heard. You don't pay attention very well. Again you're stupidity is really getting tiring it must be part of your strategy. Read the letter again it states over and over again that the emails appear to be classic Russian disinformation. Meant to mislead.
I see what the letter says. I was asking if the FBI had authenticated all the harddrive content at the time of the letter or just linked it to belonging to Hunter?
Somehow Obama corrupted the doj. And it has been ever since, our only hope is Trump and that he would do like he says and completely change it over.
Trump appointed three different people to run the DOJ and had 4 years to straighten things out. If Obama was able to corrupt it so easily and Trump not able to effect it would that conclude that Obama is a more effective leader than Trump?
Troll farms creating fake social media accounts and spinning false stories

Here’s a link to Trump acknowledging the existence of troll farms

Oh and op Ed from the Washington post. You are right .
Trump appointed three different people to run the DOJ and had 4 years to straighten things out. If Obama was able to corrupt it so easily and Trump not able to effect it would that conclude that Obama is a more effective leader than Trump?
The corruption began with Eric Holder and continued through Loretta Lynch, those people hired and fostered corruption. I'm sure very difficult to root out. nearly impossible. Now that Joe Biden's back in office he is busily trying to make it impossible for a president in the future to get rid of the people that he is appointing. God help us. The corruption runs so deep with the Deep state.
Trump appointed three different people to run the DOJ and had 4 years to straighten things out. If Obama was able to corrupt it so easily and Trump not able to effect it would that conclude that Obama is a more effective leader than Trump?
Obama was Definitely more divisive, devious and dishonest. He corrupted our justice system. We may never recover
Sounds like you have quite a bit of research to do
Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen only the lap top was linked to be owned by Hunter at the time that letter was released but the content had not been authenticated.

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