Live - Massive 80,000 People Turn Out for Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ

I’d never go to a Biden rally. I can’t even listen to the guy speak. I’d be much more interested in checking out a Trump rally.

But I’d never vote for Trump.

Well you might not like the guy (Trump) but at least you got good taste when it comes to him being a better guy than Biden even if you wouldn't vote for him yourself.
Well you might not like the guy (Trump) but at least you got good taste when it comes to him being a better guy than Biden even if you wouldn't vote for him yourself.
Haha, I definitely don’t think Trump is a better guy than Biden. Quite the opposite. I just think Trump is more entertaining
Haha, I definitely don’t think Trump is a better guy than Biden. Quite the opposite. I just think Trump is more entertaining

Oh umm okay... Well at least you got your health then and btw yes this is a roast but it's also meant to be a joke. :p
Another deflection. Aren’t you capable of staying on topic and giving straight forward and direct responses ?
At least I'm not a useful idiot who cannot recognize propaganda and actually fights to defend it. Your apologetics for this egregious violation of our rights is appalling. You have a concrete mentality and seem to only understand things that are literally spelled out for you. You should just apologize, go away maybe take some classes.
At least I'm not a useful idiot who cannot recognize propaganda and actually fights to defend it. Your apologetics for this egregious violation of our rights is appalling. You have a concrete mentality and seem to only understand things that are literally spelled out for you. You should just apologize, go away maybe take some classes.
On the contrary, that’s exactly what you are doing. Distorting facts, making assumptions, presenting guesses as fact… all very dishonest and all actions of a useful idiot
Haha, I definitely don’t think Trump is a better guy than Biden. Quite the opposite. I just think Trump is more entertaining
Slade, I do want to extend a big "thanks for playing" gratuity to you. It is really good to know how propaganda can affect the brainless left. Thank you again for the information and good luck to you, except in politics.
Incredible censorship by the media. In the heart of Blue America never seen anything like this. And they will expect us to believe that Biden won who couldn't fill a basketball court.

They are making this guy a martyr.

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41% of people who voted, voted for Trump in New Jersey in 2020.

That's 1.8 million people.

So, 80,000 of them go out to be entertained. What's your point? It's nowhere near the 1.8 million who voted for him, and even then you'd have to get another 200,000 for him to get up to 50% and a chance of winning the state.

Trump gets people entertained. So what? Biden supporters maybe have less time or inclination to go listen to their old man rambling on about bullshit nonsense.
On the contrary, that’s exactly what you are doing. Distorting facts, making assumptions, presenting guesses as fact… all very dishonest and all actions of a useful idiot
It was pretty clear in that letter what they were thinking about the hunter Biden laptop. The top minds in the country i might remind you. For a person like you very convincing. I can understand how you would be fooled. Don't despair, Trump is coming. He loves the uneducated and stupid. He said so LOL
It doesn’t appear that many walked out. His audience was close to 100,000
Wow 100,000 people that is crazy. It's no wonder the democrits and the leftists are arguing so vociferously against it. it's so damaging and embarrassing to them.
Slade, I do want to extend a big "thanks for playing" gratuity to you. It is really good to know how propaganda can affect the brainless left. Thank you again for the information and good luck to you, except in politics.
No problem at all: hope you learned a little something. My suggestion is trying to be more direct, stick to the facts, and less insults and dodging as those things present as you not knowing what you’re talking about
It was pretty clear in that letter what they were thinking about the hunter Biden laptop. The top minds in the country i might remind you. For a person like you very convincing. I can understand how you would be fooled. Don't despair, Trump is coming. He loves the uneducated and stupid. He said so LOL
Can’t say that letter had any impact on what I thought about things. That laptop was tainted as soon as I heard that custody went through a blind repair shop owner and Rudy Guliani
No problem at all: hope you learned a little something. My suggestion is trying to be more direct, stick to the facts, and less insults and dodging as those things present as you not knowing what you’re talking about
Yeah it's hard not to insult someone when they act stupid intentionally. Playing dumb is not a good look. You were definitely doing some gas lighting about that letter, that can be upsetting.
Can’t say that letter had any impact on what I thought about things. That laptop was tainted as soon as I heard that custody went through a blind repair shop owner and Rudy Guliani
You see that's where your bias comes through. You are using an ad hominem argument to discount the bringer of the news and not the news itself. It affected your whole judgment and ability to detect propaganda. One of the reasons you lost the argument
Yeah it's hard not to insult someone when they act stupid intentionally. Playing dumb is not a good look. You were definitely doing some gas lighting about that letter, that can be upsetting.
It’s actually not that hard. The fact that you continuously do it shows anger, insecurity and lack of control. If you could actually answer my questions and back up your arguments then you’d spend your energy on that, not worthless insults.
You see that's where your bias comes through. You are using an ad hominem argument to discount the bringer of the news and not the news itself. It affected your whole judgment and ability to detect propaganda. One of the reasons you lost the argument
It’s not ad hominem at all… it’s straight up suspicious. The presidents lawyer who has been on a year long crusade to find dirt on Joe and Hunter magically ends up with Hunter laptop during an election year??

Come on. Only a moron wouldn’t be suspicious about that. So for me to take anything from that computer seriously it would need to be authenticated by a very reliable source.
It’s actually not that hard. The fact that you continuously do it shows anger, insecurity and lack of control. If you could actually answer my questions and back up your arguments then you’d spend your energy on that, not worthless insults.
I actually did answer your questions. You didn't answer mine however. When you act stupid you should be prepared to be called out for it. I really didn't even have to backup my arguments it was all there in black and white with that letter. Anyone with any intelligence could look at it and know at this point that it was propaganda. When it first came out I can see the confusion but not at this point in time. Why do you hate Rudy Giuliani?

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