LIVE: Obama giving a splendid lecture/scolding to American peasants on guns! BANNED private sales!

this was off another site and with this article. Obama is as phony a three dollar bill. he does NOTHING that isn't planned all for his AGENDA.

While a state senator in Illinois, Obama voted twice to kill the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This law would have required that babies who survive botched abortion attempts must be cared for and protected. Instead, because of Obama and his fellow Leftist ghouls, such babies are simply left to die a slow and painful death.
And I'm supposed to believe that this
man is capable of compassion and real human tears?

all of it here:
Hysterical screeching and mass panty-wetting by the gun fetish crowd was pathetically expectable. The complete lack of connection between what Obama is actually doing and what they think he is doing is a great example of the reality gap separating this tiny minority of obsessive rural, over-50 white guys who never went to college from the majority of the American pea pull. It is also good evidence as to why these gun nuts do not have the necessary mental equipment to be allowed access to firearms. If only they would shoot each other instead of boring the rest of us with their rants, America would be a more pleasant place to live.*

* This post is an experiment to see how many Second Amendment Patriots have nothing better to do than respond to a gag. Like the unwed mother, they take seriously what was only poked at them in fun.
Eighty percent of legally owned guns are in rural America.
Ninety five percent of illegal guns are in inner city negro shitholes.
Your insightful claim (do you have a link to support those numbers BTW?) brings up an interesting point: where do those "inner city negro shitholes" get their guns? They sure aren't buying them legally in some Negro Shithole Sporting Goods store in their neighborhood. Studies have shown that guns used in crimes in the Northeast are purchased using straw buyers in VA, GA, SC and FL.

God bless Dixie! In addition to greasy fried food and imbecilic Country Western music, the South is giving the civilized parts of America the tools necessary for psychotics to murder school children. I suppose that doesn't trouble the conscience of those goobers down there as their gun murder rates are the highest while ours are among the lowest.

you don't have proof of that BS. not only are you a control freak fascist but a bigot to boot
Of course I have proof. Your response is People's Exhibit #1. How's that for proof?

If I post the link to the source of the research that shows the source for illegal guns used in crimes in the Northeast, will you apologize publicly on this thread? Oh, do say yes! Your humiliation is just a click away.

While you are waiting, why not begin to learn some of the basic facts about the source of illegal guns in the states:

Trace the Guns
Hysterical screeching and mass panty-wetting by the gun fetish crowd was pathetically expectable. The complete lack of connection between what Obama is actually doing and what they think he is doing is a great example of the reality gap separating this tiny minority of obsessive rural, over-50 white guys who never went to college from the majority of the American pea pull. It is also good evidence as to why these gun nuts do not have the necessary mental equipment to be allowed access to firearms. If only they would shoot each other instead of boring the rest of us with their rants, America would be a more pleasant place to live.*

* This post is an experiment to see how many Second Amendment Patriots have nothing better to do than respond to a gag. Like the unwed mother, they take seriously what was only poked at them in fun.
Eighty percent of legally owned guns are in rural America.
Ninety five percent of illegal guns are in inner city negro shitholes.
Your insightful claim (do you have a link to support those numbers BTW?) brings up an interesting point: where do those "inner city negro shitholes" get their guns? They sure aren't buying them legally in some Negro Shithole Sporting Goods store in their neighborhood. Studies have shown that guns used in crimes in the Northeast are purchased using straw buyers in VA, GA, SC and FL.

God bless Dixie! In addition to greasy fried food and imbecilic Country Western music, the South is giving the civilized parts of America the tools necessary for psychotics to murder school children. I suppose that doesn't trouble the conscience of those goobers down there as their gun murder rates are the highest while ours are among the lowest.

you don't have proof of that BS. not only are you a control freak fascist but a bigot to boot
Of course I have proof. Your response is People's Exhibit #1. How's that for proof?

If I post the link to the source of the research that shows the source for illegal guns used in crimes in the Northeast, will you apologize publicly on this thread? Oh, do say yes! Your humiliation is just a click away.

While you are waiting, why not begin to learn some of the basic facts about the source of illegal guns in the states:

Trace the Guns
Illegal guns. the only ILLEGAL about it, is the person USING THEM for a crime. How about locking them up and throw away the key? or is that too much to ask from you bleeding heart liberals, so instead you step on legal gun owners rights because you're cowards to take on the gang bangers, criminals, etc. now how about we get on with banning abortions you all so worried over the childreeeeeeen?
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The VIDEO at the site:

Mark Levin SLAMS Obama gun control proposal: “This is a backdoor attempt to INTIMIDATE people”
Posted by The Right Scoop on Jan 4, 2016 at 8:35 PM in Politics |

Mark Levin discussed the new gun control proposals that are being leaked by the White House on his show tonight and slammed the main proposal as a backdoor attempt to intimidate people:

Levin pointed out that the White House is broadening the definition of what a gun seller is — not to mention without Congressional approval — in order to intimidate collectors and hobbyists who sell firearms privately.

Levin argues that this new broader definition, which will include factors such as how quickly collectors and hobbyists sell guns they acquire, whether they sell guns for more than they paid for them, and how often and in what quantity they sell firearms, will be left up to bureaucrats and politicians to define as they deal with people individually.

Levin calls this proposal shameful and says they are pushing this without any statutory basis whatsoever.

all of it here:

Read more:
his phony crying made me even more sick than normal of that thug. He's lied so much I'm surprised lighting hasn't struck him dead. He wouldn't be missed if it did

it's the children I cry for.

. oops except for those 58million I thanked God for PP help in aborting
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The government doesn't wanna take yer guns, they just wanna make it impossible for you to own them.

That's different.
The Dear Leader Obama is currently live on global television giving an epic lecture/scolding to all us peasants about gun control! It's splendid.

A few early Cliff Notes for all you racists who didn't tune in for the lesson:

- Obama said "tens of thousands of gun deaths in America each year". They must not teach math in Hawaii. America sees on average less than 10,000 per year. Not "tens of thousands" plural.

- Mass gun violence apparently doesn't happen anywhere else in the civilized world and "it's not even close"!! (Although we're 8th...behind Norway, Belgium and others in deaths from mass shootings)

- He is a constitutional scholar and knows what he's talking about. NO....he really said that....he reminded us how smart he is. That was actually part of his lecture...spouting his resume to remind us he's brilliant.

- Rights can be limited once we are civilized. He used the example of how we have to go through scanners to fly on planes (thanks to his Muslim cousins). But....failed to mention that the Constitution does not guarantee a right to FLY or fly armed on a PRIVATE company's airline.

- He apparently ignored that most gun violence is done by black ghetto criminals. Yeah....start there and you eliminate 70% of gun crimes Mr. President. kinda demoralized cops who do exactly that.

- He brought up knife attacks in Asia...and said thanks to the killer not having a gun...fewer died. Yay. Just so happens the murder rate in medieval times was triple today's and they only had knives.

- He still hasn't mentioned the majority of gun deaths are done in black ghettos.

- He just outlawed private sales. Bam. Your grandpa wants to sell you his old hunting rifle? Cant. It's illegal now. Has to give it to a FFL now and have them sell it to you. A knife or bow and arrow? Sure that's ok. Just not a gun.
30000 to 35000 deaths a year from guns including, homicides, accidents and suicides....


Obama didn't exaggerate or lie about tens of thousands of deaths

from 2001 through 2013 there were 407,000 gun deaths in the US.
Speaking At The Eulogy For The Honorable Reverend Clementa Pinckney, President Barack Obama asked a VERY IMPORTANT question:

*"Perhaps it causes us to examine what we’re doing to cause some of our children to hate?"* (Applause.)

Video Excerpt from Obama Remarks:

I am still waiting for Mr. Obama to provide the American people with an answer to his question.

In this video recording YouTube broadcaster Yung Gamin is sincerely sharing his genuine pain, thoughts and concerns about Gangsta and Thugs (aka, Victims of Child Abuse & Neglect, aka Poverty) harming his emotional well being, depriving him and his peaceful neighbors from enjoying *Safe Streets* to travel and for kids to play on, as well as seriously impairing the overall quality of life in his community.

Yung Gamin speaks undeniable truths about community and gun violence that a substantial number of Americans wish to ignore, including America's Premier Parental and Presidential Couple.

I believe the specific issues causing Yung Gamin to passionately share with a worldwide audience his thoughts, concerns and seemingly endless reservoir of emotional pain, are the issues *primarily* responsible for many of the social issues America is currently dealing with as we continue learning and evolving toward becoming a more peaceful nation.

If we have any hope for evolving into a more peaceful nation populated by fairly happy people enjoying emotional and financial prosperity, the causes for Yung Gamin's pain need to be addressed and corrected.

Over time our society has evolved, addressing human ignorance and/or greed that for centuries oppressed our neighbors of African descent, ignorantly depriving far too many peaceful, loving people from enjoying their right to peacefully pursue their vision of L, L, & Happiness.

Sadly, Yung Gamin passionately speaks about a tough social issue many Americans prefer NOT to face and truthfully speak about.

Yung Gamin clearly recognizes the well-ignored social issue of *Childhood Abuse and Neglect* that often leads to oppression and maltreatment of developing children who experience childhood trauma, much like Baltimore Mom of The Year's depressed, angry teen son, Freddie Gray, Tupac Shakur and Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar.

There is a reason American recording artists Kendrick Lamar and Tupac Shakur rap or speak about depression and suicidal thoughts. That reason has everything to do with both of them being emotionally abused and maltreated by their PRIMARY maternal caretaker during a critical period of their human development.

Kendrick sits down for interviews, lamenting his life as a first grade elementary school boy witnessing his "living wild" uncles using shotguns to protect their dope dealing operation right in front of the home where little kids like Kendrick, his siblings and cousins are supposed to feel safe. According to Kendrick all this is going on while his "living wild" mom and dad look on.

Imagine what goes through the minds of kids being taught harmful anti-social values by their family and neighbors, while their teachers are instilling in them peaceful values embraced by most Americans?

During a April 2015 MTV interview, a grim faced Kendrick addressed the issue of his mom and dad accepting 'free money' from .gov, so I do not have to imagine the emotional turmoil he experienced being a welfare kid. I can empathize with welfare kids, though that's another story.

My point is, for more than a few decades a significant population of immature teen girls and young women have been ignoring their parental duty and obligation to raise and nurture children experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood.

By not making their child or children's emotional well being their number one priority, these irresponsible young moms are also ignoring their societal responsibility to raise fairly well adjusted kids maturing into fairly happy well adjusted teens and adults who respect their neighbors and authority figures charged with keeping peace in our neighborhoods.

Until a majority of Americans join Gamin, honestly recognizing the *primary* cause for much of Yung Gamin's pain, I fear the number of people producing videos sharing their emotional pain will continue to expand. Much like the growing population of depressed, sometimes suicidal children *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* raised and nurtured by immature African American teen girls or women who ignore their parental obligations to their children, as well as responsibility to their community to raise and nurture fairly happy, somewhat responsible children who mature into teens and adults respecting their neighbors.

I was a grade school kid in the 60s listening to beautiful music written and composed by American musicians of African descent who sang about adoring, admiring, praising, wooing, lamenting, loving and respecting the maternal half of our population. Their beautiful loving music convinced *young me* my Motown music friends were more than deserving of my respect and admiration, and inspired me to want to learn about the love between a man and woman they were singing about.

Listening to music performances written and composed by many of today's nationally and internationally popular African American 'musicians' I'm not feeling much love for anyone, including themselves.

Frankly, it hurt my heart to hear a significant population of apparent emotionally damaged 'musicians' characterizing our moms, sisters, grandmas, aunts and nieces as less than human ^itches and ^hores unworthy of respect.

What needs to happen for many depressed, angry, seemingly full of rage musicians to begin writing music describing their admiration, love and respect for women?

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of *troubled* and chronically ill Americans.

Sarah N shared, *"All of you who disrespect the President, need to take a step back and put yourselves in others shoes. What if your 6 year old son or daughter was killed in a mass murder?"*

Hi, Sarah. In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar, one of President Obama's favorite American recording artists writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment."*

*"My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

Sarah, what substantial, meaningful actions have America's Premier Parental Couple, Mr. and Mrs. Obama, taken to protect Kendrick, his three siblings and numerous cousins from "living wild" parental figures who deprive their young developing children from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with Safe Streets to travel and play on?

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of troubled and chronically ill Americans.

This writing addresses gun violence in American towns, villages and cities regularly experiencing community and gun violence that for the past several decades many nationally and internationally popular American music performers write, rap and speak about.

Gun violence is not a political issue. Changing gun laws is not going to make anyone safer when there is a substantial population of emotionally damaged children, teens and adults living among us.

Firearms violence is a *Social Issue*, its roots mostly founded in America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of depressed, sometimes suicidal *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* children from experiencing and enjoying a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

In my experience gun violence is often embraced by depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful neighbors because their lives suck so why shouldn't their neighbor's lives suck too!

Being completely frank, do you know what also sucks, especially for young children?

Young immature teen girls and women irresponsibly creating life before acquiring the skills, *PATIENCE* and means to properly raise, nurture and supervise developing young children who mature into a fairly happy responsible teens and adult enjoying relatively peaceful communities and Safe Streets to travel on.

What equally sucks is when young immature moms are held blameless for ignoring their parental duty and responsibility to their children, as well as societal obligation and responsibility to their community to properly raise, nurture, socialize and supervise newborns, infants, toddlers and children who mature into fairly happy, reasonably responsible, peaceful teens and adults.

What sucks for police is experiencing emotional stresses over concerns for their safety when *regularly* dealing with victims of childhood trauma like Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar and recording artist Tupac Shakur, men who speak about community and gun violence while sharing their emotional pains about dealing with childhood and adult depression as well as suicidal thoughts.

In interviews published online Kendrick speaks about being a six-year-old elementary school boy witnessing his "living wild" family members selling dope and using shotguns to protect and enforce their drug operation in front of the home where Kendrick, his siblings and cousins are supposed to feel safe.

Take a moment to imagine what thoughts go through the minds of kids being taught harmful anti-social values by their family and neighbors, while their teachers are instilling in them peaceful values embraced by most Americans?

Reducing gun violence will ONLY be accomplished when we honestly recognize and take action to reduce *Early Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty* that causes many depressed victims of *Childhood Trauma* to mature into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy, compassion and respect for their neighbors as well as police trying to keep our neighborhoods safe and peaceful for all residents.

NY Times - *Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers* May 18, 2015 By SABRINA TAVERNISE

Who is responsible for physically and/or emotionally traumatizing children, *we're talking elementary school kids*, to the point young kids believe their lives are not worth living?

Speaking At The Eulogy For *The Honorable Reverend Clementa Pinckney*, President Barack Obama asked:

*"Perhaps it causes us to examine what we’re doing to cause some of our children to hate?"* (Applause.)

Video Excerpt from Obama Remarks:

I am still waiting for Mr. Obama to provide the American people with an answer to his question.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke offers sound advice to all Americans, *"Fix the ghetto!"*

I'm with Sheriff Clarke. I believe we also need to re-examine society's child protection and welfare laws.

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace the criminal, anti-social 'Street Culture' Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from...not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults often need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, "living wild" single moms and/or dads.

If we do not take affirmative action to protect children, "the ghetto" will continue to thrive, fueled by poor parenting, resulting with depressed kids maturing into depressed teens and adults who often vent their angers and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors, instead of the person(s) responsible for introducing them to a life of hardship, pain and struggle.

If Americans sincerely wish to reduce community and gun violence that often leads to police fear and anxiety, that sometimes leads to police misconduct and/or aggression, the question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, "What real substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent CHILDHOOD TRAUMA that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?*"

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to *Childhood *Trauma plays in the lives of *troubled* and chronically ill Americans.

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
"Common sense gun control"..........for those with no common sense!!!

Fascinating how some people can think..........its a connect the dots inability with these people. Results have nothing to do with it.........if the intentions are good, it must be good policy = the thinking of the modern progressive.

How many "mass shootings" happened under Obama's watch where a gun was used by a friend, family member etc purchasing a gun at a gun show or other private sale?

Every little bit helps. It's closing the noose. Won't make an immediate difference, but eventually...small steps and all that...
They keep missing that "shall not be infringed..."

To form a militia? It's not. You still can...

belonging to a militia is not a requirement to own a firearm.

Didn't say it was. However, forming a militia is the spirit of the second. Not allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around like Big Men On Campass strutting their AK47s over their shoulder like they're an extra from a movie based on <name a shit-hole third world dictatorship)....
I have no need for little crying Obama. There is no crying in press conferences, or is that baseball?

Statistically insignificant. Your odds of being struck by lighting are better than being shot

Statistically, you aren't likely to be killed by a lawn dart, but lawn darts are illegal.

Statistically, you aren't likely to be killed by product tampering, but companies spend BILLIONS on anti-tampering measures.

Point is, 33,000 Americans are killed with firearms every year. Another 70,000 are injured.
vote out these Progressive/commies/dem from our government come 2016 and NO more of them ever like Hillary, or the 100 year old commie, Bernie. that thug Obama just released 10, 000 CRIMINALS from the jails back in society to prey on YOU. video at the site

Levin: We Don’t Need Gun Control, ‘We Need Obama Control’
January 5, 2016 | 2:49 PM EST
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Mark Levin: 'You Want to Reduce Crime and Terrorism? Then We Need Obama Control’

all of it here
See More at: Mark Levin: 'You Want to Reduce Crime and Terrorism? Then We Need Obama Control’

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