Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?

Uh-oh :omg: :popcorn:

Donald Trump administration 'wants to cut white supremacism from counter-extremism programme'

Plans reportedly underway to rename Countering Violent Extremism programme to 'Countering Radical Islamic Extremism'

"Donald Trump’s administration is reportedly pushing to erase neo-Nazis and white supremacists from the US government’s counter-extremism programme by moving it to focus exclusively on Islamist terrorism.

American officials briefed on the proposed changes told Reuters the Countering Violent Extremism (DVE) initiative could be renamed to “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism”.

Here's the rest of the article.

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'

OMG he wants to cut a programme targeting an almost non-existent 'threat' that barely scrapes by on Federal informant subsidies and fake news sites for one that is massive and actively murdering people by the hundreds of thousands yearly all over the world???

Say it ain't so! ....
You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting and you make me want to puke. Your hero doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday fuck him in the ass which he would so much enjoy.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting and you make me want to puke. Your hero doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday fuck him in the ass which he would so much enjoy.

You are sick. Seek kelp.
Wake up, ass-fucker

It's in the article. These are quotes you fucking imbecile
Then put them in the quote box like you are supposed to, moron.
The words we're right in front of you stupid son of a bitch. But you need a quote box to make it pretty? Fuck off.
"The words" are deemed to be yours if they are not in a quote box. Learn how to post on a messageboard!
Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Who riots to prevent people from speaking?
Yep, the Democrats are fascists.
Right wingnuts are so funny, thought for them requires they take liberal talking points and reverse them. Kinda consistent for if righties didn't whine they'd do nothing. No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be. Whine on conservatives, trump and the monied elites like that you are keeping busy. LOL

"Liberals and progressives have been slow to realize that their preferred vocabulary has been hijacked and that when they respond to once - hallowed phrases they are responding to a ghost now animated by a new machine, The point is not a small one, for in any debate, especially one fought in the arena of public opinion, the battle is won not by knock - down arguments but by the party that succeeds in placing its own spin on the terms presiding over the discussion. That's what the conservatives in and out of Congress have managed to do with old war horses like "individual" and so long as they are allowed to get away with it, the opposition will spend its time insisting that it too is for the individual or for color-blindness or equal opportunity - and before we know it all the plovers will be dead and all the subcontractors will once again be white." Stanley Fish, 'The Trouble with Principle' (How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words)

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." John Stuart Mill

Informative, wrong thread for it though.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Who riots to prevent people from speaking? Yep, the Democrats are fascists.
Like anti-Trumpers getting beat at his rallies. You know better. Your ilk were told not to be violent, you would not listen, and you got the shit kicked out of you in the streets.

Let LEO handle the crazies at Berkeley.
MG he wants to cut a programme targeting an almost non-existent 'threat' that barely scrapes by on Federal informant subsidies and fake news sites for one that is massive and actively murdering people by the hundreds of thousands yearly all over the world???

Say it ain't so! ....

A non-existent threat that kills just as many people in the USA as islamic terrorism.

And you say we should ignore it. Why do you want the terrorists to win?
Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO (Law Enforcement Organizations) will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.

Okay LEO is Law Enforcement Organisations, all soon to be under the control of Attorney-General Jeff Sessions and also FBI Director James Comey.

Law Enforcement has always leaned to the Right, this on account that those on the Right have always strongly supported law and order and discipline in society.
That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Who riots to prevent people from speaking? Yep, the Democrats are fascists.
Like anti-Trumpers getting beat at his rallies. You know better. Your ilk were told not to be violent, you would not listen, and you got the shit kicked out of you in the streets.

Let LEO handle the crazies at Berkeley.
Your fake news gets you no where. Except laughed at more.
That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Who riots to prevent people from speaking? Yep, the Democrats are fascists.
Like anti-Trumpers getting beat at his rallies. You know better. Your ilk were told not to be violent, you would not listen, and you got the shit kicked out of you in the streets.

Let LEO handle the crazies at Berkeley.

The Trump supporters are not the one's who've been rioting and getting violent, it's the violent Leftist Maniacs and 90% of people already know who's been causing and perpetrating the violence.
Oh, I dunno. Depends on an honest definition. Are they "protestors" or anarchists bent on destruction and violence? If the latter ...
It doesn't matter either way, protestor or Anarchist....once you cross the threshold from 'Peaceful Protestor' to 'Arsonist, Looter, attacker, destroyer of property, etc you should get Tazed / Bean Bagged / Water Hosed / Arrested, etc

No more of this crap, no matter what you want to call yourself.

Agreed, and the peaceful protestors need to be told that if they are on the street with those causing destruction, they will suffer the same consequences.
That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Who riots to prevent people from speaking? Yep, the Democrats are fascists.
Like anti-Trumpers getting beat at his rallies. You know better. Your ilk were told not to be violent, you would not listen, and you got the shit kicked out of you in the streets.

Let LEO handle the crazies at Berkeley.

Lucy thinks Trump is going to control all the LEO in the country.

This is not Germany or Hungary or France or even Great Britain: it does not work that way.

And the other poodles above are yapping away. :lol:
This is the world Lucy and Weatherman and the other snowflakes want: Big Brother taking care of them. Burgess Meredith is great in this role.

Lucy thinks Trump is going to control all the LEO in the country.

This is not Germany or Hungary or France or even Great Britain: it does not work that way.

And the other poodles above are yapping away. :lol:

The vast majority of Law Enforcement strongly endorsed Donald Trump, this after they were treated like crap and shown such complete disrespect by Obama.

The Attorney-General is the top law officer in America, that is going to be Jeff Sessions and if you don't think that after being prevented from going Zero Tolerance for so long by Obama and Holder and Lynch that Law Enforcement are not just itching to become hardcore then you are stupider than once thought Jake darling :smoke:
Lucy, there will be no police state, and the LEO do not want one. They are patriotic, not fascistic.

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