Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Back to the OP: I expect LEO to crack down on all violent thugs, left and right and center.

There will be no police state in America much to the sadness of the far right.

End of story, guys.

This OP is done.

ZZPupps is denying what Lucy wrote and I posted.

Watch below. He will do it again.
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Back to the OP: I expect LEO to crack down on all violent thugs, left and right and center.

ZZPupps is still lying and Lucy ran away

End of story, guys.

This OP is done.

Again, present the lie you claim Pupps made.

Thugs should be cracked down upon, hard. Especially those that lie and make shit up, such as the MSM. They, too, are thugs...just with a pen and just as big a lying cowering bastard as the rest of them.
Here's what gonna happen in this thread. There are too many posts directing violence and threats against other members and the groups they represent. These folks will be tossed one by one out of the thread until there is discussion about the OP.

I cannot clean this completely due to the volume and tone of this discussion. It will reopen. But ANY violations of the rules from post forward will be warned and the person ejected.. Don't need riots and threats and juvenile ultimatums or repetitive messaging memes on USMB..
Difference between hippies of yesterday and today's radical left is hippies actually stood for something, and they developed great music.

What does the modern liberal stand for? Absolutely nothing. They're not progressing, they're dumbing down and they're fragile.
Every conservative in DC should have a new favorite sandwich shop. They should order lunch from these restaurants and ask them to also cater lunch meetings and whatnot. It would be fun to INCREASE their revenue.
quiet nutter..... anyone protesting the orange sociopath is more patriotic than you.

and the violent scum are probably trumpster plants anyway.

Nobody was "protesting" Cheeto Jesus, imbecile. It was a full on commie riot, complete with a "THIS IS WAR" banner and Soviet flags.

Stupid commie hag.
Back to the OP: I expect LEO to crack down on all violent thugs, left and right and center.

They didn't. Only one arrest amongst all of that commie assault, vandalism, and arson.

Does being so wrong so often ever get embarrassing?
Excellent. They do it because they are allowed to. Now, they know little, if anything, will be done. When something is done, their behavior will change. Law enforcement must enforce the law in no uncertain terms. Do that a few times and they will stop.
Free Speech scares the shite out of Leftists. That's why they do anything they can to silence it. This is what our schools are about now? Man, what a mess.
Law enforcement must regain control of the streets. If the locals and state officials cannot, then the federal government must. It needs to be done NOW.
You demonstrate an in depth lack of knowledge here. YES it was alive and well, the entire point of it is that people can say and do things you may not like, but are not illegal. So yes, burning effigies of Obama were fine just as burning them of Bush were. Burning the flag is fine even though I might want to punch someone on the face for doing it. It has ALWAYS been odd to me that a Liberal that only tolerates what he agrees with thinks he is being tolerant.

That isn't a response to the statement made. And Milo isn't Alt-right.
It's an appropriate response to you who are Alt Right hiding behind pseudo-libertarian. Milo should have been allowed to speak, but the Alt Right opposes free speech. We see hundreds of times daily on this Board.
You use Alt-right to define everyone to the right of Mitt Romney, so your use of the term is meaningless.And your generalization without any backup is noted. Please call out the "alt-right" people who oppose free speech, and give details.Or better yet, please give me an example of where I oppose free speech.
You are not good with definitions, and insist on your own. That is anti-free speech when you insist, like protectionist, only your meanings count, as you do above . Alt Right is the alternative to American modern conservatism. The Alt Right is hyper nationalistic, nativistic, racialistic, pro-fascistic, and anti-democracy.
and liberals riot and start fires damage buildings, loot, flip cars beat the crap out of those who don't agree with them. and are most always violent when opposition is near.
Milo isn't all that "alt-right." Even the other alt-right fags don't want him hijacking their name. I've listened to his podcast and his guest appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast. He seems to have two or three hot buttons -- feminism, gender studies and censorship. He's been lumped in with the alt-right because he gave their ideas good presence on Breitbart, but really he's just an internet troll who likes to piss people off, spew ignorant hate speech through his articles, and write gay clickbait headlines for his hate site. Protesting against this troll will only elevate his status.
Back to the OP: I expect LEO to crack down on all violent thugs, left and right and center.

They didn't. Only one arrest amongst all of that commie assault, vandalism, and arson.

Does being so wrong so often ever get embarrassing?

A crime is committed ONLY if there are arrests?

That is some stupid shit right there. No one was arrested when DB Cooper robbed a bank and jumped out of an airplane....therefore, there were no crimes committed.

The destroyed property we saw on TV.....was that not real?
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.
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Back to the OP: I expect LEO to crack down on all violent thugs, left and right and center.

They didn't. Only one arrest amongst all of that commie assault, vandalism, and arson.

Does being so wrong so often ever get embarrassing?

A crime is committed ONLY if there are arrests?

That is some stupid shit right there. No one was arrested when DB Cooper robbed a bank and jumped out of an airplane....therefore, there were no crimes committed.

The destroyed property we saw on TV.....was that not real?
Friendly fire. The post was a reply to Jake about arresting people and the answer was that the police didn't (arrest them)
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).

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