Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).
Pupps agrees totally with you and RICO is applicable in these instances. The acts are obviously illegal, so conspiracy to commit is all that's really needed to warrant it's application.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.
They were just as spontaneous as Benghaze.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).
Pupps agrees totally with you and RICO is applicable in these instances. The acts are obviously illegal, so conspiracy to commit is all that's really needed to warrant it's application.
Absolutely. There has to be conspiring behind the riot, it was not spontaneous. Conspiring for rioting. Crime.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
Glad to see others are getting that much of this rent-a-mob crap is fully prosecutable under the RICO and organized crime statutes, finally. Keeping pointing it out at every opportunity, folks.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.

So, all you are doing is speculating. Thank you for sharing, but you're wrong.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
Civic duty if you could identify any of the perps, perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, there might be one cop that wants to enforce the law out there in lala land.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).
Pupps agrees totally with you and RICO is applicable in these instances. The acts are obviously illegal, so conspiracy to commit is all that's really needed to warrant it's application.
Absolutely. There has to be conspiring behind the riot, it was not spontaneous. Conspiring for rioting. Crime.

Of course there was "conspiring" - a bunch of ANTIFA black bloc guys met in some graffiti covered basement or illegal warehouse, and planned a riot.

But it's just silly rightwing fantasy to believe that your boogeyman Soros had anything to do with it.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.

So, all you are doing is speculating. Thank you for sharing, but you're wrong.

No, "speculating" is what you're doing.

As I've already said, I was there - and I know a bunch of these clowns. I'm speaking from a position of knowledge, not speculation.
You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
Civic duty if you could identify any of the perps, perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, there might be one cop that wants to enforce the law out there in lala land.


The whole point of black bloc action is that none of them are identifiable - and I feel no "civic duty" to help BPD "identify the perps" anyway.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).
Pupps agrees totally with you and RICO is applicable in these instances. The acts are obviously illegal, so conspiracy to commit is all that's really needed to warrant it's application.
Absolutely. There has to be conspiring behind the riot, it was not spontaneous. Conspiring for rioting. Crime.

Of course there was "conspiring" - a bunch of ANTIFA black bloc guys met in some graffiti covered basement or illegal warehouse, and planned a riot.

But it's just silly rightwing fantasy to believe that your boogeyman Soros had anything to do with it.
Hopefully there will be an official investigation about the group. It is not that DHS doesn't know anything about them, I am sure they do. (NSA, FBI definitely knows how their mobilization takes place since all our devices are monitored even as we speak) If or when the time is right the true identity and the financier behind the group will be revealed. If you think the riot was not infiltrated by federal agents and snitches you are mistaken. I am not a big fan of infiltrating groups by the government but terrorist groups must be monitored and if it is possible from within.
On #1 - I'll take your word for it. The doors and wheels looks like a food cart. In either case, the vandalism and destruction of property should have led to arrests.

On #2 - You are sorely misguided. This was not a spontaneous group of like minded people coming together in a random fashion. It was planned, organized and financed (by Soros). You don't like that your heroes are bought and paid for mercenaries. Tough Shit.

I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
Civic duty if you could identify any of the perps, perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, there might be one cop that wants to enforce the law out there in lala land.


The whole point of black bloc action is that none of them are identifiable - and I feel no "civic duty" to help BPD "identify the perps" anyway.
Why don't you feel any civic duty Doc? You saw crimes being committed. Do you support those acts of violence and want them to continue?
I'm glad that you'll take my word for it, since I watched it happen with my own eyes- I watched them tear the poll down, and light it on fire with a flare.

As for the black bloc guys being "my heroes" - I think they're fucking morons. But I do know some of them, and they're not "funded" by anyone.

Black sweatshirts, wooden staffs and fireworks don't cost much money.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
Civic duty if you could identify any of the perps, perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, there might be one cop that wants to enforce the law out there in lala land.


The whole point of black bloc action is that none of them are identifiable - and I feel no "civic duty" to help BPD "identify the perps" anyway.
Why don't you feel any civic duty Doc? You saw crimes being committed. Do you support those acts of violence and want them to continue?

I don't have the bizzare worship of laws that you guys seem to have, nor do I particularly care about Chase bank getting their windows broken.

I think these riots are pointless and counter-productive, but that's about all I think about them.
The sooner they are all dealt with harshly, the better off the country will be. They should be throttled not coddled.

I'm serious about RICO. Throw them in jail for 25 years. That will chill the fashionistas enthusiasm for participating. And then charge Soros as the financial mastermind (which he is).
Pupps agrees totally with you and RICO is applicable in these instances. The acts are obviously illegal, so conspiracy to commit is all that's really needed to warrant it's application.
Absolutely. There has to be conspiring behind the riot, it was not spontaneous. Conspiring for rioting. Crime.

Of course there was "conspiring" - a bunch of ANTIFA black bloc guys met in some graffiti covered basement or illegal warehouse, and planned a riot.

But it's just silly rightwing fantasy to believe that your boogeyman Soros had anything to do with it.
Hopefully there will be an official investigation about the group. It is not that DHS doesn't know anything about them, I am sure they do. (NSA, FBI definitely knows how their mobilization takes place since all our devices are monitored even as we speak) If or when the time is right the true identity and the financier behind the group will be revealed. If you think the riot was not infiltrated by federal agents and snitches you are mistaken. I am not a big fan of infiltrating groups by the government but terrorist groups must be monitored and if it is possible from within.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if they've been "inflitrated" by the feds, but you guys have some weird ideas about "financing".

These guys are anarchists. They're not part of anyone's plan aside from their own.
What about bail, fines and lawyers? Did you report any of them to the police?

If any of them had actually gotten arrested, they'd be paying those fines themselves.

As for "reporting them to the police", why would I have done that? The police were there watching, too.
Civic duty if you could identify any of the perps, perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, there might be one cop that wants to enforce the law out there in lala land.


The whole point of black bloc action is that none of them are identifiable - and I feel no "civic duty" to help BPD "identify the perps" anyway.
Why don't you feel any civic duty Doc? You saw crimes being committed. Do you support those acts of violence and want them to continue?

I don't have the bizzare worship of laws that you guys seem to have, nor do I particularly care about Chase bank getting their windows broken.

I think these riots are pointless and counter-productive, but that's about all I think about them.
Nor do you seem to care about that young girl getting pepper sprayed. At what point of violence are you offended enough to care?

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