Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Lucy thinks Trump is going to control all the LEO in the country.

This is not Germany or Hungary or France or even Great Britain: it does not work that way.

And the other poodles above are yapping away. :lol:
You are aware that federal money goes to LEOs aren't you, Obama lap puppet?

Ever hear of Federal Marshalls?
MG he wants to cut a programme targeting an almost non-existent 'threat' that barely scrapes by on Federal informant subsidies and fake news sites for one that is massive and actively murdering people by the hundreds of thousands yearly all over the world???

Say it ain't so! ....

A non-existent threat that kills just as many people in the USA as islamic terrorism.

And you say we should ignore it. Why do you want the terrorists to win?

lol bullshit. Most hate crimes aren't committed by 'right wingnuts, which is why gimps have to keep bringing McVeigh all the time, one example that hasn't been repeated since and extremely rare; they're committed by ,minorities', and the reasons Islamists aren't killing more here is because their bosses realize they can't deal with the backlash that would happen, is all.
Lucy thinks Trump is going to control all the LEO in the country.

This is not Germany or Hungary or France or even Great Britain: it does not work that way.

And the other poodles above are yapping away. :lol:
You are aware that federal money goes to LEOs aren't you, Obama lap puppet?

Ever hear of Federal Marshalls?

That's what I was meaning as well, the Federal Marshalls etc.
LEO comprises the feds, the staties, and the regional and local law enforcement agencies.

Trump is not going to be able to create a national police force from top to bottom.
Lucy, there will be no police state, and the LEO do not want one. They are patriotic, not fascistic.

:uhoh3: :eusa_doh:
You believe they are unpatriotic and fascistic. You are wrong.

No they are Patriotic, it's the Leftist Maniacs who are the Traitors and are now encouraging Sedition.

So who do you think Law Enforcement will side with the Conservative Patriots or the Leftist Traitors who are now encouraging Sedition?
Lucy, there will be no police state, and the LEO do not want one. They are patriotic, not fascistic.

:uhoh3: :eusa_doh:
You believe they are unpatriotic and fascistic. You are wrong.

No they are Patriotic, it's the Leftist Maniacs who are the Traitors and are now encouraging Sedition. So who do you think Law Enforcement will side with the Conservative Patriots or the Leftist Traitors who are now encouraging Sedition?
LEO will make sure neither side will get out of control. Americans are Americans, and in the end we will stick together. We are not weak sisters like the populations of Europa that need a strong Daddy Figure.
LEO comprises the feds, the staties, and the regional and local law enforcement agencies.

Trump is not going to be able to create a national police force from top to bottom.

No one said he was, except you. Besides, creating such a force is unnecessary, it already need only be deployed.
LEO comprises the feds, the staties, and the regional and local law enforcement agencies.

Trump is not going to be able to create a national police force from top to bottom.

No one said he was, except you. Besides, creating such a force is unnecessary, it already need only be deployed.
Go back and read Lucy then, ZZ. We have no unified police state or force in this country. That is not how it works.
You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting and you make me want to puke. Your hero doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday fuck him in the ass which he would so much enjoy.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting and you make me want to puke. Your hero doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday fuck him in the ass which he would so much enjoy.

You are sick. Seek kelp.
Wake up, ass-fucker

It's in the article. These are quotes you fucking imbecile
Then put them in the quote box like you are supposed to, moron.
The words we're right in front of you stupid son of a bitch. But you need a quote box to make it pretty? Fuck off.
"The words" are deemed to be yours if they are not in a quote box. Learn how to post on a messageboard!
Oh Sorry. Im new at this
LEO comprises the feds, the staties, and the regional and local law enforcement agencies.

Trump is not going to be able to create a national police force from top to bottom.

No one said he was, except you. Besides, creating such a force is unnecessary, it already need only be deployed.
Go back and read Lucy then, ZZ. We have no unified police state or force in this country. That is not how it works.

You made the statement, now you're assigning it to Lucy. If she said it, quote it. If you can't, then you're lying.

As I said, Trump isn't trying to create a national unified police force as a new entity. He already has everything he needs to establish law and order, the same as Brocefus did. All it takes is the will to deploy it.
You are sick. Seek kelp.
Wake up, ass-fucker

It's in the article. These are quotes you fucking imbecile
Then put them in the quote box like you are supposed to, moron.
The words we're right in front of you stupid son of a bitch. But you need a quote box to make it pretty? Fuck off.
"The words" are deemed to be yours if they are not in a quote box. Learn how to post on a messageboard!
Oh Sorry. Im new at this
Apology accepted. Everything is fine. I guess we both should be more calm in our posts.
Lucy in 549 above is one, and here she is in 560, ZZ. You babble a lie with no problem, don't you?

"Okay LEO is Law Enforcement Organisations, all soon to be under the control of Attorney-General Jeff Sessions and also FBI Director James Comey.

Law Enforcement has always leaned to the Right, this on account that those on the Right have always strongly supported law and order and discipline in society."

There is nothing in my statement about the creation of a national police force.

The Attorney-General is the top law officer in America, this is to be Jeff Sessions, in charge of:

Title 28 of The United States Code Part II The Department of Justice:

Part II—Department of Justice
The part establishes the United States Department of Justice.

Jeff Sessions in charge of:

Law Enforcement Agencies:

United States Department of Justice - Wikipedia
Go back and read Lucy then, ZZ. We have no unified police state or force in this country. That is not how it works.

You made the statement, now you're assigning it to Lucy. If she said it, quote it. If you can't, then you're lying.

As I said, Trump isn't trying to create a national unified police force as a new entity. He already has everything he needs to establish law and order, the same as Brocefus did. All it takes is the will to deploy it.
You are lying like a typical Alt Righty. I have told Lucy that Trump can't create a national unified police force.

I never mentioned anything about President Trump forming a national police force.

Post the link to where I mentioned President Trump forming a national police force.

Pupps is correct, The Trump Administration has all the tools they need, and they will deploy them with full force.
This is what you wrote in post 560: Okay LEO is Law Enforcement Organisations, all soon to be under the control of Attorney-General Jeff Sessions and also FBI Director James Comey.

Law Enforcement has always leaned to the Right, this on account that those on the Right have always strongly supported law and order and discipline in society.
Are you claiming that somewhere in what you quoted Lucy calls for a unified national police force? If so, you are mistaken...or worse.

I never mentioned President Trump establishing a national police force and I have elaborated on my original point if you read my post # 573

Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

I've only had to elaborate because some people are not intelligent enough to have grasped my first point.
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Nope, everyone knows now what she posted. She expects a right wing police state under Sessions. Can't get away from it. Deny it and get laughed at.

In a successful attempt to deny Freedom of Speech because they did not like it, instead of protesting peacefully or simply not attending the speech, violent, intolerant, subversive, criminal snowflakes conducted the following:

3 – 4 Injuries From Fights / 1 Man knocked unconscious
-- “Literally beating people in the streets with bats.”

1 Trump Supporter attacked on camera - pepper-sprayed in the face while talking to a reporter

Businesses vandalized

Calls to assassinate President Trump painted on buildings

Damaged University Property

Damaged city Property

Arson – businesses set afire


Liberals continue to demonstrate they are more and more violently intolerant, threats to this nation / communities. They are becoming more like a terrorist group than a Political Party. During the election Hillary's own campaign was proven to have financed intimidation and violence against Trump supporters.

Trump would be well within his right and justified if he pulled federal funding from Berkeley and other bastions of Liberal indoctrination like it. In many of these schools Liberal Extremist Professors, like domestic terrorist Professor Bill Ayers, conduct more liberal indoctrination and incite unrest / violence than they do actually educate students. Federal funding should not go to such schools.

And as for the rioters, the vandals, the arsonists, the looters, those destroying property, and calling for the assassination of Trump, again, break out the Tasers, the rubber bullets, the bean bag-firing shotguns, the tear gas, the dogs, the water canons, lots of handcuffs and enough vans to stuff them all in to take them to jail.
I post what she writes and she says, 'no, I did not.'

All you have to do is tell the truth, Lucy, and you are fine, but when you lie I will show it to the world.

All you did was prove that she didn't say it and that you tried to spin it. You failed and outed yourself as a liar. The agencies reporting to the AG didn't change when, or after, President Trump was sworn in. Hence her assumption is that business as usual will occur. You falsely tried to assign to her something she never said.

You lose and no amount of whining can change that.

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