Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Berkeley hates gays.

The San Francisco area is a SANCTUARY CITY as long as you are not a gay conservative.....then there is NO SANCTUARY FOR YOU!!!
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.
Except you interpret fighting for freedom as authoritarian. That makes the founders authoritarian, which they weren't. Just the opposite.

Moot, you just ain't got it.
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?

Uh-oh :omg: :popcorn:

Donald Trump administration 'wants to cut white supremacism from counter-extremism programme'

Plans reportedly underway to rename Countering Violent Extremism programme to 'Countering Radical Islamic Extremism'

"Donald Trump’s administration is reportedly pushing to erase neo-Nazis and white supremacists from the US government’s counter-extremism programme by moving it to focus exclusively on Islamist terrorism.

American officials briefed on the proposed changes told Reuters the Countering Violent Extremism (DVE) initiative could be renamed to “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism”.

Here's the rest of the article.

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.
Except you interpret fighting for freedom as authoritarian. That makes the founders authoritarian, which they weren't. Just the opposite.

Moot, you just ain't got it.

They also have a problem with those who want to restore law and order and discipline to society, they seem to think violent rioting and violently attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them is perfectly normal.
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.

Meh, leftist are violent. Stupidity precludes more erudite expression, hence you folks act out using violence, it's all you've got.
Now they smash property, burn stuff and probably still have no clue why in the hell they are even out there. They are defying police demands to disperse, chanting and whining about nothing in particular. A big bonfire party involving criminal activities against authority.

As I've said before, thank God these kids weren't around when the Greatest Generation rose to the challenge in Europe.

They know why they're there, they hate white people and Trump.
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.

Meh, leftist are violent. Stupidity precludes more erudite expression, hence you folks act out using violence, it's all you've got.

If they only would have been taught to respect opposing views, that whilst it's okay to strongly disagree with someone who has a differing point of view, it's possible to do this in a cordial way.

It's not acceptable on any level to violently attack someone and violently shut down someone who only wishes to express a different opinion, doing so is one of the fundamental principles of Fascism.
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You demonstrate an in depth lack of knowledge here. YES it was alive and well, the entire point of it is that people can say and do things you may not like, but are not illegal. So yes, burning effigies of Obama were fine just as burning them of Bush were. Burning the flag is fine even though I might want to punch someone on the face for doing it. It has ALWAYS been odd to me that a Liberal that only tolerates what he agrees with thinks he is being tolerant.

That isn't a response to the statement made. And Milo isn't Alt-right.
It's an appropriate response to you who are Alt Right hiding behind pseudo-libertarian. Milo should have been allowed to speak, but the Alt Right opposes free speech. We see hundreds of times daily on this Board.
You use Alt-right to define everyone to the right of Mitt Romney, so your use of the term is meaningless.And your generalization without any backup is noted. Please call out the "alt-right" people who oppose free speech, and give details.Or better yet, please give me an example of where I oppose free speech.
You are not good with definitions, and insist on your own. That is anti-free speech when you insist, like protectionist, only your meanings count, as you do above . Alt Right is the alternative to American modern conservatism. The Alt Right is hyper nationalistic, nativistic, racialistic, pro-fascistic, and anti-democracy.

You are the one trying to discredit people who disagree with you with the broad brush of "alt-right" and then the assumed connection to actual white supremacy.

And I noted you then went with a run of buzz words, and did not call out specific posters, or give specific references about me regarding suppression of speech.

So are you going to answer my questions, or are you going to either 1) continue to ignore them and rant on, or 2) go slinking away like the cheap, dime store hack you are?
Priceless quote from one of the leftist rioters:
“The whole reason we’re here is for free speech...Milo’s hate speech is not allowed here. When it’s hate speech, our free speech is to shut him down.”
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?
Dufus says there are Trump thugs.
We know who the real fascist thugs are.


Priceless quote from one of the leftist rioters:
“The whole reason we’re here is for free speech...Milo’s hate speech is not allowed here. When it’s hate speech, our free speech is to shut him down.”

"Priceless quote from one of the leftist rioters:
“The whole reason we’re here is for free speech...Milo’s hate speech is not allowed here. When it’s hate speech, our free speech is to shut him down.”

They are a special sort of stupid, they have reached an entirely new level of TOTAL MORON :uhoh3:
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and Free-For-All attitude.
Oh I beg to differ. When the violence spills over into the burbs, they radical liberals are going to find out that 7 out of 10 concerned US citizens(who have guns) aren't going to play with their spoiled little girl attitudes. Terrorists will be met with armed resistance, that is the only way to end "Terrorism" from the Fascists.

Stormtroopers or Brownshirts - Key Stage 3 - The Holocaust Explained
As the Nazis gained power through democratic means, the SA gained a reputation as a well-organised gang of violent thugs. This frightened and put many off Nazism, but others were attracted by the organisation and discipline of a uniformed group.

The reason the national socialists were able to take power was because the German people were unarmed....when the national socialist brownshirts stomped on a normal person....they had no recourse.......had the German people been armed, the national socialists would not have had the free reign they had, and odds are they could not have taken control of Germany by intimidating normal people and defeating their opponents....

Actually the Nazis were able to take power because of getting the support from the big corporations and aristocrats like Hindenburg and Papen, similar in that it is billionaire 'Globalists' and financial establishment here that funds and supports the current fake 'Left' here The Davos Set gets along great with Communists and dictators, Red China and similar regimes are their new Best Friends Forever, after all, and they are adamantly against anything that smacks of 'America First' policies or controlled immigration, so yes, they're very similar, but not for the reasons you think they are.
Priceless quote from one of the leftist rioters:
“The whole reason we’re here is for free speech...Milo’s hate speech is not allowed here. When it’s hate speech, our free speech is to shut him down.”

"Priceless quote from one of the leftist rioters:
“The whole reason we’re here is for free speech...Milo’s hate speech is not allowed here. When it’s hate speech, our free speech is to shut him down.”

They are a special sort of stupid, they have reached an entirely new level of TOTAL MORON :uhoh3:
Only $64,000 a year to send your kid to Berkeley to learn to be that stupid.
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO (Law Enforcement Organizations) will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.
Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.
Only in your silly head, Lucy. We have been dealing with militia types since the Republic of Texas goobers, McVeigh, the dodos at Bundyville (thank God no one got hurt), the Oregon ranger station, the cowboy dodos in eastern Nevada, and so forth.

So when you wrote "There has been NO violence from the Right,", you lied. Big time.

You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK.

"You fascists stay peaceful, and you will be OK."

You are the Fascists, you will not stay peaceful, as such you are not going to be okay, you are bringing it on and The Trump Administration will show you the brutal way that you cannot crap on society anymore.
You are lying again. You are uber nationalistic, uber nativistic, uber racialistic, anti-democracy, anti-free press. Yeah, you are fascists. If you try to hide behind the admin and act violent, that will be a bad ending for you.

The LEO will shit all over fascists on the Alt Right or the crazies on the far left if they bring it on.

What is this LEO?

Considering people on the Right have The Trump Administration, Law Enforcement and the Military on their team what on earth can anyone do about it? Nothing that's what.

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