Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Thread summary:

Trump thugs want free speech shut down, because it interferes with their fascist vision for the USA.

They're deflecting from that by pretending a few black bloc anarchists are "the left", and declaring that some broken windows are a national crisis. They think their fake hysteria will allow them to justify bringing in the brownshirts to attack anyone opposed to their fuerher.

A shame for them that nobody outside of their goosestepping cult is buying it.

Trump thugs, you miscalcluated. A populist fascist takeover requires that you be popular. You're not. You're a very unpopular minority. Your only hope is the use of government thugs. We'll keep the pressure on to make sure that doesn't work.

You are a complete idiot, STFU already and stop embarrassing yourself with your barely educated babbling horsecrap.

No Trump supporter has been rioting.
Oh, I dunno. Depends on an honest definition. Are they "protestors" or anarchists bent on destruction and violence? If the latter ...
It doesn't matter either way, protestor or Anarchist....once you cross the threshold from 'Peaceful Protestor' to 'Arsonist, Looter, attacker, destroyer of property, etc you should get Tazed / Bean Bagged / Water Hosed / Arrested, etc

No more of this crap, no matter what you want to call yourself.
Thread summary:

Trump thugs want free speech shut down, because it interferes with their fascist vision for the USA.

They're deflecting from that by pretending a few black bloc anarchists are "the left", and declaring that some broken windows are a national crisis. They think their fake hysteria will allow them to justify bringing in the brownshirts to attack anyone opposed to their fuerher.

A shame for them that nobody outside of their goosestepping cult is buying it.

Trump thugs, you miscalcluated. A populist fascist takeover requires that you be popular. You're not. You're a very unpopular minority. Your only hope is the use of government thugs. We'll keep the pressure on to make sure that doesn't work.
Let's see, a conservative speaker is shut down by leftists and the oatmeal between your ears interpreted that as Trump thugs wanting to shut down free speech?

Why go out of your way to prove you're retarded?
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and Free-For-All attitude.
Oh I beg to differ. When the violence spills over into the burbs, they radical liberals are going to find out that 7 out of 10 concerned US citizens(who have guns) aren't going to play with their spoiled little girl attitudes. Terrorists will be met with armed resistance, that is the only way to end "Terrorism" from the Fascists.

Stormtroopers or Brownshirts - Key Stage 3 - The Holocaust Explained
As the Nazis gained power through democratic means, the SA gained a reputation as a well-organised gang of violent thugs. This frightened and put many off Nazism, but others were attracted by the organisation and discipline of a uniformed group.
Thread summary:

Trump thugs want free speech shut down, because it interferes with their fascist vision for the USA.

They're deflecting from that by pretending a few black bloc anarchists are "the left", and declaring that some broken windows are a national crisis. They think their fake hysteria will allow them to justify bringing in the brownshirts to attack anyone opposed to their fuerher.

A shame for them that nobody outside of their goosestepping cult is buying it.

Trump thugs, you miscalcluated. A populist fascist takeover requires that you be popular. You're not. You're a very unpopular minority. Your only hope is the use of government thugs. We'll keep the pressure on to make sure that doesn't work.

Lying leftist puts blame on Trump supporters and people who wanted to hear and question Milo Yianopolous.....the democrat brown shirts show up, start breaking things and starting fires, and the moron blames Trump and Milo supporters.....

These kind of lies used to the old days a moron like this would make this allegation...which is a lie, and then the democrat controlled press would report the lie, the lie would be repeated every time the subject would come up, and academics would repeat it in their class rooms and hollywood democrats would put it in their t.v. shows and movies and spout off the lie at their award shows......

And the only way to combat it in the old days? There wasn't a way......the democrats controlled the media...

Today...we have the internet, talk radio and Fox news.....they can't lie about us anymore.....
Homophobic snowflakes...who knew?

Disgusting to stop someone from speaking just because they are gay.

Snowflakes = Nazis
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and Free-For-All attitude.
Oh I beg to differ. When the violence spills over into the burbs, they radical liberals are going to find out that 7 out of 10 concerned US citizens(who have guns) aren't going to play with their spoiled little girl attitudes. Terrorists will be met with armed resistance, that is the only way to end "Terrorism" from the Fascists.

Stormtroopers or Brownshirts - Key Stage 3 - The Holocaust Explained
As the Nazis gained power through democratic means, the SA gained a reputation as a well-organised gang of violent thugs. This frightened and put many off Nazism, but others were attracted by the organisation and discipline of a uniformed group.

The reason the national socialists were able to take power was because the German people were unarmed....when the national socialist brownshirts stomped on a normal person....they had no recourse.......had the German people been armed, the national socialists would not have had the free reign they had, and odds are they could not have taken control of Germany by intimidating normal people and defeating their opponents....
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and Free-For-All attitude.
Oh I beg to differ. When the violence spills over into the burbs, they radical liberals are going to find out that 7 out of 10 concerned US citizens(who have guns) aren't going to play with their spoiled little girl attitudes. Terrorists will be met with armed resistance, that is the only way to end "Terrorism" from the Fascists.

Stormtroopers or Brownshirts - Key Stage 3 - The Holocaust Explained
As the Nazis gained power through democratic means, the SA gained a reputation as a well-organised gang of violent thugs. This frightened and put many off Nazism, but others were attracted by the organisation and discipline of a uniformed group.

Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

This because the idea is not only to restore order and discipline at the immediate Hot Spots but to also prevent any of this sort of outrageous behaviour from spreading into other areas and turning those into new Hot Spots.
Sorry, but more evidence of why these kids need their Safe Spaces. They want to overthrow the government with their cardboard shields and rocks. This is the generation that is going to lead America?

I'm not making light of their alt-left intentions, but...sigh...I can't make this stuff up....whoever the Mastermind behind this cout d'etate is really needs to lay off of the Playstation and Magic The Gathering.

SOROS masterminded it no doubt. Did you see this video of it ? So much for that Love not Hate. Hypocrites at work. lol

Before discovering the work that the Berkeley free speech activists did under Savio in the 1960s, MILO inspired me to write a manifesto for college students who, in 2016, desired a similar return to form for American universities. Interestingly, a lot of the language in my manifesto echoed the sentiment offered by Savio over 50 years ago.

The Night Berkeley Betrayed The Free Speech Movement - Breitbart

What the heck! Horrible video! :eek:
These people look like robbers... :terror:
They have balaclavas and are armed but they call themselves democratic, peaceful and call others fascist.... really strange :eusa_think:
Sorry, but more evidence of why these kids need their Safe Spaces. They want to overthrow the government with their cardboard shields and rocks. This is the generation that is going to lead America?

I'm not making light of their alt-left intentions, but...sigh...I can't make this stuff up....whoever the Mastermind behind this cout d'etate is really needs to lay off of the Playstation and Magic The Gathering.

SOROS masterminded it no doubt. Did you see this video of it ? So much for that Love not Hate. Hypocrites at work. lol

Before discovering the work that the Berkeley free speech activists did under Savio in the 1960s, MILO inspired me to write a manifesto for college students who, in 2016, desired a similar return to form for American universities. Interestingly, a lot of the language in my manifesto echoed the sentiment offered by Savio over 50 years ago.

The Night Berkeley Betrayed The Free Speech Movement - Breitbart

What the heck! Horrible video! :eek:
These people look like robbers... :terror:
They have balaclavas and are armed but they call themselves democratic, peaceful and call others fascist.... really strange :eusa_think:

It is orwellian....
Now we know what the ultimate goal of snowflakes is...

"No borders! No nations! FUCK DEPORTATIONS!"

Seems like a very noble and achievable end game for the left....the destruction of America.

We always KNEW they are actually SAYING IT.
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?
Trump thugs

Good term

LEO is ready for them
Which is why President Trump and soon-to-be Attorney-General Jeff Sessions will go hardcore on the Leftist Maniac's buttocks and they will be made a public example of as a warning to others.

You Trump-thugs need to all get on the same page.

As it is, half of you are bragging about being tough authoritarian thugs, and half are pretending the other half isn't bragging about being authoritarian thugs.

That dilutes your message. Are you triumphant thugs or helpless victims? Trying to be both makes you look nonsensical.

And if you're going to use Reichstag Fire tactics, at least have a serious fire.

What, you thought nobody would point out you're using Hitler's playbook?
Trump thugs? while the radical leftists out in Berkley are the thugs. ROTFLMAO, you are more stupid than I thought.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
ying leftist puts blame on Trump supporters and people who wanted to hear and question Milo Yianopolous.....the democrat brown shirts show up, start breaking things and starting fires, and the moron blames Trump and Milo supporters.....

A fine use of the big lie, pretending that black bloc anarchists are democrats.

Your mentor Goebbels smiles up at you.
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
The Bundys and the militias are indeed far and alt right, so you are lying, LH.

And, yes, the militia are vigilante gangs, don't kid yourself. They have been rounded up. Finicum was killed for threatening LEO.

LEO must resist all such thuggery.

That you can only hold up The Bundy's as the sole example isn't a very strong argument Jake.

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