Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

He doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday to give it to him in the ass.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
Sounds like you are jealous that you cant be in Milo's harem?
That is a hit job. Here-
Milo Yiannopoulos' just-announced book hits No. 1 on Amazon — here's our Q&A with him

You are often associated with the alt-right, but you yourself say you don't identify yourself as sharing the movement's politics. What specifically turns you off to the movement?

Yiannopoulos: There are some fringe factions of the alt-right that have demonstrated genuinely racist, anti-Semitic, and prejudiced leanings. They clearly don't want a Jewish, homosexual, black-d--- supremacist as a spokesman. And I don't want to be associated with them, either. I like the free-speech stuff, the political-correctness stuff. And I believe in and love the populist, nationalist, antiglobalist rebellion happening all over the West.

He doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday to give it to him in the ass.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
So when they were burning effigies of Oblama hung by the neck in a tree you thought free speech was alive and well?

You demonstrate an in depth lack of knowledge here. YES it was alive and well, the entire point of it is that people can say and do things you may not like, but are not illegal. So yes, burning effigies of Obama were fine just as burning them of Bush were. Burning the flag is fine even though I might want to punch someone on the face for doing it. It has ALWAYS been odd to me that a Liberal that only tolerates what he agrees with thinks he is being tolerant.

That isn't a response to the statement made. And Milo isn't Alt-right.
It's an appropriate response to you who are Alt Right hiding behind pseudo-libertarian. Milo should have been allowed to speak, but the Alt Right opposes free speech. We see hundreds of times daily on this Board.
You use Alt-right to define everyone to the right of Mitt Romney, so your use of the term is meaningless.And your generalization without any backup is noted. Please call out the "alt-right" people who oppose free speech, and give details.Or better yet, please give me an example of where I oppose free speech.
You are not good with definitions, and insist on your own. That is anti-free speech when you insist, like protectionist, only your meanings count, as you do above . Alt Right is the alternative to American modern conservatism. The Alt Right is hyper nationalistic, nativistic, racialistic, pro-fascistic, and anti-democracy.
That is a hit job. Here-
Milo Yiannopoulos' just-announced book hits No. 1 on Amazon — here's our Q&A with him

You are often associated with the alt-right, but you yourself say you don't identify yourself as sharing the movement's politics. What specifically turns you off to the movement?

Yiannopoulos: There are some fringe factions of the alt-right that have demonstrated genuinely racist, anti-Semitic, and prejudiced leanings. They clearly don't want a Jewish, homosexual, black-d--- supremacist as a spokesman. And I don't want to be associated with them, either. I like the free-speech stuff, the political-correctness stuff. And I believe in and love the populist, nationalist, antiglobalist rebellion happening all over the West.

He doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday to give it to him in the ass.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
What he says is not what he does. Read him.
You demonstrate an in depth lack of knowledge here. YES it was alive and well, the entire point of it is that people can say and do things you may not like, but are not illegal. So yes, burning effigies of Obama were fine just as burning them of Bush were. Burning the flag is fine even though I might want to punch someone on the face for doing it. It has ALWAYS been odd to me that a Liberal that only tolerates what he agrees with thinks he is being tolerant.

That isn't a response to the statement made. And Milo isn't Alt-right.
It's an appropriate response to you who are Alt Right hiding behind pseudo-libertarian. Milo should have been allowed to speak, but the Alt Right opposes free speech. We see hundreds of times daily on this Board.
You use Alt-right to define everyone to the right of Mitt Romney, so your use of the term is meaningless.And your generalization without any backup is noted. Please call out the "alt-right" people who oppose free speech, and give details.Or better yet, please give me an example of where I oppose free speech.
You are not good with definitions, and insist on your own. That is anti-free speech when you insist, like protectionist, only your meanings count, as you do above . Alt Right is the alternative to American modern conservatism. The Alt Right is hyper nationalistic, nativistic, racialistic, pro-fascistic, and anti-democracy.
So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
For 8 years we have suffered under the most Lawless administration in US history, and during that time Liberals - like the anarchists at Berkley - have come to believe they are above the law, that they can do whatever they want without consequence.

Intolerant, racist, violent liberals have come to believe if anyone disagrees with them, if something happens they do not like they can automatically ignore the law, riot, loot, burn, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Trying to 'get the genie back in the bottle' after 8 years isn't going to be easy, and it is going to be PAINFUL...but it needs / has to happen.

The next time ANYONE (99.9% of the time being liberals) begins rioting, looting, burning, destroying property the police need to move QUICKLY...WITH FORCE.

Break out the shotguns with the beanbags, break out the rifles with the rubber bullets, break out the Tasers, break out the tear gas, the water hoses, and an ass-load of handcuffs and police vans to pile them into! ut the area on curfew immediately.

Some clown jumping up and down on the roof / hood of a car / police car - blow his ass off the car with a beanbag shotgun blast. Start Tazing the hell out of anyone running out of a store carrying anything stolen.


He doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday to give it to him in the ass.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics

You know NOTHING about Milo, you have NEVER met Milo and you probably never will meet Milo.

Milo is not Alt-Right he never was, but the MSM wanted him to be, Milo was uncovered as an Infiltrator many, many months ago, Milo does not speak for a Movement, Milo speaks for himself and is a self-publicist.
No, the left attempts to destroy and distort everything he says, because he has set fear into them, because he dare have a different point of view that might lose them more of their gay voting base, that other gays may here.
That is a hit job. Here-
Milo Yiannopoulos' just-announced book hits No. 1 on Amazon — here's our Q&A with him

You are often associated with the alt-right, but you yourself say you don't identify yourself as sharing the movement's politics. What specifically turns you off to the movement?

Yiannopoulos: There are some fringe factions of the alt-right that have demonstrated genuinely racist, anti-Semitic, and prejudiced leanings. They clearly don't want a Jewish, homosexual, black-d--- supremacist as a spokesman. And I don't want to be associated with them, either. I like the free-speech stuff, the political-correctness stuff. And I believe in and love the populist, nationalist, antiglobalist rebellion happening all over the West.

He doesn't like abortion because black babies could have grown up to someday to give it to him in the ass.

"Milo is the person who propelled the alt-right movement into the mainstream,”

Yiannopoulos, wearing a pearl bracelet, a huge diamond in his ear, and a necklace with a gold dog tag, nods in agreement. His nods shake his blond extensions. He likes to brag that he’s a bottom for tall black men and thathe used to hold a paint sample called Pharoahs Gold 5 to men at clubs to see if they were dark enough to have sex with. He wants to self-publish a Kindle e-book so he can go on television shows with the chyron “Author of Satisfying the Black Man Sexually,” though he’d need to alter the title slightly, because the book Satisfying the Black Man Sexually is already on his shelf. “That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says. He sees no room for white gay men in liberal parties anymore, because all white men, he says, are treated as enemies of multiculturalism. Plus, he says, being a gay Republican reinstates the illicitness that homosexuality has lost.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
What he says is not what he does. Read him.
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.
The speech was cancelled .. mission accomplished.

Yes but it's going to be sweet when the Leftist Maniac's mouths are silenced, they deserve their own medicine forced down their necks and they're going to get it and with a vengeance.

The difference between Free Speech and Subversive and Seditious Speech is a great difference.

It's not just the MSM that Mr. Bannon meant when he said to "shut your mouths"
Thread summary:

Trump thugs want free speech shut down, because it interferes with their fascist vision for the USA.

They're deflecting from that by pretending a few black bloc anarchists are "the left", and declaring that some broken windows are a national crisis. They think their fake hysteria will allow them to justify bringing in the brownshirts to attack anyone opposed to their fuerher.

A shame for them that nobody outside of their goosestepping cult is buying it.

Trump thugs, you miscalcluated. A populist fascist takeover requires that you be popular. You're not. You're a very unpopular minority. Your only hope is the use of government thugs. We'll keep the pressure on to make sure that doesn't work.
[So the Alt-Right shouldn't have a right to free speech?
Are you saying they should not be able to have free speech? That's stupid and unAmerican. Of course they should, and when they lie, they get called out.

LEO will take care of the Berkeley thugs, as they will any Alt Right thugs when they act out, like the Bundy twits.

Nobody from the Right is going to get violent, the Right supports law and order.

There has been NO violence from the Right, ALL the violence and chaos has been coming solely from the Leftist Maniacs.

What is going to happen is that the Right are going to support the utilisation of every tool in the book to give Law Enforcement Zero Tolerance to restore order and discipline.

You are not going to see people on the Right in vigilante gangs, roaming the streets, that goes against everything that the Right stand for, that is not law and order, that's also Mob Rule and a Free-For-All attitude.
How long can Dems continue to be in self destruct mode? How much longer are the patients going to be running the asylum? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is not helping the brand. this won't be on the front page, but the erosion of support for liberal and leftist causes is pronounced and permanent. We may not see the real results until,the next election, but the democrats are eating their young. Americans have never countenanced anarchy. They won't now.
have you watched any Vietnam protest documentaries?

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