LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!

It must be concerning for the children of the attendees. Elderly parents who will be morbidly obese and will also have underlying health issues. All crammed together in a sweat box with circulating air. Stay safe ya thick fuckers.

I sincerely wish the idiots start something. Those Okies are gonna bust their heads. This ain't Seattle.
Wow, democrats are SO SO SO concerned about covid now. What happened?

No sick people are allowed in. It is unlikely there will be even one covid case as result of the amazing rally.

Folks, time to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Unlike the riots, Trump rally contains heat monitors, sanitizers and other protections. The virus does not spread from asymptomatic carriers according to new information.

Democrats are fine with riots, but a legitimate presidential rally.... big problem. Antifa better not show up, it will not end well for them.
You can bet that democrats rounded up a few soldiers with covid and will send them into the trump crowd just praying that many die.
You can bet that democrats rounded up a few soldiers with covid and will send them into the trump crowd just praying that many die.

The Antifa types will be defeated by Americans before they even get near.

It's ok, all American want to be on board while anti-Americans are cast aside. It is going to be amazing!
It's a bootlicker festival. You should be in the front row, sucking down that Covid-19 from the people standing shoulder to shoulder with you.
Let the childish bullshit begin. Do you think the Trumptards will belive Covid19 is real after they get it?
Probably not. After all, it is just a Democratic hoax, or as the uneducated trump bootlickers say, a Democrat hoax.

But if they do end up in the hospital with it, of course it will be the Democrats doing that they got it.

There's no hope for these losers.
Six of Trump's rally team already test positive for Covid 19. Looks like the nut bags are willing to chance death just to see the great orange fool speak.
Go Trump! Woo hoo! Lock her up!

Can't wait for tonight's rally...

306 to 232! Go Trump!

I love how many lefties are already littering the thread with weak propaganda. Lefties hate this great rally.

Trump! Trump! Trump! Woo hoo, go Trump!
In less than two hours president Trump will be on.

The Trump campaign has been totally humiliated. They built up these huge expectations and it has blown up in his face. As one poster said, it is a sign of what is to come. I am sure Trump will spew out the same shit he aways does.

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