LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!


Pence already spoke!
To the contrary, 12 hour preparation period to get the beverages and pop corn ready is absolutely essential.

It is LIVE soon!

Waste of time. Lower than expected crowd. They cancelled the speech for the overflow crowd, because there was no overflow crowd, and the stadium is barely half full.

MSNBC and CNN aren't even carrying it.

Another Fox for freaks event.

But you enjoy that popcorn.
It is happening, it is happening!

And it begins with Trump acknowledging the sparse crowd and ends with Trump cancelling the outdoor rally, not exactly a rousing kickoff to his first rally in 5 months. I'm really pretty disappointed in what I have seen. At times, he almost sounds sane but then the lies and misinformation starts flowing and the Donald Trump we all know and love shows himself.
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It must be concerning for the children of the attendees. Elderly parents who will be morbidly obese and will also have underlying health issues. All crammed together in a sweat box with circulating air. Stay safe ya thick fuckers.

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Progs are the sickest people on the planet. There are more diseases and survival problems then Carter has liver pills. The only people worse are malnourished children in third world nations. And they have a legitimate excuse.
Leftists are absolutely furious Trump is speaking, the lies are as pathetic as ever.

30 K people are watching the stream I have linked alone. Best president ever.

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