LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!

The butt-hurt amongst liberals has far exceeded my expectations!

Thanks girls!

Totally agree! :laugh:

I enjoy watching them!!:muahaha:!!

I learned Trump told officials to stop testing we were finding too many people with Coronavirus, that leather shoes are slippery for old people on ramps, and that if you burn a flag Trump wants you in jail. Uh, nope.
I learned Trump told officials to stop testing we were finding too many people with Coronavirus, that leather shoes are slippery for old people on ramps, and that if you burn a flag Trump wants you in jail. Uh, nope.
Not just put you in jail for burning a flag, but put you in jail for a year, which is the mark of a felony, a crime for which your voting rights are taken away.
You would think after doing this for over three years, that Trumps advance men would check things like how the president would get on or off the stage without falling.
He's supposed to be a stable genius, so they may have overlooked it. :113:

Or his advance men want to end the Trump campaign early. He could do an FDR and campaign from a wheel chair with a broken hip from falling, and he can't get up.
The mods already warned about off-topic on second page. If there is trouble staying on topic you will be reported.

Further, the stupid leftist snark which adds nothing, take that to the underground.

Are you triggered because Trump shit the bed tonight. Race baiting, lies, attacking Democrats.

Trump was attacking Ilhan Omar. Her father died this week - from covid19. Trump talked about keeping families safe. There are 120,000 families who lost loved ones he failed to keep safe. Hundreds of doctors and nurses and EMT's who died because Trump sold their PPE's to China.

Then there's the deals Trump made to sell out farmers to the Chinese to get them to help with his election. Selling about American security offering to drop the spying suit against Hua Way. Scew the American workers, Trump has to get elected.

Tell us what you're going to do to fix this mess, Asshole.
And the cherry on top of this ice cream sundae, is that the police pepper sprayed Trump's audience as they left the arena!!!!!

Trump tried to set up a confrontation between the protestors and his rally goers, and the police pepper sprayed the wrong group!!!!!
I can tell if a Trump rally is a success by watching how many lefties try to marginalize it by posting their commie crap all over the thread. Trump's rally was a success before it even began, since the media was all about masks, crowd size, and social distancing. The lefties trying to marginalize a Trump rally on this thread just made it even sweeter.
I can tell if a Trump rally is a success by watching how many lefties try to marginalize it by posting their commie crap all over the thread. Trump's rally was a success before it even began, since the media was all about masks, crowd size, and social distancing. The lefties trying to marginalize a Trump rally on this thread just made it even sweeter.

Ssh, Bby. It's ok. :itsok:

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