LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!

Those who were arrested for looting were white kids from the suburbs, white supremacists and anarchists, trying to use the protests to start a racial war.

Completely false.

We have seen the videos / were there. Stick to Canadian politics.
There are a long list of topic to go through, obviously your brain can only handle one or at most two. The difference between a smart person and a loser.

Don't complain about the "OP" when you violated the rules when you started it.

Rules: Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.

What relevant material did you post?

Norman - It is happening, it is happening!
The mods already warned about off-topic on second page. If there is trouble staying on topic you will be reported.

Further, the stupid leftist snark which adds nothing, take that to the underground.
This Klan rally is lightly attended. I guess the fans on here are too afraid of the hoax virus to attend. Looks to me like both black guys in the stadium are behind Trump though. Nice touch.
We will have to save this post for when Biden holds a rally. Remember Citygator saying Trump had a lower than expected turnout. It's true. Rather than several thousand, he had possible 1-3 thousand? Okay Mr. Biden. Your turn.
The mods already warned about off-topic on second page. If there is trouble staying on topic you will be reported.

Further, the stupid leftist snark which adds nothing, take that to the underground.

I should report the OP and have them pull the whole thread. Your OP with no topic guidance is ripe for abuse.

You gave no limits to what's on topic, other than anything related to the Trump rally in Oklahoma. Which is a lot of shit. From AOC to burning the flag.
We will have to save this post for when Biden holds a rally. Remember Citygator saying Trump had a lower than expected turnout. It's true. Rather than several thousand, he had possible 1-3 thousand? Okay Mr. Biden. Your turn.

This is my first time watching a klown rally. Let me tell you, if this is the standard, I don't think Biden will do too bad.

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