LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!

It is happening, it is happening!

Yes it did happen.

Not quite as you and trump planned.

He wasn't even able to fill the venue much less have the 100 thousand he claimed would be there.

There were whole empty sections, sections with one or two people and the sections that did have people, there were empty seats. The floor wasn't even filled with a big empty section left because there wasn't enough people.

He canceled his pre really appearance because no one showed up.

Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 9.41.20 PM.png
I think they were free. Probably asked for a donation though.
Possible then....I saw reports on about it. But even if 500,000 were fakes, that leaves (if you believe the blob's campaign) 500,000 blobbers waiting to get in. That they couldn't get 20,000 into an arena out of the 500,000 is a less than 5% turn out.
Wow that was incredible! Best leader ever

Apparently not many showed up to see it. Whole sections were empty. Sections with one or two people. The floor wasn't even filled.

trump canceled his pre rally appearance because no one showed up.

I hope your internet connection to watch the rally worked for you.

How's the weather today in Moscow comrade?
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was leaving the rally. He came to hear about Trump's plans to revive the economy. Retired military - calm, quiet nature. Seemed like a decent guy. On his way out of the building police pepper sprayed him. He was OK, but he said the police should have kept out of it.
I was watching it live, they were shooting at BLM who were blocking the road.. many trump Fans were caught in the middle.. stop your fake news
Apparently not many showed up to see it. Whole sections were empty. Sections with one or two people. The floor wasn't even filled.

trump canceled his pre rally appearance because no one showed up.

I hope your internet connection to watch the rally worked for you.

How's the weather today in Moscow comrade?
Lol fake news
We need a gif of Trump throwing that glass of water. Priceless enough to make the haters cringe.

Trump throwing anything other than a hissy fit. He can't even picked up a glass of water, much less throw it.

Why hasn't Trump thrown out the first pitch at a baseball game? Every other President has done it. Trump WAS a baseball player in his youth. Why hasn't he thrown out the first pitch?
Trump throwing anything other than a hissy fit. He can't even picked up a glass of water, much less throw it.

Why hasn't Trump thrown out the first pitch at a baseball game? Every other President has done it. Trump WAS a baseball player in his youth. Why hasn't he thrown out the first pitch?
Didn’t he throw a football at the army navy game? Crowd went crazy!
Dang. I guess I missed it.

But I'm sure Trump spoke eloquently about our racial issues, demonstrating empathy and an honest understanding of the perspectives of blacks and other minorities in this country.

And I'm sure he addressed the white racism that still exists in America, demanding that side of the issue hold its own people accountable for their words and actions daily.

Hey, there's video! Can someone kindly tell me where in his "speech" he covered that stuff? It will be neat seeing him be the President for ALL Americans, not just his base.
Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) Tweeted:
This is what happened tonight. I’m dead serious when I say this. The teens of America have struck a savage blow against @realDonaldTrump. All across America teens ordered tickets to this event. The fools on the campaign bragged about a million tickets. lol. @ProjectLincoln.

If young people don't get out and vote, this is all for naught.

Our daughters and their friends can't wait. I hope that's true, and I hope it's indicative.

We have to get past this ugly moment, and they have to participate.
Dang. I guess I missed it.

But I'm sure Trump spoke eloquently about our racial issues, demonstrating empathy and an honest understanding of the perspectives of blacks and other minorities in this country.

And I'm sure he addressed the white racism that still exists in America, demanding that side of the issue hold its own people accountable for their words and actions daily.

Hey, there's video! Can someone kindly tell me where in his "speech" he covered that stuff? It will be neat seeing him be the President for ALL Americans, not just his base.

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