LIVE SOON! President TRUMP Rally!

The mods already warned about off-topic on second page. If there is trouble staying on topic you will be reported.

Further, the stupid leftist snark which adds nothing, take that to the underground.

Are you triggered because Trump shit the bed tonight. Race baiting, lies, attacking Democrats.

Trump was attacking Ilhan Omar. Her father died this week - from covid19. Trump talked about keeping families safe. There are 120,000 families who lost loved ones he failed to keep safe. Hundreds of doctors and nurses and EMT's who died because Trump sold their PPE's to China.

Then there's the deals Trump made to sell out farmers to the Chinese to get them to help with his election. Selling about American security offering to drop the spying suit against Hua Way. Scew the American workers, Trump has to get elected.

Tell us what you're going to do to fix this mess, Asshole.

President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 U.S. election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects

“He then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming U.S. presidential election, alluding to China’s economic capability to affect the ongoing campaigns, pleading with Xi to ensure he’d win,”
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Lots of empty seats. There are even more behind his blobness.

A packed Biden rally
And the cherry on top of this ice cream sundae, is that the police pepper sprayed Trump's audience as they left the arena!!!!!

Trump tried to set up a confrontation between the protestors and his rally goers, and the police pepper sprayed the wrong group!!!!!

MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was leaving the rally. He came to hear about Trump's plans to revive the economy. Retired military - calm, quiet nature. Seemed like a decent guy. On his way out of the building police pepper sprayed him. He was OK, but he said the police should have kept out of it.
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was leaving the rally. He came to hear about Trump's plans to revive the economy. Retired military - calm, quiet nature. Seemed like a decent guy. On his way out of the building police pepper sprayed him. He was OK, but he said the police should have kept out of it.
Thanks for the non story and informing us that you watch fake news MSDNC
It is happening, it is happening

So 9000 of the stupidest Americans showed up at TrumpO’s Rally and 991,000 teenagers and twenty-somethings all across America ordered Tulsa Trump Rally tickets online with no intention to go, and pulled off the greatest political hit against the orange idiot, and sat around watching the half filled arena and laughed and laughed and laughed all night. They are still laughing.

Are you?
So 9000 of the stupidest Americans showed up at TrumpO’s Rally and 991,000 teenagers and twenty-somethings all across America ordered Tulsa Trump Rally tickets online with no intention to go, and pulled off the greatest political hit against the orange idiot, and sat around watching the half filled arena and laughed and laughed and laughed all night. They are still laughing.

Are you?

Not sure about all of that but the hundreds of empty seats was, I'm sure, shocking to the blob. Whoever scheduled this will be fired quickly.
Not sure about all of that but the hundreds of empty seats was, I'm sure, shocking to the blob. Whoever scheduled this will be fired quickly.

Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) Tweeted:
This is what happened tonight. I’m dead serious when I say this. The teens of America have struck a savage blow against @realDonaldTrump. All across America teens ordered tickets to this event. The fools on the campaign bragged about a million tickets. lol. @ProjectLincoln.

Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) Tweeted:
This is what happened tonight. I’m dead serious when I say this. The teens of America have struck a savage blow against @realDonaldTrump. All across America teens ordered tickets to this event. The fools on the campaign bragged about a million tickets. lol. @ProjectLincoln.

How much did the tickets cost?

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